UK Govt Launches PREPARE Website

The UK government is telegraphing that something BIG is about to happen. Remember, the [D]eep [S]tate must inform us of their impending actions, based on the Universal law of free will. Watch this space.


Just one QTSR Telegram post today (23rd May)...

Go Don Junior. We Are With You. Arrest everyone on that client list.

Meanwhile here in New Zealand, we have the latest round of MSM [C]ovid fear porn. The 'experts' have become 'modellers' but the amount of BS has not changed. This 'modeller' urges everyone to get TWO shots - for [C]ovid and the flu. This is pure evil in the face of overwhelming evidence of widespread jab injuries and deaths. All involved in this genocide WILL face justice.

Check out this footage of an unmistakable eye in the sky just before the big Texan storm. Amazing (watch video at 1' 30").

Thanks to blog reader Jaci for this lovely meme. I was a big fan of Joan of Arc as a child.

All will be well. I hear those words frequently in my morning meditations. Despite current appearances to the contrary - all WILL be well.

We Light Warriors cannot deny there will be a short chaotic time ahead before we sail into smooth waters. The storm has to play out. What can one do during a storm except hang on tight and keep going. 

Keep on keeping on, one day at a time.

Ask for signs from our friends Upstairs. Recently I had a blah day (yucky weather). That morning I asked fervently for an unmistakable sign that I will see what I am praying for soon. That evening I realized that I HAD received an unmistakable sign, but I didn't realize it until later in the day. Ask and you will receive.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Great to see your purple hearts, Caroline. I look forward to meeting you in person one day...!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I saw that eye in the sky yesterday and today Mr MBB333 had a weird 3:30 am sky vid sent in by a woman saying the sky was breathing. You can actually see what she is talking about while watching her vid. There have been several vids of very distinct faces looking down at us in the last few years. Thanks again Sierra!

    1. Possum, maybe it's a series of SKY EVENTS designed to shock humanity out of its loooooong slumber. I have seen square clouds with sharp right angles, impossible to be natural. So much we don't know...

  4. Military is the only way! Do we all grab our guns and march in the streets? No we become the extremists we have been accused of by the satanists...not sure now what has to happen before the positive military officially takes over. In Idaho trying to keep treading water been a few years now since I expected this all to be over...per all the qhht videos I viewed..if our higher self can't be accurate what hope do I have 😂😂😂❤️🕯️

    1. Doug, our Higher Self lives outside the realm of time and space. It really doesn't get what we are going through down here....!!


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