[K]ate Needs 'Long Rest' Now

I could write an entire post about the BS associated with this MSM news story.

So...we are expected to believe that [K]ate, who had not been seen in public for SIX months because she was receiving treatment for a mysterious cancer that took a full SIX months to treat which meant not one single public appearance in all that time, suddenly appeared out of nowhere, radiant and brimming with health and vitality at a public event...and now that ONE event took SO much out of this woman brimming with health and vitality that she will need to rest...what for ANOTHER SIX MONTHS....???


Please excuse me shouting with capital letters but you can understand my frustration. Frustration doesn't begin to express what we Light Warriors must endure at times. 

This morning I had a long overdue phone catch up with my friend Ged. He works out in the 3D world so is exposed to much more cognitive dissonance than I am. Apparently the latest thing for jabbed people is to BRAG about the number of times they have had [C]ovid. 'I've had it four times...' 'Oh, I've had it six times...!' Good grief....!!!

Sorry for all the exclamation marks too. They are a bit shouty, like capital letters. I don't rant on here very often but today is one of those days.

Here is a Light Warrior hero, my friends. Senator Josh Hawley GRILLED Boeing CEO Calhoun in Congress on Boeing's appalling safety record. It is a riveting watch. Recommended (7' 09" video).

When Josh Hawley asked Calhoun what he earned, he tried to deflect several times. In the end he said, 'It's a big number, sir...' Calhoun earned 32.8 million dollars this year, a 45% INCREASE on last year. These cowardly CEOs are pawns, put in place by the [D]eep [S]tate to take the fall. Their greed is their passport straight to hell.

The [D]eep [S]tate is running out of options so plane fear-porn is their latest weapon. Hardly a day goes by when there isn't a headline in NZ MSM about flight mishaps, including injuries from severe turbulence. What the...?? Only months ago, injuries from turbulence were extremely rare, virtually unheard of.

High security fencing has been installed around the Supreme Court. Watch this space.

Blog reader Randy had this to say about the fencing...

'...They're getting ready for the court cases to decide before their term ends in June 30. From what I get they are all election cases for 2020. One is the Brunson brothers case and Sidney Powell has a case to be heard...The Brunson brothers case in itself should remove the Biden administration and all of Congress...' (Randy)

The Democrats are calling for [B]iden to be replaced. It begins. Which clone/body double will they roll out...? Big Mike...?? Killary...??

This is a BIG deal. The MSM is now reporting on the Kansas law suit against Pfizer. Pfizer is going dooooown.

This little video from Australia is utterly chilling. It is unfathomable that this actually took place in a supposedly civilized free country, right on my own doorstep. Aussies and Kiwis are family. Watch to the end. No hints (2' 33" video).

Phew. There is a LOT going on.

In the last few days I have been speculating with Light Warrior friends which event will happen first (I believe they could happen all at once)...Announcement of Charlie's death...[B]iden replaced...President Trump's (fake) imprisonment/assassination attempt...Russia fires up its Cuba-based military power to impersonate WW3. Any one of those events would crash the world financial system in a nano-second.

Hang in there, Light Warriors. Remember to B...R...E...A...T...H...E. I had a brief moment of overwhelm this morning, just for a few minutes. I recovered quickly and got back into my routine. This afternoon I will mow my lawn which is good grounding.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your cheery purple hearts, Caroline. I appreciate them, and you.

  2. I hear you about the frustration and waiting for the "other shoe to drop". Life here on Gaia is an excruciating slog at times....🙄. We must hold our determination and resolve. I know it's ridiculous, and laughably absurd at this point. Keep shining Star Peeps, we soooo close to home!☺️❤️

  3. Good updates. I didn't know about the Supreme Court cases deadline for June 30. We're getting alot of plane mishaps and small plane crashes here too. Kate looked very stiff, but we really didn't see much of her. Some good camera cgi work.

    1. Thanks Pat. I have been closely examining the pics of Kate at the ceremony. You can see how they could do the CGI, if you are looking for it. There are signs.

  4. Just to lighten things up a bit ~ This toddler is going places...
    Determined highland dancer who falls over gets straight back up and carries on

    1. Oh, that sounds like fun, Possum. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to it...!

    2. She is SO cute, Possum. What a wee sweetie...!

  5. Hello Sierra.
    We had two lockdowns here. During the first one I was too afraid to not wear a mask when shopping- but I didn't cover my nose - mostly. When the second lockdown began I was in a local grocery shop and had put the mask on because it was scary seeing people wearing masks again, but then I saw a man walking around without one and there was a woman too without a mask so I took the mask off, put it in my bag and from that day on I didn't wear mask in shops again during the whole lockdown. I thank myself that I had the courage to do so. I can say to people (and myself): I didn't wear a mask, I didn't get the jab, I didn't have the tests. - I guess that I was lucky to be without a job so no one could force me.
    I still have the mask in my bag and will never forget. I can show it to the sleepers and say, do you remember those days? and they will try to change the subject...
    Love and light to you😇🏖

    1. Torsten, like you I didn't wear a mask, didn't get the jab, didn't have any tests. I too was fortunate not to have to worry about my job, I was just cleaning at the time and in the building on my own. I felt deeply for my friends and family members who were forced into situations due to having children to support. It was heinous. We will never forget.

    2. During the second lockdown I began reading your blog, so though there weren't any one in my sorroundings (except for my lovely wife and a few others) who would ever believe that covid was a scam, I found help and support from you each day...Love and light!

    3. I am so pleased, Torsten. Love and Light to you...!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The deleted post here was a double post. I haven't found out why my phone does this. but it's irritating....

