Further Job Losses In NZ MSM

High profile NZ television programs are getting the chop, from both the State funded and private broadcasters. The loss of these hugely popular TV programs is a big deal for a small country.

Check out the stat from this article. That is a staggering percentage loss of 'trust' within just 12 months. It means that less than 50% of NZ Herald readers trust them. That is their death knell, right there.

The latest AUT Trust in News report showed the NZ Herald’s ‘Trust Score’ slipped 6% over the last 12 months to 4.7 (out of 10), down from a high of 6.3 in 2020.

My friend Lance has reminded me that the media companies, along with most other NZ companies, were artificially supported over the Plandemic with massive government subsidies/funding. The MSM funding was purely to propagate the Plandemic fear porn narrative. And now the chickens have all come home to roost because the Plandemic FAILED.

Meanwhile, this is happening in Brazil...

This is a bizarre video. It (supposedly) shows [D]iddy with a small child on his lap (daughter..?) He is reading a list of names of associates who (supposedly) turned their backs on him over sex-trafficking/pedophile charges. The little girl calls out each name after him. What is the big silver statue thing...? Why is the music so loud...? Who is that poor little child..? Far more questions than answers, so please use your discernment (3' 25" video).

An interesting post from Clif High, please use your discernment, as always.

Here is your black humor clip for today (38" video)

This short clip is spot on regarding the Plandemic (50" video).

Great meme, sadly, connected to the previous video.

I am sure we have reached the critical point of number of people who are awake to the Plandemic BS. If the [D]eep [S]tate attempts to instigate another Plandemic-type scenario, it will FAIL. We The People are onto it.

Finally, today in New Zealand we are expecting a country-wide 'weather event/bomb/rain storm'. Remember when it was just called 'weather' and 'rain'...? I do. Sigh. The good old days, when there was gentle rain, usually overnight, and clear blue sunny skies the rest of the time. No chem-trails when I was a child.

So it is currently extremely windy and muggy and everyone is feeling physically uncomfortable. I have experienced two sudden dizzy spells out of nowhere that must be related to the extreme drop in atmospheric pressure. Not fun.

However, I remind myself that if this is all the DS has left in their arsenal...YAWN.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Possum, Love and Light to you from RAINY NZ. Yes, after many months the drought has broken at last. Yay!! No more watering the garden.

  2. Yes .. no c trails...just high flying jets ...blue skies...no haarp cloud patterns... news was probably somewhat real.. Olympics were great when the USSR was involved lol ..and no pros of course the lies were present it's just that life was seemingly more real if that makes sense.
    Not quite sure what has to happen now.. I think we are at critical mass of awakened too...
    Nesara EBS Arrests Documentaries it's time..

    1. Yes, Doug, life definitely felt more 'real' back in the old days. I agree. It seems that as the 3D matrix falls apart, it becomes more and more surreal and 'unrealistic'. It is based on fear, and the higher dimensions are based on Love and Light. Therefore it cannot continue.

  3. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thanks for your lovely purple hearts, Caroline. I so enjoy them! Love and Light to you.

  4. Did we really have an eclipse?? Saw a video a guy showed the supposed moon blocking the sun...then he panned over on video and there was the moon visible in the day light sun...lol..it appears we are being lied to by all... I didn't see any moon partially blocking the sun here..no dimming at all.. the video was quite interesting ..

    1. Yeah, I noticed this on another channel without seeing the moon somewhere else though. I am wondering if this discrepancy is showing us that people are on different frequencies.

    2. Yah ..I looked at the sun and no moon ever was there that I could see...

    3. I was wondering about that, because doesn't the moon have to be a new moon for there to be an eclipse? Maybe that's why we don't see it? If so, (and it was a new moon on the 8th), how could that moon that was shown in another part of the sky be a full moon?

    4. I was really chuckling about the video with the moon in another corner of the sky at the same time as the eclipse near the horizon, and want it to be true! But....that moon should have been dark, not full.

    5. Great conversation, Doug, Possum and Jim....! There are sooooo many unanswered questions re the Eclipse. We can only wait and see what unfolds...

  5. Ug .. chemtrails today so alliance is in control is hard for me to believe based on what I see..hmm

    1. Possum and Doug, I am also seeing the intel about the moon. Maybe that spoofy video showing President Trump's silhouette blocking the moon is not spoofy after all....!! Tee hee. The Alliance could be doing all sorts of fascinating things behind the scenes. We can only wait for the Big Reveal...

  6. What troubles me is here in the US we are again having to file illegal taxes.. I had assumed all wld go down stopping this from happening this yr... darn it


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