Ascension Thoughts Update

I have not written a general update for a while, so here goes...

I am continuing on from yesterday's theme of boredom/waiting phase.

Part of our daily struggle as Light Warriors on this Earth mission is the energy it takes to work undercover/fit into 3D life. We need to blend into our environment. If we wandered around in our Light bodies, people would freak out all over the place, hence our 'meat suits'.

Of course those 'meat suits' need a lot of maintenance. Many of us come from planets and dimensions where we don't do food/housework/gardening etc. Some Light Warriors enjoy these elements of the Earth mission. Others, like myself, do not. I find it very boring, to be honest. I long for replicators.

When few people were conscious, we had to work harder at fitting in. We had very little support and needed community, albeit 3D based. Now that so many people are conscious/aware, we Light Warriors don't have to be as concerned anymore about fitting in. We can afford to 'loosen up'. 

Those of us with decades of mission work behind us can finally hand over our baton to younger Light Warriors and relax a little. We are still 'working' of course - Light Warriors on Earth are 'working' 24/7. But we oldies can take the foot off the pedal and coast a little.

I am learning that filling in time during the waiting phase needs to be done with discrimination. During the desperate times of lockdowns and mandates, I socialised with any aware person I could find. I wasn't discerning - I was just very grateful for their company. And I am still grateful for those people. They were a welcome antidote to isolation; balm for my soul.

However, as time went on, I slipped away from many of those people as we all resumed (relatively) normal lives. It turned out that we didn't have as much in common as first appeared. It was a classic case of 'friends for a season'. No one is at fault when such friendships drift away. It is not conducive to either party to cling tightly to a connection that is naturally fading.

Nowadays, my social circle is small but very precious. It is a mixture of physical meetings, phone calls, emails and Skypes. My lovely soul tribe members are sprinkled around the country, and the world. The one thing they all have in common: they have been consistent and loyal, in a way that is awe-inspiring and humbling. 

Dolores Cannon said these tumultuous times would sort the chaff from the wheat. It has definitely transpired in my life, but it is fair to say the sorting did not come without its challenges.

I am blessed with two authentic communities - this blog, and AA meetings. I am noticing that people are stepping up bravely in both communities, claiming their right to BE authentic. And I love that both communities are steadily growing. At last night's AA meeting, 36% of the people there are conscious/awake. Ten years ago, it would have been me and one or two others.

Last night I had an interesting dream that sums up our mission work as Light Warriors on the Earth plane. I was in a house where all the people present were deeply asleep. I APPEARED to be asleep but I was lying there wide awake with my eyes closed. I was waiting for the rest of the people to wake up. I knew that it was my role to pretend to be asleep like them, even though I wasn't.

So, back to the intro, yes - there is a strong element of waiting involved in this vital mission to liberate humanity. There is no way to avoid the challenge of boredom when you are in a long-term war situation. I have mastered the art of creating little pockets of activity every day to keep myself occupied, but not so much that I get exhausted.

Finally, after blog readers were discussing the appearance of the moon in the comments, I closely inspected it last night. Wow. SO bright...! It was a golden color and very close to the brightness of the sun. I had an absurd moment where I thought I should go inside and get my sunglasses. It was actually too bright to look at with the naked eye. Interesting. Watch this space.

Thank you again, lovely blog readers. You are my inspiration every day. I love reading the comments, and I love the fact that this brilliant quirky fun bunch of people is scattered all over the world - not randomly, but strategically placed to spread as much Love and Light as possible. This blog hub draws us together for reassurance and comfort.

Well, my pot of green tea has gone cold, yet again. It is one of the pitfalls of going into the 'writing zone' - I forget the tea which happens most days.

Take care of yourself. 

Put on your own oxygen mask first before dealing with whatever unexpected scenario comes suddenly down the pike. You will ALWAYS know what to do if you pause and listen to your heart/intuition before taking action.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Bravo! Great post! Thanks 💗

    1. Thanks Possum...! You have become an anchor in this community - I really appreciate you.

  2. Heart warming post Sierra. Ditto! Love Annette

    1. How lovely to hear from you, Annette...! Hugs to you.

  3. Speaking of ascension stuff, I'm having foot pains that I'm pretty sure are ascension related. It comes and goes, and moves around my feet. I haven't seen any mention of it on the symptom list and kind of wondering if anyone else experiences this. I had a dream one night that I was walking down the sidewalk, and I was floating/gliding... kicking off with one foot like being on a skateboard, then floating on down the street. Hoping the foot pain is just that superpower coming online. (:

    1. Lisa, I love your theory about your foot pain being connected to your new super-power. It could easily be true. Why not...??? Anything is possible as we ascend out of our heavy carbon-based bodies.

