Ascension Thoughts Update

I totally resonate with this latest Alexander Quinn message...

'We are going through the most INCREDIBLE upgrade this week. Ascension symptoms are extreme. Also bear in mind that any unresolved fears will be processed as anxiety and the mind racing which could lead to over load this week. My Arcturian guide told me that where many of us are now compared to where we will land by January will look like a decade of change let alone a few months...' (Alexander Quinn)

I have just had the most bizarre 24 hours. I got badly triggered over an issue that I thought was resolved long ago, i.e. getting anxious over ordering items online. 

Yesterday I got myself into a complete pickle ordering new dancing shoes. It's a stressful business anyway, getting the size, style, fabric right. Suddenly the situation escalated into a mess where I needed to cancel multiple shoe orders...and my stress levels sky-rocketed.

It has been years since I felt that anxious. It has been a shocking 'alien' type experience. I was chatting with a Light Warrior soul sister just now - and incredibly, she is experiencing the exact same stress over exactly the same kind of issue. As she said, we are being sooooo tested right now.

Apart from this short sharp glitch in the matrix, I am my usual calm happy self.

On a more positive note, I have decided to stop waiting around for 5D to come to me. I am stepping out to meet it half way. 

I have always loved playing golf and modern jive dancing. They are my joyful 5D activities. I have let both slip in recent years due to low energy because of Ascension 'symptoms'. My golf clubs have been languishing in a cupboard and my dancing shoes were, literally, gathering dust in my wardrobe.

I had a big epiphany after my golf game this week - I need to get back into these two 5D activities. So I ordered new golf shoes and new dancing shoes online. The golf shoes were a breeze - a great NZ company. The dancing shoes....? Not so much. It's a huge impersonal overseas company and communication has been fraught.

However....I have survived. And I am looking forward to my refresher golf lesson with a pro in two weeks. A friend and I are sharing a session. It will be fun.

I wonder if the dancing shoes debacle is a test for how I will handle sudden unexpected events that are coming down the pike...? As I write these words, an email has come through confirming the dispatch of my new golf shoes. Funny.

Light Warriors, what is my message here...? 

Hang on. 

Whatever crazy bizarre stressful thing you are currently going through, just hang on - you WILL survive.

I need to remind myself that we Light Warriors are the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong. Sometimes it seems overwhelming, the information we know while those around us don't have a clue. It could be said that ignorance has its advantages. 

However, I would NOT want to be them when they are shaken violently from their slumber by the income TRUTH tsunami. I would not want to be them for anything.

Sending you lots of love and a big hug, lovely blog readers. 

We are a global soul family. 

We are in this together - and we will have those victory parties, I promise...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. A heavy round of testing and emotional upheaval is definitely under way! My tests are mostly concerning being around Earth family and feeling unappreciated/unloved/unseen... Its tough being patient waiting to meet our real families/tribes. Just gotta be grateful for things like food, clothing, shelter when so many on this planet lack basic necessities. Thanks Sierra for your insights, empathy, and a friendly place for Lightworkers/Warriors to meet.♥️😎

    1. Thank you CC. Your comment is encouraging and uplifting. My day ended well, thankfully. However it was food for thought about the residues of emotional trauma that are rising from the depths to be faced.
      Like you, my emotional trigger has always been around being unappreciated and unseen. I was ignored by my parents as a child so it is a deep-seated wound. Even something as simple as an online company ignoring my messages, so that I feel powerless, can trigger it. I have made peace with the fact that today's trauma needed to rise and be healed.
      And yes, CC, like you I spend a lot of time every day being grateful. There are so many people quite close to me who don't have what I have, eg robust health, my own home, money, loving family etc etc. I know that I am very blessed compared to many.
      Love and Light to you, my friend.

  2. Thank you Sierra. Sending cosmic waves of strength and love to you. Annette

    1. Thank you, Annette. I am sending you a big hug and much Love and Light....!

  3. I think we can't help to feel impatient I have read all about how nesara is coming...EBS is coming...etc etc and now as literally years have passed and yes it all looks close now I have to remind myself it seemed close then too. Hell I thought solar flash wld be here long before 2024 after reading law of one it said around 2012 so I assumed before 2020 for sure so did Allison Coe as she had 2018 per a qhht pt is we can't take anymore dates and excuses send the wave plz Source!! πŸ˜‰❤️
    Excellent David Wilcock video last Sunday...he has shocked me a bit he doesn't think michelle O is big Mike...I do ..and in 1 video he didn't seem to think Sandy hook was fake..I know it was per all the strange facts like the school being closed πŸ˜‰ but I still value his Intel.
    Stay strong!

    1. Doug, I am very surprised about David not knowing about Big Mike, and Sandy Hook. However, as you say he still has enormous value for his research which he shares so freely with us all. He certainly helped me a great deal many years ago.

