[B]iden Family: 'Keep Running, Joe...!'

Well, well, no surprises here - the fake [B]iden crime family is urging Joe to KEEP running for President. All hell will break loose with the Dems. Watch this space.

I will leave it to President Bukele of El Salvador to summarize world leaders opinion of [B]iden after the 'debate' (16" video).

A succinct re-cap from my friend Stephen in an email response to me. 

'I think we are now about to see the dominoes start to fall. Chongqing is flooding (3 Gorges dam)… but we still have China invades Taiwan, Iran, North Korea, Israel, stock market, WW3, nuclear scare… ALL MUST go down while Bidan is still in ‘power’… so does that mean these have to happen before the DNC starts August 19? Seems like it...' (Stephen)

I would add President Trump's trial decision on 11th July to Stephen's list. Oh, and how about Tucker Carlson's interview with Julian Assange...??

Blog reader Randy sent this update about SCOTUS...

'...SCOTUS is supposed to deliver the verdict on the two election cases tomorrow. One is Sidney Powell case and the other is the Brunson brothers case.  Supposedly they have already reached a verdict on the cases. I think the White Hats have been holding up the outcome for last because they go on recess for the summer and they know they have ruled in favor of Sidney Powell and the Brunson brothers case already. Should be real exciting to start the month of July...' (Randy)

SO much to look forward to, Light Warriors. The Best Is Yet To Come.


One word: Unbelievable.

Thanks to Maria for these two lovely memes.

I love this one in particular.

Phew. Head on a swivel, friends.

Look at all the potential scenarios that could unfold within coming days/weeks...
Democrat party has a coup to oust [B]iden...President Trump put in jail and a potential assassination attempt...the TRUTH about [K]ate Middleton revealed...Deaths of Charlie and Kate announced...Tucker's sensational interview with Assange...(fake) nuclear event...real collapse of Three Gorges Dam revealing the horrors beneath.

Any ONE of those events would instantly crash the global financial system. Those events happening simultaneously would be seismic. Channeled messages I listened to years ago indicated that the Event will comprise a series of events happening simultaneously. It is certainly shaping up that way.

Stay calm. You were trained for this mission. There is no doubt that you have the ability to see it through with flying colors. TRUST your soul plan, Light Warriors. You are the bravest of the brave.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Martin Brodel: "I am going to leave these major decisions to the White Hats, Galactic Federation, and the Alliance. I am not going to worry about it. I am going to enjoy my life and learn as much as I can. I am going to do as much as I can to get this war over and done with, so we can live the way we were supposed to."


    1. Thanks Wayne. I totally agree with Martin. I don't worry, and I enjoy life. There is nothing to gain by worrying endlessly over the details of the Alliance operation when it is out of our control. TRUST the Divine Plan. Love and Light to you.

  2. Hello Sierra
    Happy 1st of july to you from the northern hemisphere🌦🌤🌞💙

    1. Thank you Torsten...! I think it will be 1st July for you there now too. Enjoy...!

  3. I've noticed that dark interference is about 3-5% what it used to be during night hours. I routinely got harassed/attacked and woke up every hour. Now get nice 4 hour chunks of sleep.😴🥳. I concur with your postulations above Sierra. A LOT of major global happenings will drop at once! Thanks for being the "Readers Digest" of physical and energetic happenings. You are greatly loved and appreciated! 🥰😎

    1. CC, I woke up this morning after 8.5 solid hours of sleep. It happened the night before too. Something is definitely changing. I am having crazy dreams....!! Are you...??

    2. Crazy and profound for sure! Last night was a very detailed escape from a Nazi stronghold. Had to act ridgid and speak German and everything! We must be VERY close! 🤯🤞🤩

    3. Awesome dream....! Well, your scenario IS what we are currently going through. Impressed with the German language, go you. Yes, indeed, very close. Bring it on....!!

  4. Love your posts, as the plot thickens we enjoy Gaia's glorious ascension and breathe, hopefully sleep well. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Siri, I appreciate your positive feedback. Love and Light to you.

  5. I have had a day where everything felt strange as if I was just dreaming that I was here. Of course, july and the beginning of the summers vacation always feels a bit unreal, but the world around me feels kind of surrealistic like everything I know is still here but somehow feels different like if it's a dream I'm dreaming.
    And yesterday when I looked at the watch and it was 4.30 pm but felt like it was only 10 am in the morning. I thought, where did all those hours go?

    1. Torsten, I completely relate to your sharing. I feel the same way. Life on this planet has felt surreal for the last few years but lately it has gone to a whole new level. Every day I experience what I have termed 'glitches in the matrix'. Sudden strange events, like weird stains and markings appearing out of nowhere, items just disappearing. It started off being very disconcerting and now it is so common, I am coming to expect it...! I will use this quote in today's post. So you are not going crazy, I promise....!


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