[D]eep [S]tate Financial System Poised To Crash...?
Yay, it is the 1st of May here in New Zealand and Aussie.
Welcome to May flowers, courtesy of Q drops.
Hot off the press...Stephen just sent me this explosive X post. It seems that the financial markets have gone blood red. Apparently, it is a classic sign that something VERY BIG is about to break.
Remember the white horse covered in blood running through London streets? London is the [D]eep [S]tate financial hub. Is the DS global financial system about to implode..?? Announcement of the sudden death of King [C]harlie or [K]ate is all it would take to crash it. I have been saying it for a long time.
We are READY.
And please do not worry about your money in the bank, not for a nano-second. The Alliance QFS system (Quantum Financial System) is ready to go. Remember, it is part of the Divine Plan to liberate humanity. Everyone will experience incredible financial abundance, beyond their wildest dreams.
Meanwhile the pathetic MSM continues to cover-up for MIA royal [K]ate. One of the most photographed women on the planet has not been seen ALIVE since Christmas Day, over four months ago. Even 'sleepers' are skeptical about the park bench CGI video. Wake up, people...!
Speaking of MSM, this TIME interview with President Trump is also hot off the press. They did not put him on the cover of the issue - BUT they did include a cover pic of him in the article. Very interesting. Partial capitulation from the iconic [D]eep [S]tate mag.
Apparently President Trump is reported to have said: 'The article is about 60% accurate which is pretty good for these days...'
Thanks to Kat for this graphic about President Trump's promise to send ALL illegal migrants home. He makes it clear he will use military personnel to handle this mass deportation. Remember, based on Pascal Najabi's intel, this could happen as early as next month.

Real Raw News reported that General Smith of the White Hats has agreed to meet with Colonel Kurtz from the 'Red Hats'. Please use your discernment, as always.
One word for this short TRUTH video about the DS: Brilliant. It should be required viewing for everyone on the planet (1' 30" video).
Another brilliant little video. El Salvador President Nayib Bukele talked to his Executive Committee about his zero tolerance for corruption. This Light Warrior is one of my heroes. He is a shining Light in the rapidly emerging 5D Earth (2' 20" video).
Such wisdom. Absolutely true.

Finally, I resonate with this excerpt from the latest Ascension Lightworkers FB page (the italics are mine).
'...The ascending have recognised that not everyone may adapt to the new ascension energy on earth leading to increased 3D dysfunction, chaos, depression, and brain fog. In new Earth energy the high vibrational frequency will make it impossible for dark forces to continue to exist, allowing for a harmonious, loving reality on earth to eventually emerge...'
Light Warriors, this has been a very exciting day to write a post. I can feel SOMETHING BIG brewing as I write these words. Yes...! We are right on the cusp. Get prepared emotionally and mentally. By now you will be prepared on a practical level regarding cash, food, gas in vehicles etc.
Enjoy the anticipation. We have waited so long and worked so hard for this moment.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Yowza!!! This is great! Thanks Sierra π
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome, Possum. Lovely to have your support...!
DeleteYes ..certainly feels like we are reaching a paradigm shift in energies, disclosure, arrests, financial system imploding to make way for nesara! The Golden Age approaches is rapidly now! ❤️π―️πΏπ½️π¬
ReplyDeleteGreat comment, thanks Doug. We Light Warriors can now sit back, relax and enjoy the finale of this crazy movie...!
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline...! Love, Light and hugs to you.
DeleteG'day Sierra,
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your work.
Re the video: https://rumble.com/v4sgz46-this-should-be-on-and-in-every-news-media.....html
I disagree with the message being given.
My 'take' on it is:
This video expresses a false perception which totally misleads listeners. The speaker says that 'the bank owns the house that it pretends to loan you the money to buy unless you are fortunate enough to have the money to buy it outright'
That is a false statement. The truth is that EVERYONE gets a Cestui QueTrust account in the national Treasury at birth which is worth millions of USD (or equivalent) by adulthood when an individual may seek to buy a home. Banks don’t lend any money when pretending to provide a home loan, they merely type an amount into a customer’s account & pretend that the digital figure is a currency token equivalent to money, then they call it a loan and demand that the customer pay that mount of real money plus compound interest on it to the bank. That is fraud.
The bank then presents the paperwork (which isn't a contract because the bank doesn't SIGN it) to the national Treasury (which is ‘in on’ the fraud) and receives from it) the Treasury the full amount of the stated loan.
The bank then proceeds to demand (with menaces and full support from the government and its judicial and police organs) the full amount of its pretend loan amount from the so-called borrower (who is really the CREDITOR ) PLUS compound interest on the loan amount until the loan is paid. That is fraud and highway robbery. It is also EXTORTION by the banks aided and abetted by the government.
See more at: https://english.pravda.ru/opinion/126430-democracy_deception_deceit/
and: https://famguardian.org/Subjects/MoneyBanking/UCC/InvestigativeReportUCC.pdf.
As banks provide NOTHING in return for their clients’ promise to pay principal and interest, the so-called money (currency) banks purport to issue is not only “cashless”, it doesn’t exist. The quantity of coins issued by Treasuries is almost infinitesimal compared to the trillions of phantom dollars circulating in the ether as “money” and bonds and deri…
Videos like this one perpetuate the LIES that keep our whole world enslaved & impoverished.
The changes being organised by Universe Management will eliminate the governments & banks that have enslaved us for centuries and replace them with divine Millennial governance & the QFS.
As governments will resume creating & issuing the money & currency needed to facilitate trade & social intercourse, they will no longer levy unlawful income & other taxes.
Freedom from those taxes & extortion by banks will create prosperity & abundance for all.
Peace & Blessings,a
Hi Ron...Thanks for taking the time to give this information.
DeleteI present intel/articles/videos - it is up to each person to use their discernment and decide whether they resonate with it. The blog is only my opinion. Love and Light to you.
I still have a small amount of financial debt which has been a struggle to clear. Cost of living increases & the my landlord selling the property has been a lot to deal with. Praying for relief for us all soon. π
ReplyDeleteI feel for you, Aidan. Landlords are selling their properties in my town too, tossing out the tenants into a market with very few rentals. We need relief from this madness asap. Praying for you and others in your situation.
DeleteWe have reached a lot now where overt military action must happen no more we are close it's time for it to all come down no more Nov elections BS... they can't happen we need 2020 truth revealed, fake pandemic revealed, 911 revealed JFK murder revealed, staged school shootings, all of it if we are to ascend we must be set free first as a humanity and only the truth accomplishes that.
ReplyDeleteNCSWIC π¨ of Thor
The tsunami of TRUTH is now completely unstoppable, Doug. NCSWIC, indeed.
Delete"a point"
ReplyDeleteAwesome short vid...
ReplyDeleteFlight to GITMO: Where Swiss, NAZIS & Traitors, Zionist Jews, rogue Bankers, Pedo Criminals, Satanists, Top Freemasons get Executed- Pascal Najadi
Great share, thanks Possum. I look forward to watching it.