Black Swan Events Imminent

This is important intel from Alex Collier about a potential Black Swan event on 9th June. Please use your discernment, as always. Thanks to Anthony for the link (2 minute video).

There have been massive street protests in Japan over the jab. Let's see other countries follow suit.

The humiliation rituals continue for [D]eep [S]tate entities. Now it's the turn of Jennifer Lopez...

...And Chris Cuomo. Check out this debate where the crowd booed Cuomo over his shameful [I]vermectin turnaround. Q: 'Soon they won't be able to walk down the street...' (1' 07" video).

Thousands of Brits chanted for President Trump at a London rally. Watch to the end of the video - no hints (57" video).

Tucker Carlson has referred several times to a potential assassination attempt against President Trump. Remember, IF it happens - assassination or jail time - it is all part of the movie.

This, too, is all part of the plan. Stock up your popcorn supply and enjoy the show.

Love it. Go, Melania.

This image is going viral. Please pass it on.

Finally, this afternoon I am going for an estuary walk. It has just occurred to me why I am suddenly being drawn to this particular walk, in an area with so many great walks - the estuary is home to several big black swans. There are no coincidences.

The post began with black swans and ended with black swans. 

Methinks it is time to see some serious SHTF. I am sure you agree.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Bring it! I'm so ready for the slow, agonizing, monotony to end and the fireworks to begin!!! πŸ§¨πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†πŸΏπŸ˜Ž

    1. I am so ready too, CC. I am loving the developments. Bring it...!!

  2. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks so much Caroline - lovely to see your purple hearts, as always.

  3. πŸ’£πŸ’₯πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸš€

    1. Thanks Possum - awesome line-up of emojis. Love it!

    2. PS: Thanks for the heads-up about the Old World Order doco. It's brilliant. I am nearly finished watching it. Will post the link tomorrow.

  4. I'm so ready. Bring on the changes already! I agree with Tucker that anyone who supports and cheers this verdict is a danger to you and your family. I'm assuming we still all get out of here soon--the 3D Underworld? I still have to work a job into my old age and it's getting harder and harder. TY for your updates and encouragement, Sierra.

    1. Pat, I am so sorry you are still having to work into your old age, I know several people in your situation. We need to see the BIG changes asap so you can retire and rest. Hugs to you - and thank you for the lovely feedback.

  5. I stocked up on TP from Costco!!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ I think this marker has to mean action overt action has to happen we can just go along now and have an election in Nov as if all is "normal" we need to have that scare event any day now. ♥️πŸ•―️πŸŽ¬πŸ“½️

    1. Doug, I am so sure we won't be waiting until November. Good idea re TP. Me too...!

    2. πŸ‘πŸ‘ David Wilcock has a great utube swans coming .. yes stocked pretty well .. never really be ready but will get thru

    3. Doug, thanks for the heads up about the new David Wilcock video, I will search it out...

  6. Been lurking for awhile...always interested to read the different commentaries. As most of you know, it's best to keep the non-myopic 5000 foot view instead of the narrow 5 foot view!!! Something to keep an eye on is the developments with Ashton Forbes and disappearance and the teleportation technology used on Flight Malaysian Air 370X. This technology would render nuclear technology absolutely useless as a launched missile could be immediately teleported out of the path of travel to a totally different location. The revealing of this technology has also harshly discredited the naysayers and debunkers that have tried do co-opt and psy-op this technology away-- two such entities are Mick West of MetaBunk and Corridor Crew CGI Group. The dirty work these two entities have done is to absolutely demean and slander the surviving families of the MH370X incident. This directly falls under the "Pinkerton Rule" of interference.
    "The Pinkerton rule is a doctrine created by the judiciary to impose liability on a conspirator for all crimes or offenses that support a conspiracy. The law stipulates that a conspirator takes responsibility for an offense or crime even if the co-conspirators committed the crime and the defendant was not directly involved."
    Additionally, hear is Ashton Forbes YouTube Channel and one of his most recent videos:

    1. Hi there...Thanks for the heads up about Ashton Forbes. I have come across this information before. Will check out the video. Keep up with your comments - no need to lurk, we love to hear from you...!


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