Bye Bye [B]iden

Check out this cover image in a TIME magazine X post. 

The [D]eep [S]tate has effectively surrendered. 


TIME's new cover: Joe Biden's Debate Disaster

TIME is their flagship MSM publication. 

Text from the post: 'Things are dark. Democrats are panicking about Joe Biden's debate performance - and what will happen next...'

In fact the entire world MSM has condemned the Presidential debate. It is a joy to witness for weary Light Warriors. We have waited a VERY long time for this moment.

When CNN talking heads describe [B]iden's performance as 'painful' you know the end is here for The [B]iden Show (one minute video).

I watched the 'debate'. It was hilarious. Here are my impressions that I shared in an email with Coach Jerry straight afterwards...

'...I enjoyed the movie. I laughed and cheered at times...! 

President Trump was his usual unflappable self speaking seamlessly off the cuff. He used the word 'Horrible' many times, and I noticed by the end of the 'debate', Biden actor was using it too...!!

I think the Alliance set up the 'debate' deliberately to expose Biden. And it worked judging by the immediate scathing reviews about Biden from the MSM.

Q: "You cannot tell the people, you have to show them..."

Biden actor was definitely reading off an auto cue for big chunks of it. It was far too smooth. Even President Trump repeated himself a few times because he was speaking off the cuff.

I believe the Alliance was involved and it was a movie set with the CNN anchors playing their role. So there would be an auto cue for the Biden actor.

I think Biden was also listening to a wire in his ear. He needed all that because he was ACTING.

I was mostly fascinated by the mask around his forehead. It seemed to take forever to settle back into place after he raised his eye brows. I was mesmerized.

I think the dominoes will fall quickly now that the cat is out of the bag.

Finally, I think the 'debate' introduced a whole new global audience to President Trump, who rocked it. Go, Sir...! (Sierra)

Speaking of hilarious, here is President Trump's latest ad, hot off the press. Enjoy (1' 30" video).

This Q drop confirms my belief that the Biden actor was using a device during the 'debate'.

This Telegram post says it all.

Brilliant post, thanks Maria.

Okay, the 'debate' is now behind us. What's next...??

I am guessing we won't get much time to rest on our laurels. Each day brings new revelations thick and fast.

Stay calm. B...R...E...A...T...H...E. 

I had to laugh. It took me time to write BREATHE that way, with all the dots between the letters. I got to experience slowing down, the very thing I was trying to illustrate by doing it. I type super fast and have done since I was 16 years old when I learned the old-school method of typing. It has stood me in good stead in recent years.

Lovely balmy day here, most unusual for mid-winter. I intend to enjoy some rays outdoors later.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Hi Sierra I thought it was interesting that the moderator kept referring to trump as president trump not former or ex president trump. I tried pointing that out to my 3d parents to no avail nor did I watch the biden train wreck.

    1. Hi Scott, great to hear from you. Yes, I noticed it too. Your parents will find out the truth soon enough...! It's good that they watched it.

  2. Yes his forehead was great and 2 different ear lobes! The rambling I coherent statements were just what the doctor ordered for me to see the circus they have been following and supporting thel ast 3 plus years! Near death event up next I assume final chapter!
    Stay strong all! We got this! 🎬📽️

    1. Stay strong, Doug. You are doing a great job of keeping this community uplifted...! Love and Light.

    2. Thanks Sierra but you are the leader of this gang! Thanks for all you are doing it's my daily energy boost to read your latest update! Yes I have been impatient I think we all have but it's happening in divine timing and it's a big ship to turn isn't it but that debate was perfect! You can't tell them you must show them Q was sure right! 😉♥️🕯️

  3. Funny meme with the robot - (b)iden. It says a lot about how all the ds'ers really are...just robots without a soul. They have no future on Earth or any other place in the Universe. Their time is up. The world will be so beautiful without them.
    Love and light!💙🌤🍓🏖

    1. Great comment, thanks Torsten. 5D life will be beautiful, surrounded by loving souls. Love and Light to you...!

  4. I find it so interesting that we can see something off with Biden’s face and like Scott said referral to Trump as President yet others don’t notice anything. This I believe is a result of humans being “dumbed down” for eons that their critical thinking is turned off. I love that we have Q to give us clues and updates.

    I also hope all is well with Possum. 💕

    1. I love that we have Q too, Indigo. I have a white wooden letter Q on a shelf in my office to remind me of the amazing journey we Light Warriors have all been on...!

    2. Agreed Indigo..we see what seems so so obvious others among us can't see it!? I rem trying to show family and friends 911 truths and they simply couldn't fathom it wouldn't think critically nothing added up but they wouldn't look any further than msm for their facts 🤔

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, I so appreciate you and your cheery purple hearts, especially on this cold rainy day here in NZ.

  6. I have mixed reactions to the debate, especially the one that included RFK Jr. I’ve added the link if you didn’t see it. RFK did a far better job answering the questions and offering solutions than Trump. He talked to the voters as if he understood us. We know Trump could do the same, but he didn’t. It was all about the past, Joe and reacting to Joe. This continues to be a pattern, and doesn’t show Trump as the leader he can be. If I was on the fence and saw RFK jr debate, I’d want RFK. Is anyone else thinking the same thing? Or is Trump so sacred, this isn’t considered?


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