Barron Trump Going Into Politics

Surprising news. Barron Trump is taking his first steps into the political arena. Could this be the Trump card..? Future President, maybe...? The Alliance plan to liberate humanity involves time-travel through Project Looking Glass. President Trump reacts to the news (26" video).

This is clearly one of the fake Trumps in this pic. The face and mouth are wider,  and he is shorter, slimmer and much younger. Reminder: the REAL President Trump is safely tucked in the depths of Cheyenne Mountain, running the Alliance operation as our Commander-in-Chief.

While we are on the subject of body doubles/clones - Killary on the day she was arrested.

Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo has followed his brother Chris into the confessional box. This clip is nauseating. I am beginning to think the Alliance is forcing these creeps to confess publicly or be executed. Just my thoughts (1' 16" video).

Benjamin Fulford's latest newsletter is full of interesting intel.

Starship Earth's latest newsletter is also a great read, as always.

Kat re-posted these two posts about DUMB warfare (Deep Underground Military Bases). The Alliance military personnel who work in those tunnels, fighting 10 foot tall reptilians, bravely rescuing the children, are beyond heroic.

🇺🇸 Ariel @ Prolotario1 
💔 How a U.S. Soldier described D.U.M.B.S
“It is darkness like you’ve never seen.
All your fire support, air, armor, artillery, is useless.
A wrong turn leaves you utterly alone.
Going underground in dark tight spaces
can trigger feelings of helplessness in experienced troops..
‘Wait until you get in a D.U.M.B. & the power’s cut. That is scary.’”
@ QNewsOfficialTV

👆 This is where deep state monsters
traffic & cage children, women & animals
for torture, agony & death 😔

🇺🇸 Gene Decode
The children are traumatized beyond comprehension..
When you’ve been in the dark in a little tiny cage
in low light for a year or 2?

Light Warriors, some of us have known this information for many years. We have held the torch of Light and TRUTH high, despite the isolation and ridicule. Our mission is to ensure that humanity is fully liberated and NO ONE will ever suffer again at the hands of the [s]atanists.

We can't imagine how this information will be received by humanity. Most people think DUMB means stupid. It has been a long time since DUMB meant stupid for me. Once you know, you know.

Hang in there, friends. We signed on for this mission - yes we volunteered...! And we can be proud of our efforts. We will NEVER give up.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I'm with some normie family right now and the adherence to most mainstream narratives is astonishing. A lot of fox news watching (barf). I tried saying it was only about 10% truth with specific examples to no avail... Even when the truth is presented in undeniable fashion (soon) there is likely to be MASSIVE cognitive dissonance! There has to be a consciousness/awareness uptick also in the general population that coinsides with the announcements, otherwise a lot of peeps will just shut down/go in a shell/get delusional etc...

    1. CC, I sighed as I read your comment. You are so right. I cannot imagine how it will be when the SHTF. I think we Light Warriors just have to stay calm, be compassionate, and allow people to come to us. We certainly won't be running around looking for people to help, that's for sure.

  2. Replies
    1. You are very welcome, Betsie, thank you...!

  3. I actually often wonder how any of this could be allowed for this long? Children underground in cages how does anyone grow from learning this truth? How does anyone remain in the heart..forgiving the people or beings responsible? I can't. We are a prison planet this was allowed to go on far too long by supposed higher conscious beings. I see why many on sites I follow are actually white mad at the ETs for sitting on their ships observing all this for 1000s of years. I can understand.. this school turned into a prison camp in Poland during WW2 and few people realized it. We all thought we were free and people were mostly good and moral and just.
    I salute all the brave soldiers clearing the dumbs and teaching the children they can. It's beyond words this has been going on.
    Take no prisoners! 🔨

    1. Yes, Doug, I totally get the struggle to forgive the perpetrators of such horrifying evil. You are not alone in that respect. I have not allowed myself to even go there yet.
      The incredible bravery and love shown by those military personnel in the DUMBS is so humbling.

    2. This might be a controversial statement but when it comes to beings that have done the horrid things we have learned about I think forgiveness is over rated. We refuse to be doormats. These particular beings are being uncreated and I see many nasty faces being blasted out of the sun.

  4. Sierra are you witnessing this?
    Incredibly bright aurora graces the skies over New Zealand now due to the impact of the solar storm...

    1. I am all ready to watch it in one hour. Fortunately a local LW friend texted and reminded me...!

  5. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thanks so much Caroline, I always really appreciate your purple hearts.

  6. Hmmm… not Trump, not Barron, probably never was going to enter politics, not the Cuomo brothers, not Hillary, very questionable Fulford news, and somehow we retain some sanity. Or do we? I just started the year of Course in Miracles, which starts with how our thoughts are meaningless (false) and create a meaningless world. Is the movie helping us awaken to the much deeper truth? That everything is a movie that we create with our thoughts, generated from what we read and hear? Where does the movie (illusion) really start and stop? If we are to awaken to and live in the present moment, we experience that none of this is real. And that’s where our awakening journey is taking us. That makes the “movie’ more profound and brilliant than we have realized. It’s part of our ascension awakening to see how reality is a movie of our making, individually and collectively. Or so it now seems to me. 💛

    1. Awesome comment, Alice. Love it...! I will quote parts of it in today's post. Thank you.
      I absolutely resonate with your words. I have been questioning the movie/reality for weeks. I am now witnessing it manifest as an illusion, as it happens. That is when the so-called reality is busted.
      And yes, I will mention in today's post that it wasn't the real Barron. SO many doubles out there...

    2. That’s cool Sierra that you are realizing this as well. I’ve done the course before, but now I’m really getting it. As one of my teachers points out, everything is a perceived concept, and concepts aren’t real. Or as Don Miquel Ruiz tells us in the first (of 4) agreement, that words are symbols we use to create our realities, vs seeing the truth of what is really experienced without that symbolic “knowledge”.
      Maybe the intense solar activity is helping us (and others) to more easily recognize this higher truth now. Hugs my dear kindred sister 🤗💛

    3. Hugs back to you, Alice. I look forward to sharing your quote in today's post...!

    4. Thanks, happy to have something to contribute ;)


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