[D]eep [S]tate Capitulation Continues...

[D]eep [S]tate capitulation is coming thick and fast now. [F]auci's body double 'threw himself under the bus' in January during a Republican hearing. The transcripts have just been released ahead of fake [F]auci's public testimony tomorrow. 

Thanks to Coach Jerry for this MSM news article - more examples of [D]eep [S]tate capitulation. The huge [s]atanic rock concerts will end and be replaced with 5D events for humanity to enjoy.

This is a powerful little video - no hints. Our Commander-in-Chief was interviewed by Fox (22" video).

Dana White made a cool announcement about our Commander-in-Chief at the UFC event where President Trump was greeted like a hero (13" video).

Are you tired of winning yet...? But there's more...

Check out this awesome little clip from Sky News Australia. The TV anchor talked about President Trump now leading the Presidential race by 19% since the sham trial. 'Guess what...The Third World banana republic weaponizing of the justice system to try and jail your political opponent has BACKFIRED badly...' 35" video).

This is how illegal migrants are dealt with in Russia. There will be scenes like this all over the world soon (16" video).

This is the best summary of the [P]landemic you will hear, all in less than two minutes. Please help this excellent speech by cardiologist Aseem Malhotra go viral. He condemns the WHO in the strongest terms for injuring and murdering millions of people (1' 47" video).

Last night I was riveted by this new film documentary titled 'The Old World Order'. It presents superb research about life BEFORE the New World Order, when a race of highly advanced giants lived on Earth. They created the magnificent architecture that can still be found in most cities today. Highly recommended viewing, and do pass it on...(1 hour 30 minute video).

True. But it will be a beautiful Garden of Eden playground for humanity when we are finished.

Another warm sunny winter day here in New Zealand. I am extremely grateful for our long sunny autumn leading into winter. I am still watering my garden in June which is highly unusual. No complaints here, though...!

Enjoy the lead-in to the SHTF, Light Warriors. Allow time to appreciate and enjoy the outcome of your valiant tireless efforts of the last few years. 

This is OUR time. We earned it. Hugs to you all.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸŒŸ

    1. Thanks Caroline - you are my star in this community...!

  2. Thank you Sierra (and Possum) for the heads up to the Tartaria video. I've seen a few pictures before, but never such a comprehensive glimpse. I do wish they went into more detail about the Cabal's meddling in textbook companies and "rewriting history". I swam in the river today and there were some really beautiful blue & green metallic dragonflies. Saw a big hawk and it screeched a few times. Make sure to spend time outside if possible. TONS of great grounding opportunities and totem animal encounters lately! Much ♥️ y'all!

    1. Hi CC. Yes, thanks again to Possum for alerting us to the Tartaria video. Such a great watch. I will watch it again sometime.
      CC, hawks and eagles are my totem birds. The tiger is my totem animal. Every time I see a hawk in the sky, quite frequently near where I live, I say out loud: 'Hi, friend...'.
      Spending time outdoors is vital for grounding. I am walking bare foot on my lawn most mornings and will continue doing it over winter during frosts. It's invigorating...!
      Much Love and Light to you.

  3. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸ˜˜πŸ’—

    1. Thanks Possum...! Your dancing emojis reminds me that I need to get back into some dance sessions. It's part of my soul food. Hugs to you.

  4. I've been waiting for The Old World Order! Nice to see them all come together, strength in numbers.
    On that same note check out anthropologist Robert Sepher's vids: https://www.youtube.com/@818encino

    Shine on :^)

    1. Thanks for the link, Pip. The Tartaria doco is superb. We are taking back our history! Shine on, my friend.

  5. Hello Sierra, nigel farage just did a u-turn and is now running for parliament met Trump a few days ago wonder what has changed.... looks like we are getting ready

    1. I love Nigel! So good to hear and thank you Ar hie!

    2. Great news, Ar hie. Thank you. Enjoy your lovely weather over there - I Skyped my daughter in London last night...!

  6. This was sent to me today. Interesting about how (more) demons showing themselves and cryptids crawling out from underground showing on security cameras, etc. I believe CERN messed with the timelines and the shift that was supposed to happen in Dec. 2012.

    1. Thanks Pat, I look forward to checking it out.
      We were supposed to ascend in December 2012 but not enough people were ready. So a decision was made by the collective to hold off Ascension to allow more people to prepare. We are there now, but it took a tremendous toll on those of us who were ready at the time. Hugs to you.


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