Yorkshire Lass: Excellent Intel Summary

This excellent intel summary from Yorkshire Lass on Telegram is highly recommended. Pass it on.

Thanks to Stephen for forwarding it to me.

'Yesterday’s 4 year (Q) Delta says…
Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?

Daily Fail reported yesterday that a Major fault line off West Coast could trigger catastrophic 9-magnitude earthquake and it's due to go off ANY MINUTE.

Back In April Ryan Garcia made a prediction saying there will be a catastrophic Earthquake that will be hitting Los Angeles and Las Vegas in June.

2 days ago Nigel Farage posted on X ‘Something remarkable may happen on election day. We are on the verge of shifting the tectonic plates of politics’.

Then we have all of the ‘Right Wing’ Anti-Immigration parties flooding the European elections with massive wins and now WEF puppet MPs and PMs stepping down because the whole globalist agenda is collapsing all around them. All the Cabal owned global political parties are plummeting in the polls because the people are waking up in the masses.

Russian warships have now arrived in Cuba near the United States border.

US civil defence news posted this on X yesterday….US ON FULL ALERT!! The Hunt is on!! US Navy P8 Poseidon 'Sub hunter' is flying over the coast of Florida in search of rogue Russian submarine!!

The Russian Navy nuclear Submarine Kazan is 66 miles away from Florida coast, equipped with 4500-km Kalibr-M missiles, off the coast of Cuba!! New Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Hunt for Red October.

On the 31st of May and this was a HUGE comm to us - Melania Trump posted on X a picture of her dressed in Military Green standing next to President Trump in the Oval Office with ‘Retribution is coming’ at the top of the photo and the time stamp was 9:11am when she posted it.

The word ‘Retribution’ has been flying around recently from different people like the other day on CNN former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said he and other bureaucrats are concerned about Trump’s “retribution”, and they might have to flee the country to avoid being detained. Also Trump has suggested he will jail former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in retribution for being prosecuted by Biden’s DOJ. In an interview last week Dr Phil was trying to get President Trump not to seek retribution.

And today’s 6 year (Q) DELTA - FF weather alert (WW).
Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.

Then on top of that we have had so many 34 comms flying out from different people and Trump has just been charged on 34 BS felons. Drop 34 mentions that they will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System and pre-lifting certain laws for Military to take over.

They know what’s coming for them and they cannot stop it.' 
(Yorkshire Lass)

Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light


  1. 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
    ROSE RAMBLES - Breaking News: Trump Sending Deep State Elites to GITMO – Secret Military Movements in Major U.S. Cities!
    Thanks Stephen! I love Yorkshire Lass from when I was on telegram. 💗

    1. Awesome intel, thanks Possum. I will use this tomorrow. SO much going on...!!
      I will pass on your comment to Stephen. Hugs to you.

  2. I find it difficult to believe that Mother Gaia and the Galactic Federation would allow a 9.0 earthquake to hit the west coast. I’ve been hearing about this fear mongering my whole life since I’ve lived here since I was 4 years old. I’ve read many times from divine sources that Mother Gaia does everything she can to release her trapped negativity as slowly as she can to reduce the severity of her natural disasters. I suppose though if this area is due for some kind of karmic payback then the earthquake might be that bad, if it even happens at all.

    1. Agreed this only lowers vibration and election day? No no no election end this satanic madness now

    2. Anael, I have also read many times over the years that Gaia is releasing her trapped energy with earthquakes in less populated areas. And the DS does not have the resource to create a huge event of that scale. Trust your instincts....! Love and Light to you, my friend.

  3. Hello AnaelTheRoseAngel.
    I believe rhat if there's going to be an earthquake it will only be a symbolic one happening in people's minds and hearts as they begin to see and hear more about things that have been hidden and kept secret to us.
    I think the people on Earth have suffered enough and that the Alliance think so too.
    IMO if something bad should happen, it would only happen to the deep state from now on!♥️🏖

    1. I sure hope so, I don’t want my family to be hurt by a huge earthquake.

    2. I couldn't see why such a thing should happen just because someone writes it on the inernet.
      Just because he says it doesn't mean he knows anything about what he's talking about.
      Love to you🐟♥️🌝

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anael, I agree with Torsten. I don't believe the Alliance would bring us this far then allow a massive life-threatening event. Like Torsten, I believe it is the DS who will leave the Earth, not us. Q said: 'You and your families will be safe...'
      Hold your vision for a peaceful safe happy future Anael, and that is your reality. So Be It. Big hug.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline. Love, Light and hugs to you, my lovely friend.


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