Jab [G]enocide/Missing [K]ate

I am opening this post with a reminder of the heinous jab [g]enocide that was perpetrated on humanity by [s]atanic world leaders. We will NEVER forget (1' 30" video).

The [K]ate mystery deepens. This short video of her appearance raises more questions than answers. I thought that her appearance was CGI, as illustrated in this video, but I can't work out how they did it.

Fascinating connection. Thanks to blog reader Jaci.

The Alliance is liberating humanity from this hellish existence.

Thanks to Kat for reposting this Juan O'Savin post. It has a predictive feeling to it, 2.5 years later.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 8-12-21 Juan O Savin
I expect to see some kind of a Cuban Missile Crisis
that tests us Militarily besides the Economy,
to force the upper strata of Military command
to hand over control of the Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The Dept. of Energy has a designation
for people that handle the nuclear arsenal & beyond
that Security designation is a “Q-Clearance.”
That strata of the Military has to be challenged
from the cabal side
to open up Cheyenne Mountain
which was switched over to Space Command Control
You’re at war.
Routing these infiltrators, these puppets out by the roots
from throughout our system is what has to be done.
It is going to be complex. Huge. It’s been planned for.”

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 6-15-24 Q The Storm Rider
I told you long ago in 2020 _21
we were going to come into this EVENT
Juan o'Savin also warmed you all of the EVENT πŸ’₯

Finally, this Kerry K video will resonate with many Light Warriors. Most of us, understandably, are suffering from exhaustion (22 minute video).

It is Monday here in NZ, Sunday in the northern hemisphere. Mondays are usually a quiet intel day.

Stay strong, Light Warriors. Remember, you are holding the Light for humanity, most of whom are not even aware that the Light exists. They are too worn down by their lives on the hamster wheel to look up and see a glimmer of hope/Light. So we hold that Light FOR them.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks Caroline, so lovely to see your purple hearts. Hugs to you.

  2. 🀠Getty up!!! πŸ’—πŸš€

  3. Thanks Sierra be interesting what Ben Fulfords update is tmrw! We are reaching the end of the yellow brick road time for the curtain to be yanked back for all to see!! πŸ†•πŸŒŽπŸŒˆπŸ’΅πŸͺ™♥️πŸ•―️

    1. Great comment, thanks Doug. The Wizard of Oz analogy is spot on. Curtain yanking time is upon us...!

  4. Hi Sierra.
    I enjoyed the video from Kerry K about why lightworkers often get exausted. And what a wonderful body language she has!πŸŒ€πŸŸπŸ“πŸŒž

    1. I am so pleased you resonated with it, Torsten. Yes, she is very expressive, a wonderful spiritual teacher...!

  5. Thanks for keeping us appraised of all the goings on Sierra! Yesterday was my birthday, I took it easy and went out in nature for a swim in the river. Had a few beers and a big ole burger. I realize things like meat, cigarettes, booze, coffee, refined sugar, etc won't be around in the higher dimensions. This is like a farewell to habits and not so healthy things. Guess it's like the old song goes: 🎢"In heaven there ain't no beer, that's why we drink it here.".🎢Gotta let go of some old emotions that we can't bring along too! Much♥️!

    1. Happy Birthday, CC...! Good on you for enjoying a few 3D habits before we head into 5D. Yes indeedy, we won't be taking them with us. I gave up sugar about ten years ago, which was really hard - and I kicked ciggies and alcohol to touch 40 years ago. I eat fish and chicken, not red meat.
      I love dark choccie and English Breakfast tea. So when I come and visit, make sure you have a tea pot and a packet of tea...!!

    2. Ill keep the kettle ready for you and other teatime folks🀩

    3. Thanks CC. I know most USA people drink coffee - many don't even own kettles. Your consideration for your Kiwi visitor, and other Down Under visitors, is greatly appreciated....!!

  6. Very interesting video on Kate Middleton.

    I was discussing this with my friend last night. The children's faces are interesting in the photographs. They are not happy. They look frightened. And they seem to have no connection etheric, emotional or visual to the woman standing next to them. Which of course would be because she is not there!

    I cannot post photos on here but anyone can find them on search engines.

    1. Yes, that is what it looked like to me that she wasn't really there because of the way her children were being.

    2. Great sharing, thanks Pod. Yes, she didn't look real to me either, like a statue all stiff and weird. I would still love to know how they managed the CGI/hologram in front of crowds. I suppose there was just the carriage and balcony scene though, so it was possible. Thanks again...!

    3. The balcony is a very long way from the crowds who are kept at a distance. I bet a lot of people were watching footage on their phones.

      If people saw a dark haired woman they BELIEVED was Kate Middleton then they would see Kate Middleton!

      How did they manage the planes on 9/11

    4. Yes, Pod, I agree that most people would have been watching it on their phones.
      And you are right - 9/11 is an excellent comparison. Imagine how much more advanced technology is today. Thanks, will share this in today's post.

  7. Well Ben's update always seems a contradiction to me ... stating peace has been agreed upon then stating expect more events to occur and blue beam is operational yet peaces has been agreed upon? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
    Last week they surrendered!!
    No peace take them all out with prejudice let source decide is my verdict. It's a bit comical reading his updates for me now as his sources are the very ones causing the mayhem mi6 mossad...and the like so I don't put a lot of credibility in anything they tell him as the same narrative has been stated the last few years and no visible change..IMHO

    1. Here in Denmark the government are now giving us advice on how to manage three days without electricity or water. They advice us to have 3 litres of water pr day for each person - but they forgot advice on what to do if the toilet doesn't work for 3 days...πŸ€”

    2. Thanks Doug, we need to be open-minded about all intel these days - there is a lot of deliberate disinformation out there to throw the baddies off the scent. That's why detachment and discernment are our best friends right now.
      Torsten, I saw that news about your Govt advice. Good point about the toilets...!!

    3. Anyway, I don't think that such an emergency situation would actually take place here. It could be the alliance that is behind this as part of the scare event?

    4. That's how I feel too, Torsten. If martial law is brought in here in NZ, I would know that it is the Alliance behind it.


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