    2. I agree it really took me back had to replay what he said! This is exactly what the satanists do invert it all right in our faces a man portraying a woman as our 1st lady. Plenty of evidence and Obama kept slipping calling her Michael!
      And SH all staged why no local police allowed onsite all State Police so so odd but yes still great ascension Intel still troubling as these are all basics truths

  4. Just read about the bankruptcy of the jiangxi bank of china with a swarm of protestors demanding for their money - Looks like the financial system crash is just beginning in China.

    1. Thanks JN, good sharing. I will post this link. We are underway...! I seem to recall somewhere that the financial crash would go from East to West.

  5. On the personal front, upon some reflection today, what is frustrating for me is that the karmic loop is just too slow in the 3D world, thus causing irresponsible people & unsound systems to get away easily with their unethical or irresponsible acts. I cannot recall how many times I have to clear the mess left behind by previous workers at the workplace. The warranty period for many services & products are often too short for critical problems to surface, resulting in consumers having to pay high prices for low quality products or services without realizing it.

    1. Yes, JN, I know exactly what you mean. As I have watched this situation develop in recent years - shoddy products etc - I see it as a sign that the 3D paradigm is crumbling. Nothing is robust and solid anymore like when I was a child. It's all rubbishy and replaceable.
      It's a GOOD thing that the 3D paradigm is crumbling, but the process can be hard to witness and experience.

  6. Right now my job is triggering me severely. Monday was crazy busy, and I couldn’t keep up with the items I needed to prep (I work with food). I was scolded by my manager for not having enough things prepped for the current hour, and another manager had to step in and help me catch up. I had a really terrible day yesterday too because of my exhaustion and anxiety. I pushed myself too hard to be fast, which caused me to get dizzy and lightheaded, and I was crying while doing my work. Is it enough to feel these feelings in order to heal them or do I need to do more than that? I just want to heal so I can be stronger and calmer.

    1. Oh Anael, I completely identify with what happened to you. That was what I experienced yesterday when I got overwhelmed with the online situation. I got anxious, felt dizzy and so tired. It was the most horrible feeling while it lasted. I couldn't believe I was experiencing it after years of not feeling that way. I think we just breathe through it, and just try to survive at present. Talking to other 5D people does help - and you have shared it here. We don't need to feel those feelings deeply, just allow them to pass through. They do pass...! And remember your managers are most likely 3D so it's a vibrational mismatch. You are doing your very best. Big hug for you, we are here for you Anael.

  7. Hello Anael
    When I get stressed, which happens more often than I like, I know that I just have to take a nap, not falling completely asleep, just going into the state where my brain relaxes and dreaming begins and afterwads to do as little as possible for awhile, for example sitting and doing nothing for an hour, until I begin to feel myself again. Of course I can't do it while I'm busy working, but the evening after dinner is a good time for that. Or the afternoon as soon as I'm at home again from the busy 3d world with all its distractions and noise. If it works, I usually feel more strong and happy the next day..
    Love and lightπŸ˜‡

    1. Good advice, Torsten. The tiredness is a big issue right now for Light Warriors. It's the one thing we are all talking about. These intense energies can be challenging. Napping works.

  8. Anxiety/excitementπŸ‘
    We are the ones we've been waiting forπŸ‘

    1. Yes, Caroline, the highs and lows of Ascension. Lovely to hear from you...!

  9. Yes Caroline we save ourselves so of speak as we awaken and raise our clever it all is!

  10. Love your comments and experiences, Sierra. Thanks! This coming Sunday, July 14 I have dear friends visiting me....some who are really aware of all this.....we love to get together and it's not very often that we can. I have about 20 blueberry bushes and they come every year to pick them. And we talk about all that's going on. We said wouldn't it be amazing if this event happened while they were here visiting me. That would just be THE BEST!!!! I haven't been triggered lately but in the past two months we had neighbors who let their dogs bark all the time - had to get animal control to fine them. It triggered every survival and fight and flight response that I have. Because as a lightworker, I only want PEACE!!! FORE!!!! I love golf, too. Betsie

    1. Hi Betsie, so lovely to hear from you.
      Yes, I was triggered for the eight months my previous loud obnoxious neighbors were in residence. Like you, I need peace. Those people were the epitomy of loud booming noise and shocking arrogance from dawn to dusk, to the point where me and the neighbor on the other side ended up with PTSD. Yes, it triggered every survival and fight and flight response I had too. I completely identify with what you went through. I kept asking the Universe, 'Why is this happening to me..?' I prayed, and the other neighbor and I persevered with contacting the property managers. In the end, the noisy arrogant neighbors left on their own volition. The energy was a mismatch. And my new neighbor is a family friend...! I prayed for a miracle and it happened. Hugs to you.

    2. Thank you! YES, I keep asking "Why is this happening to me" Prayed - called in all the higher ups I could think of. I did remember you going through all that with your neighbor and I heard of other lightworkers having problems, too. I wondered what the meaning was and I'm still trying to figure it out. They have tried to move, but the house hasn't sold, PRAY THAT IS DOES. And enjoy your new dancing shoes! Lovely that you do that. Hugs to you, too.


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