Happy Fourth July - Again....!

Happy Fourth July to northern hemisphere readers. 

Where We Go One We Go All, lovely friends.


A reminder that the Alliance is in FULL control. President Putin is openly supporting President Trump over ending the war in Ukraine (28" video).

Speaking of our Commander-in-Chief, this short video is going viral for a reason. Enjoy (43" video).

More evidence of the MSM [D]eep [S]tate throwing themselves and their handlers under the bus. Check out this Economist cover image.

Thanks to Stephen for this snapshot summary of the UK political situation. There are so many intel balls in the air right now, I appreciate all the help I can get to assemble these posts every day.

 '...Nigel Farage’s Reform party has done amazingly well in the UK election this morning. They may not win that many seats, but they have around 30% of the vote across the country, have decimated the Tories, and there are police investigations already underway in Glasgow for election fraud. There is a rumour on telegram that Labour will win so big that this will then see election fraud brought in in UK...' (Stephen).

I agree with the woman in this powerful short video: 'Please wake up...' (1' 30" video).

Phone addiction is a real thing. Any attachment we have to the crumbling 3D paradigm - whether substances, objects or people - makes Ascension more challenging (1' 40" video).

Go MTG...! We Are With You.

Thanks for this awesome meme, Maria. I love it.

Light Warriors, we need to see life on this planet the way that exuberant child does. 

It's all just life...! 

When I was 16 years old, getting ready to leave home on the farm and go to Magazine Journalism college in the big city, excited about the adventures ahead - my mother said to me: 'Why do you feel the need to have so many experiences...?' I think my response was along the lines of, 'Because they are there...' But I was actually thinking, 'Why are you so uninterested in everything this planet has to offer...??'

Long story short, that excited little child kneeling in the sand in pure joy was me. And the attempts of some adults to dampen my life-long exuberance didn't work.

I can still plug into that innocent joy most days, despite the craziness going on out there in the Big Wide World. Laughter is the best tonic. I laugh every day. And family and good friends are priceless.

Keep your connections strong with fellow Light Warriors. We need each other now more than ever.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Martin Brodel: "They did not steal the election. It was a sting operation. The Alliance made sure the Democrats stole the election. For this plan to play out, that had to happen."


    1. I absolutely agree with Martin. Indeed, Wayne. And what a great sting operation it has been. Q: "You cannot tell the people, you have to show them...'

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline...! Love your sunshine face. Love, Light and hugs to you.

  3. Nigel Farage: "The rest of the world is very jealous of what we are, of who we are, of what we have achieved. We love our country, community, and families, and we will not stand idly by and see these things being ruined."


    1. Nigel Farage: "The revolt against the establishment is underway. Reform UK has caused an earthquake tonight — and we are just getting started."

    2. Thanks Wayne, these are great quotes from Nigel Farage.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Good Day,Sierra
    Brazil Good News
    Javier Milei Plans Trip to Brazil but Snubs Socialist President Lula

    The world's largest conservative event, CPAC 2024 will be held at the Camboriú Spa CPAC Brazil promises to bring together Brazil's leading conservative leaders and activists on July 6 and
    Pax Tibi !

    1. Lovely to hear from you JAT. That is excellent news regarding CPAC in Brazil on 6th July - which is today here in NZ. Many dominoes are falling now, all over the world. Such exciting times...! Love and Light to you.

