Further Capitulation From [D]eep [S]tate..?

'King' Charles handed over his role of Commander-in-Chief of the Army Corps to his son 'Prince' William during a ceremony. I just saw two actors playing a role in the photo in this article. I cannot NOT see actors playing roles now in the movie. This hand-over could be some form of capitulation from the [D]eep [S]tate. Word out there is William is a White Hat. I hope so. Dark to LIGHT...?

President Trump wore a gold tie in this meeting with reporters outside the court room. Love it when he breaks out the gold ties. More please (9 minute video).

That video is an opportunity to closely observe the Alliance plan in action. That is obviously not the real President Trump. It is an excellent body double/actor. We have become so used to these doubles - and they are so good at what they do - I doubt any of us would recognize the REAL President Trump anymore. 

Remember, this elaborate lengthy deception is for the benefit of humanity. The Alliance wanted to prevent mass hysteria if the full TRUTH was revealed prematurely. That phase of the plan is over. Full TRUTH is coming down the pike very soon. 

Perfect time to seque into a recent comment I made in response to a comment from blog reader Possum. I thought it had general merit, so here it is again...

'...I have no doubt whatsoever that the Alliance is in full control. Anything that appears otherwise is part of the optics. The Alliance has had decades to create and implement the Divinely-guided plan to liberate humanity. It happened quietly, behind the scenes. Meanwhile the DS has been blithely thinking, in their ego and stupidity, that they were in control all that time. It is the art of war, which President Trump was trained in from a teenager.

Plus all my research over the decades shows me that the Light has ALREADY won. We are running this movie for the sleepers to help them to wake up. But soon that opportunity will be removed because they have had plenty of time to see the TRUTH. If they haven't by now, they will have to be shocked awake by the solar flash/EBS etc etc...' (Sierra)

Please use your discernment around this pic. It is supposed to be JFK Not Jr attending President Trump's latest rally. Of course we Light Warriors WANT this to be JFK Not Jr, especially because he is wearing a green cap (green for go...??). Please use your considerable discernment, as always. For entertainment purposes only. Thanks to BP at Starship Earth for posting.

This pic is so damn cute...!

Light Warriors, what a time to be alive on Planet Earth. We need our heads on swivel mode 24/7 in order not to miss anything. Remember those days long ago when nothing much was happening...? Me neither. Thank goodness for a ton of action to keep us occupied in this last phase of the war.

Keep up the great work. Calm and positive wins the day.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Did you see the hideous blood red painting of Charles? Picture of Dorian Grey vibes or Night Gallery.

    1. Pat, that painting was revolting. I definitely won't be posting it. Apparently the butterfly symbolizes [s]atanism. Everything is being exposed now...

    2. "King Charles officially named Prince William Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps, which previously belonged to Prince Harry." HindustanTimes


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