...More On The Solar Flash/Event

I have re-posted this excerpt about the solar flash from Sophia's blog because it is so important, and I want to discuss it.

'...The solar storm and these worldwide displays stand as a marker. Several years ago, I was told that when the sky lit up the world over it would be a signal. It would mean that we had reached the end, or were right on the doorstep of the end. This was from my partner’s deep trance channeling group.

So, I reached out to them yesterday, for confirmation that these were the same lights they had mentioned back then.

I was told “yes”.

“So, what happens now?” I asked.

Here’s what they said:
Things would move rapidly and effect everyone now. The systems of commerce and money would be temporarily stopped. This, in order to set up the new systems. These are ready to go. If we prepare with extra supplies and we have alternatives to the dollar and our bank cards, we’ll be okay.

It shouldn’t be long. This has been planned for. There will be obvious changes in government structure. They didn’t say “the military is in control” precisely, but their descriptions of what things look like for a while sound like that is the case.

I didn’t take notes, so please take this as a summary of an hour-long conversation. It sounded like everything just stops. It is like a “pause”. It signifies that it’s over, and that is the thing to remember. We are free.

The thing is that some folks are unprepared. We may be asked to help. They cautioned here to help only when we are asked, or where it is seen that we are needed. Everything will change, and what you are needed for will depend on where you live or work.

I wanted, as always, a specific time. They didn’t give one, couldn’t give one. They only said “You’ve gotten the signal. What more are you looking for? This is a collaborative creation.”

So, I wanted to share. The lights this weekend came as a surprise for many of us. It felt like a gift. It was something to get excited about! It was only yesterday that it occurred to me these were possibly the “lights” that were referenced a few years ago. It looks like they were a gift in more ways than one!

That’s what I’ve been told. We are getting there everyone. I was also told to “buckle up”! So, hang in there. Thank you for your light...' (Sophia)

I have posted several times about a vivid dream I had years ago about the solar flash/Event. Here is a quick recap for new readers. In the dream I was standing on a city street. Suddenly there were thousands of black birds in the sky above me. I looked around and saw that everyone and everything around me was frozen in place. People standing near me were frozen in position like statues. Only I could move. Instantly I knew what had happened. It was the Event...! I was jubilant and yelled to the sky (although no sound came out)....'I know what this is...!!' I was euphoric.

I believe I experienced, in the dream, the same 'pause' referred to in Sophia's channeling. Everything on the planet could potentially stop in one instant. Then after a pause everything could be reset, exactly how you re-boot a computer. That is a potential blueprint for the Event - a sudden timeline leap from 3D to 5D.

However, anything is possible so please use your discernment.

Intel providers are talking about 'ten days of darkness'. I don't believe we will have ten days without power and internet. I believe the Alliance will accomplish the reset with minimal inconvenience to humanity. We need power. It is winter here in the Southern Hemisphere and not safe to be without power for ten days.

I think there may be military presence in every country, keeping people indoors while the Alliance plays the TRUTH videos on all devices. No one will escape from learning the TRUTH about what the dark forces did to humanity.

Speaking of TRUTH videos, here is a new Pascal Najadi video. I haven't had the chance to watch it yet (19 minute video).

A meme that says it all.

Finally, in the early hours this morning I dreamed that I met President Trump - the REAL one. He invited me to stay at Mar-a-Lago. I said that I will bring a friend, and would he have enough room for both of us...? We had a good laugh about that. He thanked me for my service to humanity. I woke up with a smile on my face.

Enjoy life, Light Warriors. Find a reason to laugh, or at least smile every day. It can be done, even if you just watch old TV comedies. Laughter lightens your life which ripples out to everyone around you.

On a more somber note, our prayers are with the people of Texas affected by the severe deadly storm, and the people of Noumea who are experiencing deadly riots. The world is in chaos. We Are With You.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thanks so much Caroline, I love your purple hearts...!

  2. Your dream was very real. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Possum, it was a few years ago and I cannot remember whether it was a dream or meditation. But I can clearly recall the extraordinary feeling when I realized what it was. Euphoria doesn't begin to describe it...!

  3. It'd be nice to meet trump in person though I know I haven't done nearly as much as some light workers. The thought of watching my mom and stepfather go crazy though would make it worthwhile lol.

    1. Scott, I think many of the people who think we are crazy would lose it if we took selfies with President Trump...! What a sweet moment that would be. Great to hear from you.

  4. Martin Brodel: "There is going to be three ascension times. They are trying to get as many people into the first ascension process as possible. They want us, those who ascend in the first group, to come back and help the next group to ascend into 5D. Then that group comes back and helps the last group ascend into 5D. This is all going to work out very well."


    1. Great information, thanks Wayne. That makes a lot of sense and aligns with the information that Dolores Cannon received about the three Ascension waves.


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