  5. Hello Sierra
    Greetings from sunny, and rainy DK🌦🌤🏖

    1. Greetings Torsten from sunny unusually balmy NZ for midwinter....!

  6. Here are some thoughts in danish. It's about how difficult - and frustrating - it can be to express thoughts in a different language than one's own:

    Jeg har også lyst til skrive noget på mit eget sprog og se om der er nogen her som forstår noget af det. Når jeg skriver en kommentar på engelsk er det for mig et fremmed sprog og vil desværre altid være det. Jeg har lært engelsk i skolen som barn og derefter har jeg selv arbejdet med at blive bedre til det, men kan jo aldrig blive lige så dygtig til det som dem, der har det som deres modersmål. Derfor er der en stor risiko for at det jeg skriver kan blive misforstået og det er i øvrigt et stort arbejde at oversætte mine tanker til det begrænsede engelsk jeg nu kan.
    Af den grund føler jeg mig altid lidt som en outsider når jeg skriver kommentarer, da de, der her engelsk som modersmål hele tiden har en fordel rent sprogligt, som jeg som dansktalene aldrig kan tage del i. Det kan være meget frustrerende og ind imellem overvejer jeg helt at opgive det, fordi det synes umuligt at kunne kommunikere på denne ulige måde. Hvis nogen her kan læse dansk, forstår vedkommende måske hvad jeg taler om🤔

    1. Thanks Torsten. I do understand how you feel. I have translated your message. I hope there are Danish speakers who get to read your message in Danish. Love and Light to you.

      I also want to write something in my own language and see if there is anyone here who understands some of it. When I write a comment in English it is a foreign language to me and unfortunately always will be. I learned English at school as a child and then I myself worked to get better at it, but I can never be as good at it as those who have it as their mother tongue. Therefore, there is a great risk that what I write may be misunderstood and it is also a big job to translate my thoughts into the limited English I now know.
      For that reason, I always feel a bit like an outsider when I write comments, since those who here speak English as their mother tongue always have an advantage purely linguistically, which I, as a Danish speaker, can never take part in. It can be very frustrating and sometimes I am considering giving it up completely because it seems impossible to be able to communicate in this odd way. If anyone here can read Danish, they might understand what I'm talking about🤔

    2. I'm very impressed wirh this AI translation. Wow!
      And thanks Sierra! I felt less crazy reading your answer. Life in the 3d world gets a little too lonely at times🌦🏖

    3. Thank you Torsten for sharing your thoughts in Danish. I hear you. Being a fellow Scandinavian (Norwegian) I perpetually struggle with the feeling of not being able to fully express the exact meaning of my words and thoughts in a foreign language. But hey, if you feel that you're doing your very best; it then just has to be good enough. - (P.S.: It could be worse. Personally I was considerably more lost in translation back when I was working and living in France for a whole year. - "Once is interesting, twice is suicide", as the saying goes).

    4. Hej Finn
      Ja, jeg lærte fransk i gymnasiet og troede at jeg var bare lidt god til det, men en dag, engang jeg arbejdede i en butik i København, kom en fransk kvinde ind som troede at jeg kunne tale/forstå fransk (hun talte meget hurtigt); jeg forstod ikke et ord! Til sidst gik hun uden at købe noget🌝

      Yes, I learned french in high school and believed that I was just a little good at it, but one day when I was once working in a shop in Copenhagen, a french woman came in who thought that I could speak/understand french; I did't understand a single word! (she spoke very fast). Finally she went without bying anything🌝

      Tak/thanks Finn, from DK
      - english is a bit easier than french...

    5. Finn, I am currently watching an excellent TV mini series on DVD produced in Norway. It is called Twin. It is compulsive viewing....! It gives me a small taste of life in your country.
      I can't wait to visit Norway and Denmark and meet both you and Torsten. My elder daughter is visiting Sweden later this month to stay with friends.

  7. Getting hot here in Idaho USA 112 F by next week .. I recall either Q or Anonymous posting we would have Christmas in July! This to me has only 1 meaning Nesara. For Nesara to happen we need full disclosure full truth mass arrests ebs movies ...at this pt I don't see a catalyst for the nuke scare event not in the news that I'm aware of. We shall see Nov 5 is fast approaching let's wrap this movie up Alliance and get on with the golden age !🪙🌎🆕

    1. Doug, I will find time later to check on the Q drops regarding Christmas in July. It feels familiar.
      Meanwhile we stay at our 60,000 foot perspective and trust the Alliance op. It's going so well...!


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