Global News/Ascension Thoughts Update

This post is in two segments. Firstly, global news stories. Secondly, an Ascension Thoughts update.

Iran President Ebrahim Raisi is missing presumed dead after a helicopter crash. If confirmed, his death would be an important marker in the war to liberate humanity - we can only guess at the implications.

There are 50 Q drops mentioning Iran. If you have not been to the Q site, this is a good time to start.

Our prayers are with the people of the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande Do Sul where flooding decimated the region. We always knew the global situation would get worse before it got better. It is still very hard to witness.

The most shocking thing about this NZ news story is that it won't shock you. Every time I go to the supermarket, I am astounded at the rapidly escalating cost of everyday items. I stand there, holding items that have doubled in price in just two years. My heart goes out to the millions of people in this country who are struggling to feed their families.

On a lighter note, here is your smile for today. I confess, it took me a few seconds...!

Finally,  an Ascension Thoughts update which I haven't done for a while...

I am steadily continuing with my clothing cull, getting rid of items that don't do it for me despite high hopes when they were purchased. I am pleasantly surprised by how easily I let go of these items. It's a great sign of my level of detachment. I am happy to see them go to a good home where they will be appreciated.

I am feeling well physically. Ear ringing is more pronounced in my right ear these days, not sure why. I am sleeping through the night which is a huge blessing. The day still has not arrived when I leap out of bed full of joy at the prospect of another day on  Earth - but it does seem slightly easier. Food is...well, I am eating. Bring on replicators.

The biggest progress for me has been on an emotional level. In the last two days I have suddenly found powers of forgiveness I did not think I could achieve. The heartache of decades of misunderstanding just melted away in an instant and I felt genuine forgiveness. 

I can honestly see now that EVERYONE has done the best they can, given the very difficult conditions of 3D life. We have all been enslaved and mind-controlled for millennia. Unless the people were psychopaths or narcissists, there was no deliberate hurting - just me getting triggered.

The beautiful thing about this brand new power of forgiveness is that it is healing my entire ancestral line. After years of prayer, this wonderful breakthrough quietly tip-toed through the door when I least expected it. 

Don't give up, lovely Light Warriors. Never give up. Love always wins in the end. And if it hasn't won yet, it is not the end.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Silver went up to $32.50. Silver is the peoples money. Bix Weir explains how important silver is.

    Bix Weir: "The banks have to short silver to control the price of silver. They don't trade silver, they trade electronic derivatives. The losses for all of the banks will be in the trillions of dollars. Silver will destroy the banks but free humanity."

    1. Thanks Wayne. The moving value of silver has always been an important marker in the Alliance operation.

  2. Things are healing and progressing, which is encouraging. I'm sleeping better lately and dark pesterings are almost nil. However, I think we can all empathize with the old picture of the wagon driver and mule pulling the cart. The driver has a carrot tied to the end of a long stick and holds it out in front so the mule thinks he can eat it. It's incentive, but he never seems to get it. I'm ready for the string to break and attain the prize we've been teased/tempted with for eons!πŸ«πŸ›’πŸ₯•♥️

    1. Love your emojis, thanks CC...! A little humor goes a long way. Is that a shopping trolley...??
      Yes, indeed, break the string already and bring on the carrot feasting. We are ready...!!

    2. Yep, it's a shopping cartπŸ˜€. There was no horse cart emoji.

  3. Hello Sierra, as far as uk news it appears that many long term inquiries are now starting to see the light we just had the post office scandal and now the contaminated blood debacle has hit with government promising to do the right thing, still got a few more to come but seems the season of revelations over here,

    1. Great update, thanks Ar hie. Dark to Light finally. And we still have [K]ate's disappearance as the elephant in the room. The royal family is a powder keg right now.

  4. Hi Ae hie, Are you referring to the mini series "Mr Bates vs The Post Office?" Or is there another one? I watched the series and was fascinated and the actors did a bang-up job. I would love a link about the contaminated blood. Thanks

    1. yes, that is what got the sleepers looking and the powers that be had to react,

    2. Thanks Ar hie, I will check out that mini series...!

    3. I found it online and will start watching it tonight...

  5. Waiting for that EBS message πŸ˜‰
    Australia passed a digital ID law...optional they say...sure!
    Yes BofA and others have huge short positions for silver.. once they exit and go long it's going to fly. Imagine if the paper silver is removed like 380/1 380 X $30 wow we shall see. Truth is rising but I still think a hard sit down is needed many ignore it or are too programmed to really understand the big picture and their enslavement. I know this based on family members who seem oblivious still. ❤️πŸ•―️

    1. Many people are still oblivious, Doug. I am thinking how it will be for them when SHTF. I would prefer to have learned gradually even though it came with isolation and loneliness. Not any more. WWG1WGA.

  6. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks so much, Caroline, I appreciate your steady loyal support in this community.


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