    2. Don't worry about the duplicate comments, Torsten. It has happened to other blog readers. It seems quite random. If they don't delete the repeat comment, I am happy to do it.

    3. CC, your comment was behind the scenes but for some reason has not appeared on the page. I have copy and pasted it here...don't know what happened...!!

      I hear you about the frustration and waiting for the "other shoe to drop". Life here on Gaia is an excruciating slog at times....🙄. We must hold our determination and resolve. I know it's ridiculous, and laughably absurd at this point. Keep shining Star Peeps, we soooo close to home!☺️❤️

    4. Keep shining, CC. We are holding the line....!

  7. Sierra Good Day
    Muitos vezes creio que sou um tipo raro de pregador, aquele que prega no deserto da aridez humana. Quantas vezes repeti,para os surpresos e olhares incrédulos, as mesmíssimas coisas sobre as vaxx e todos os demais indícios. Vivemos uma realidade diluída, em imagens(fragmentadas como um puzzle) da nossa retina, presentes em filmes , e histórias das ruas ,becos e vielas e é preciso estar atento para vê-la, vive-la ou ouvi-la. Nas largas e portentosas avenidas ,onde desfilam as elites, não iremos encontrá-las. Essas estão pavimentadas com a estupidez e ganância humana, fascinados e presos em gaiolas de ouro-dos-tolos, entorpecidos por drogas das mais variadas matizes e gostos, em presentes caros e no glamour da mídia, dos jogos e seduções; e esses creem que eles são as únicas criaturas ,nós, os outros não passamos de adubo para fertilizar os seus campos.
    Mas,como pregador continuo pregando,mesmo ao vento, e quem sabe o eco aponte para alguma direção... ou talvez como o semeador que vai arremessando as suas sementes, sem pensar que serão desperdiçadas , pelo contrário imagina que alguma delas brote e teremos apontado a direção à seguir ...
    Mas continuo acreditando... pois a força e a fé que me movem são muito maiores que todas as forças adversas!
    SC Brasil

    1. Hi JAT, lovely to hear from you. I have translated your comment...

      I often believe that I am a rare type of preacher, one who preaches in the desert of human aridity. How many times have I repeated, to those surprised and incredulous, the same things about vaxx and all the other signs. We live in a diluted reality, in images (fragmented like a puzzle) on our retina, present in films, and stories from the streets, alleys and alleys and we need to be attentive to see, experience or hear it. In the wide and portentous avenues, where the elites parade, we will not find them. These are paved with human stupidity and greed, fascinated and trapped in cages of fool's gold, numbed by drugs of the most varied shades and tastes, in expensive gifts and in the glamor of the media, games and seductions; and they believe that they are the only creatures, we, the others, are nothing more than fertilizer to fertilize their fields.
      But, as a preacher I continue preaching, even in the wind, and who knows the echo will point in some direction... or perhaps like the sower who throws his seeds, without thinking that they will be wasted, on the contrary imagine that some of them will sprout and we will have pointed out the direction to follow...
      But I continue to believe... because the strength and faith that move me are much greater than all adverse forces!

      Beautiful comment, JAT. It reads like poetry. Yes, above all we Light Warriors have our strength and faith. How does the saying go...? Faith can move mountains. Love and Light to you.

  8. As another announcement, they could throw in the Pope's death for good measure - just clean house publicly!

    1. Indeed, Paula. I wonder if that weird incident where [B]iden smooched up to the Pope's face is some kind of sign...?? Watch this space...!

  9. Sierra -Hey just a reminder. Laughter chases the frustration straight away. 'Things' have gotten so very ridiculous and so very obvious that all I can do is LMFAO. I laugh at the normies, the news, the internet, even some of posts I read on Telegram posted by known alliance monikers.
    Laugh with me as we cross the finish line

    1. Phud, you are a breath of fresh air. I laughed at your comment, so your magic is already working...! Yes, I hear you. Stephen and I are having a hilarious time analyzing the pics of Kate's appearance. We are teasing each other that we are suffering from Kate Derangement Syndrome...! It's a fun distraction. Love and Light to you.

  10. The insanity of bragging about how many times the spike proteins are making you sick is proof a certain % won't awaken.
    The testing was actually implanting people especially the nasal stick.. if you think you are sick take your temperature!!!
    When or how did adults lose all sense of logic? In all the prior years if sick you could take your temp and confirm yes my body is fighting something...stay home rest fluids etc..peolle.lost their ability to think at all it was something else. I loved going shopping never wore a mask and to see all the scared adults drinking the Kool aid showed me how easily these programmed souls could be manipulated to believe in 911 staged school shootings staged moon landings staged shuttle disasters..on and on..almost too easy. Aluminum jets magically slipping into steel and concrete bldgs no body questioning if you did you were a "truther" which is ironic because isn't that what we need truth??
    We need sthf the absurdity of it all has reached new lows..
    Supposedly per Judy Byingtons info RV has started for top tiers not the informed citizens..we shall see ..debt freedom is key for elevating vibration galactics have to know this.. let's get this movie over with now! 🎬📽️ roll the credits

    1. Yes, Doug, it is the lack of common sense I struggled with all through the lockdown BS. I could not understand that people who had NO symptoms tested themselves for an illness. Towards the end, if they said they were testing for [C]ovid, I would say 'It's just the flu...'

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Is the Brunson case still before scotus ?? Can't find anything confirming the election fraud as it was denied .. anyone have info?

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I read this may overturn the election and all...but there doesn't appear to be any case before the court that I can find .. where is the truth?


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