Calm Before The Storm

Check out this Fox news segment - not ONE SINGLE [B]iden supporter was willing to be interviewed about his continued Presidency bid (27" video).

There is excellent information in this post about the fate of original [D]eep [S]taters. Please use your discernment, as always. I have been closely following GITMO intel for years so I believe it is credible. Thanks for posting, Mr Ed.

Let's scoot out and examine the bigger picture - thanks Kat.

#ThePlanToSaveTheWorld is not just for THIS time
but goes far into the future;

& QTeam [& the DS] have used Looking Glass, Remote Viewers
& Quantum Tech/Consciousness to SEE into Future Timelines.

However, Gene Decode reported that because
DS Remote Viewers are shot πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ΉπŸ”†πŸΈ

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Gene Decode
This battle is not just for the U.S. or even Earth
it’s for the entire Galaxy
the Human Race EVERYWHERE..
When I say Operation Looking Glass?
The Alliance have had that.
THEIR remote viewers are shot.
They CAN'T SEE the future anymore.

And that is all I have today, friends. 

NZ Mondays are always very quiet for intel because it is the weekend in the northern hemisphere.

There is also a sense of the calm before the storm. You know, like just before a tsunami when all the water gets sucked out of the bay before the big one strikes... It feels like that kind of energy.

It's a lovely day here and I am heading off to play golf with a friend. It's my first game in many years so I am choosing to have low expectations of my performance. Instead I will focus on enjoying the stunning environment - the golf course is situated on a cliff top overlooking the sea.

Enjoy this peaceful respite, Light Warriors. Methinks it won't last long.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Huge news! The light quotient has reached critical mass now! The positive timeline is assured!
    We had heard many times the Light had already won but Gene's statements are proof positive!
    Victory of the Light! πŸ•―️πŸ•―️πŸ•―️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Doug, we were promised that The Best Is Yet To Come...and it is unfolding now. Victory of the Light...!

  2. It's cool you get to play golf today. I played with a friend yesterday.⛳. First few holes were pretty bad. I didn't get all pissed off like I used to, so that's progress!🀣. Things turned around and I even shot par on 2 holes. A good analogy for life, stay calm, don't lose hope, and things will turn around.😎

    1. Go you shooting par twice...! I haven't played for around ten years so it was an experience in humility today to say the least. There were enough respectable shots to give me hope. I have decided to treat myself to a few refresher lessons and get back into it. My local golf course has the most stunning scenery - it's as close to God as you can get. Let's play a round one day when I have got my game sorted....!!

    2. Sounds good Sierra! When transporters are released and travel much easier New Zealand is at the top of my list to visit.🏌️⛳πŸ—»πŸŒŠ

  3. Martin Brodel: "They have as many people awake as what they want. If there were too many people awake, or they put out too much truth through the main stream media, the [patriot] military would not be able to do effectively what they need to do. There are only so many people that they wanted and needed to have awake. They got that number. It is a covert war; it is not overt. They need to keep it covert. The vast majority of people will wake up when the Alliance wants them to wake up."

    1. That is an excellent piece of insight from Martin, thanks Wayne. I will post it tomorrow..

  4. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks so much Caroline. I love your purple hearts....!

  5. I have theory that what could really wake people up is not to be shocked awake by a 'scare event' but rather to no longer having to worry about money or being afraid of war, pollution, illness etc. Nesara/gesara, med beds, debt forgiveness, positive news on the tv, enough money for everyone, looking into a future with promises of good health, no more poverty and no more fear of a new war. Then people would have lots of energy, feeling more positive than ever to wellcome the truth without freaking out - no big scare event needed...!
    Just me being naive or what?
    Love and lightπŸŒ€πŸŒžπŸ›ΈπŸ’™

    1. You are not being naive at all, Torsten. I think the purpose of the mass awakening/scare event is to shock people into acknowledging the massive scale of evil that took place on the planet, and that it must never happen again. Also, the scare event will propel them into a higher vibration where they will appreciate their financial abundance without greed or low vibe attachments. Just my thinking....! Love and Light to you.

    2. I guess then that the Alliance will be controlling the scare event(s) in all its stages so it won't be too overwhelming and just enough to make the unawakened begin to listen to the lightworkers and stop seeing them/us as some crazy lunatics🀠

  6. I usually only comment when I feel I have something interesting to say, but I just felt like saying hi, and thank you as always for this blog, it’s helping me through a tough time right now.

    1. Anael, please feel free to comment anytime. All the connections made in this community help us all. I always love hearing from you. And I am sending you a BIG hug for your tough time. Please know that we are here for you always. Much Love and Light.


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