Movie: '[B]iden The Fake President'

Your daily reminder that you are watching a movie. The actor in the video wearing a mask is NOT Joe [B]iden, President of USA. Always remember that fact. He looks nothing like the original [B]iden who has been dead for years. Listen to what the actor says about President Trump, fully scripted of course (40" video).

Another reminder that you are watching a movie. [B]iden, who we are supposed to believe got 81 million votes, visited his hometown of Scranton. Those people in the 'audience' will be his staff. President Trump fills entire stadiums with tens of thousands of supporters. Wake up, people...!!

The scale of [D]eep [S]tate corruption is mind-blowing. Check out this X/Twitter post about NGOs in Mexico urging illegal migrants into USA to vote for [B]iden 'so we can stay open...'

Meanwhile President Trump spoke to the press after the first day of his sham trial in NYC. He is missing his son Barron's high school graduation because of the 'trial' (2' 30" video).

A reminder that the woman at the centre of the sham trial, Stormy Daniels, has denied MULTIPLE times that there was an affair. The sham trial is the most blatant example of election interference imaginable.

An unknown speaker explains why Iran and North Korea are despised in the West. It's all to do with the MSM/[D]eep [S]tate narrative (1' 30" video).

This off-world channeled message about the situation in Israel/Iran is very reassuring. 

I believe there are secret peace deals going on behind the scenes between nations. It is naive to think that the chaos we are witnessing is the complete picture. The Alliance is in full control. The Light has ALREADY WON on the continuum outside of time and space. We are witnessing the final mopping up operation as the [D]eep [S]tate minions fight on fruitlessly in the absence of their overlords who have been arrested and/or executed.

Thanks Maria, I absolutely love this meme (zoom in on his eye). For newer blog readers, Q+ is President Trump. It was always super exciting when Q+/President Trump posted a drop on the Q boards.

Movie, movie, movie. Yes, it is the loooooooooongest movie in the history of movie-making, yet it is a movie nevertheless.

Patience, patience, patience. Yes, we Light Warriors are running on empty when it comes to that worthy virtue, which just makes us even more heroic.

Last night I was chatting with a lovely Light Warrior friend. We agreed that our main challenge is boredom. Almost everything in 3D life has become mundane and boring. We decided that we need to create happy events to look forward to - because daily life just isn't cutting it anymore. Neither of us are unhappy. We are just...bored. Boredom is an inescapable fact of life for a soldier during war.

Hang in there, Light Warriors. We KNOW The Best Is Just Around The Corner.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. To help with the long boring wait problem watch 22 German women dance in a carnival club troupe. They will make you happy.
    "Victoria-Garde - Gardetanz bei Badisch-Pfälzische Fastnacht aus Frankenthal 2019"

    1. Listen to the new hit song sung by several Russian girls. And there is a dance troupe on a very beautiful stage. The talented Russian teens will entertain you.
      ""Зимний сон" - «Новогодний концерт 2024»"

    2. Thanks for sharing, Wayne. Dance is joyful...!

    3. Yeah, Wayne!!!! good 'vibe check'!!!!! got that phrase from someone I can't remember who posts great videos that can lift us right up!!! Maybe 'vibe check' originated with you!!!!

  2. In Trump's first year as president I remember seeing a pic looking down over a round table of world leaders and Trump arranged his computer cord in the shape of Q+. I was jumping up and down. 😁💗

    1. Possum, I remember that pic too. What a buzz...!!

  3. Good news from Finland: 👍

    1. Awesome news, thanks Omat...! I will share in tomorrow's post.

  4. If you zoom into Trump’s eye you will see little JFK saluting…so cool!

  5. I always thought I was being selfish or weak for needing something to look forward to to keep myself going. The commonly presented image of an enlightened person includes them being happy and peaceful any time, any place, under any circumstance because of their strong connection to their core and to Source. I feel like I’m weak for being unhappy sometimes, having a job that stresses me out so badly. It’s comforting to hear that I’m not the only person needing a carrot to keep me moving forward.

    1. Anael, for years I have kept a little list on my office wall: 'Things to look forward to...' It keeps me going through the 'blah' times. Human nature is such that we need to have fun exciting things to anticipate, as an antidote to the 3D grind. You are not alone...!

  6. Hi Sierra - Love reading your daily posts as you know. It helps with the boredom, well at least a few minutes of it. I have to echo your sentiment. I'm so bored I got myself a part time retirement gig 3 days a week. My wife & I just keep telling each other every AM, "We're 1 day closer. Onward & Upward" !

    1. Great to hear from you Phud...! Yes indeed, I get the need to stay occupied in retirement. I have my charity shop volunteering one afternoon a week. And I am SO grateful for this blog - it keeps me focused every day. Onward and upward...!

  7. Boredom seems like the wrong word... not sure I can explain well my thoughts... but... here goes! As our focus turns from the illusion we lose interest. I think I have read that numerous times on this blog. So... if you feel boredom, it's a clue your focus is behind not ahead. It's a gift to tell you... habits are hard to break! shut the door on it and move back into the present. Every morning I ask to be guided to what it is that I'm meant to see, feel, do... Boredom has never encroached on me. I am motivated, excited, full of anticipation... as you've heard more times than you can count... The Best Is Yet To Come... TBIYTC

    1. Lovely to hear from you Boo. Like you, it feels as if boredom isn't quite the right word. It is more a matter waiting. There you go. Now that is a good phrase to describe it. We Light Warriors are not sitting around doing nothing, but we are definitely waiting. It's good to share our experiences and insights regarding these different phases. Thanks!

    2. oh yes!!!!!! active waiting... I may have to use that... hahahahahahaha

  8. My 2 cents is the boredom is from losing interest in participating in the hallucination. The old goals or any new hallucination goals have no meaning anymore. The young people are very aware of this.

    1. I agree with you, Possum - it is definitely to do with losing interest in participating in 3D life. Before, we had to make an effort to 'fit in'. Now there are so many of us awake, we don't have to both so much anymore. Hmm, will use that quote in today's post. Thanks for the inspiration...!

  9. Hello Sierra Looks like we are all feeling the same so I guess its an energy shift and once through this I wonder what is comes next

    1. Lovely to hear from you Ar hie. It is actually comforting to know that other Light Warriors feel the same way we do. Comfort in numbers...! You are right - it is an energy shift. We all feel different after the Eclipse, and now await the next phase. The void space between phases is always challenging. I am about to write about it in today's post.

  10. Obi One Konobi short series was very cool...classic Dark vs Light story line...heros journey of course..when all seemed lost and Vader had defeated Obi ..he pictures Leia and others he loves and he escapes his tomb of rocks and faces Vader with his full power restored ..easily defeating him but sparing his life as he senses Anakin is still in there I assume ..6 episodes ..another character that is dark sees the light at the end.🕯️❤️

    1. Great summary of that classic story, Doug. Yes indeed, the heros journey - we Light Warriors can relate to it, very much so...


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