Staged US College 'Protests'

President Trump stated that the US college 'protesters' are paid agitators. He said the identical printed signs and tents are a big giveaway (27" video).

Check out the tents, people.

This video gives more details about the staged protests. It is the old familiar [D]eep [S]tate distraction playbook leading up to an election (2' 33" video, ignore the bad sub-titles).

One of the 'protesters' explains what will happen if he gets arrested. Note his brand-new clothing, hardly the attire of an impoverished student (17" video).

Check out these patriotic students protecting the USA flag. Goosebumps (57" video).

Change of subject...

Confirmation that the FBI set up President Trump before their raid on Mar-a-Lago. Who can forget those contrived photos with conspicuous document placement...?

A reminder that the Arizona GOP passed the 'Ban The Jab' resolution with 95.62% of the vote.

Healthcare workers in New Zealand STILL can't work unless they are jabbed due to on-going mandates. It is absolutely appalling, and has affected people I know personally.
I agree with this quote from BP at Starship Earth in her latest newsletter.

'...It seems obvious from the way the script is going that the White Hats have had all the data they need on the dark ones for a very long time. They chose to systematically feed it out in a measured way so the masses could digest it, bite by bite, morsel by morsel. The entire show now is an education process for the masses who weren't paying attention...' (BP Starship Earth)
Finally, I resonate with this excerpt from the Ascension Lightworkers latest FB post (italics are mine)...

'...The ascending individuals are adapting to the evolving energy of the New Earth. This energy is constantly shifting, requiring them to trust in the unknown and to find comfort in the uncertainty. Change is a constant feature of the new earth energy, ascending individuals are activating into continuous transformational growth...'

Phew - finding comfort in the uncertainty. I admit that this is one of my biggest challenges in this mission. I have experienced a huge amount of uncertainty in this lifetime - many initiations and life changes - but I have never managed to find COMFORT in the uncertainty. I will try to do it from now on, and let you know how I am progressing.

There is plenty brewing in the background, Light Warriors. We are on high alert. 

I made myself have a more restful day today because I could feel the build-up of adrenalin. It wasn't easy taking my foot off the pedal for a whole day. However it is now 1.24pm and I can say that I do feel more relaxed. Some gentle gardening this afternoon will help too.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I sure hope Pascal is right and this is the last month of the measured drip approach because I don't think the normies would even notice the tents but it's obvious all brand new too..clearly same color is by design. I think it's funny the campuses are being in added as they are full of the woke staff like the local college here that went full on Nazi demanding masks and vaxxes. A friend of ours is a professor and she resisted it all and her comments were flat disturbing how illegal their demands were to the teachers.
    Let the campuses fill up I support the Palestinians as Pascal said there any any real Jews's a religion not a race of people.
    Just. More lies from their bible that was edited to fit their agenda .
    Only a full stop and the movies fix this now. Many are ignoring the news and just living their own lives as best they can. ❤️🕯️

    1. Doug, that is what I am hearing too - many people ARE ignoring the news now. That is why the MSM is tanking so rapidly. They have lost all credibility. Yay...!

  2. I am so glad the word is out about the funder's of the fake protests. Thank you Sierra! 💗

    1. You are very welcome, Possum. Yes, it's great to see how quickly the TRUTH gets out there now. No one can say they weren't told - they don't have to look far these days.

  3. Anytime I start to get agitated about something I always get a loud and clear message to chill. I remain calm through many supposed obstacles for the most part. Today I could not get the hot water from the kitchen faucet to turn off and under the sink a long long time ago a plumber completely foamed over the shut off valves. Hours later a plumber fixed it. Cheers...

    1. Possum, I know what you mean. Lately when I am presented with a fresh challenge, I say a hearty F word, take a deep breath then figure out how to deal with it. I believe we Light Warriors are being tested/testing ourselves at the eleventh hour of the dying 3D illusion. I think we are handling it with great courage and forebearance...!

  4. Thankfully we have each other for support as we move ever closer to the full storm.. thank you all!


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