  4. "There is no way to avoid the challenge of boredom" - I love this. I am feeling so lonely with this feeling. There is so much of "old" thoughts that try to push me into doing something while I clearly feel that there is no impulse for any action withn myself. Dealing with Patience seems to be the hardest. Not to loose faith. So glad you are naming this here.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Marion. I totally relate to the old thoughts trying to push you into doing something that 5D you clearly is not interested in doing anymore. Me too!
      And I struggle with patience on a daily basis. It is my nemesis. I accept that I may never win this battle...

  5. I love it when your authenticity is so beautifully expressed in your blogs. In taking some time away from computers I found my intuition getting stronger. I read only your blogs in the morning briefly and it was surprising to me how accurate what I was thinking and what you were writing was so in sync.

    My ascension symptoms include foot, leg and back of neck infrequent pains. Yesterday I was thinking how I felt like I was embodying more of my light body (floating feeling). Dreams are so intense when I actually can sleep. I dreamt of a neighbour that was so happy to see me in the astral and gave me a big hug and I don’t mingle with the neighbours. My heart chakra was emphasized in my dream so I think a big heart opening is happening for many. I get what you mean by certain activities feeling like a chore. I feel the same way right now and I also am pursuing creative activities to keep busy. Big hugs beautiful friend 🤗💕

    1. Thanks Indigo, I really appreciate your thoughtful feedback.
      Ascension symptoms are so random and strange. This morning, out of nowhere, I suddenly felt nauseous. There is absolutely no reason for it. Yes, dreams are almost more real than waking life these days - no veil left between dimensions.
      Big hugs to you, my lovely friend...!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Whenever the topic of old light workers and young light workers comes up, I feel like I should belong among the old ones. I don’t have a strong desire to put myself out there and be of service in an active sense. I feel like I did that thousands of times in past lives. I feel tired, and I know my light penetrating others’ auras is more effective at waking them up than trying to red pill them myself. I don’t want to work anymore even though I’m only 28 and have only been working for 8 years. I have a back injury that never fully healed so I have back pain quite frequently, and my shoulders ache frequently as well. I feel like an old lady that should be retired right now. I wish I could at least be a housewife; I’d much rather take care of my home than go to work. Sometimes I feel like I’m crazy for having these thoughts, so I’m curious what you think about it.

    1. Well, you are not crazy and many young and older people are feeling this way. The old hallucination system is breaking down and why we do not want to participate anymore. In the meantime the real world awaits.

    2. Anael, Possum is right. I think age in this last 3D earth lifetime is meaningless for Light Warriors. Three of the wisest souls I know are aged 23, 28 and 37 years old. Their level of wisdom and soul evolution are not related to their chronological age in any way. But it takes a fellow Light Warrior to know...

  8. The 'Ascension Thoughts' updates are my favourite updates! 😍

    1. Aidan, thank you for that delightful comment...!

  9. Great Update and loved the thought of the people freaking out seeing us in our light bodies

    1. Ar hie, sometimes it helps to remember who we truly are...!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, I love your cheery purple hearts.

  11. Just hanging loose and staying positive amongst the insanity we are seeing.. my older sister yesterday went on a rant on a text chat with me and my Biden loving siblings it was something she wouldn't have done even 3 months ago but she reached her limit and it was amazing and of course I supported my sis. My younger sister who is aeep and husband who is great but asleep too didn't respond. It's all good she was venting and perhaps this will jar them awake too. Migrants being flown in...NYC poses with African military age men ..they say trust the plan but I will make sure my hardware is ready just in case the plan changes 😉 it's all a movie right nothing is real anyway..😂😂😂

    1. Yep, Doug, it's all a movie. And we will look back on all this one day, incredulously...!!

  12. I agree your blog about your ascension process - moving from 3D to 5D is a breath of fresh air to read. I resonate with it so much, thank you. Love, Betsie

    1. Lovely to hear from you Betsie, thank you...!


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