The People Have Spoken

The people have spoken. 

The Paris [O]lympics Opening Ceremony was the 'worst in history'.  The much anticipated ceremony received damning scathing reviews from around the world. The brazenly [s]atanic spectacle cost 1.5 billion dollars. It flaunted [s]atanism in the face of all humanity.

The weather gods agreed with the people's assessment - they sent torrential rain to express their disapproval. Even the iconic [O]lympic flag was raised upside down. Maybe an official declaration of surrender from the doomed [D]eep [S]tate...? It sounds like a good theory to me.

The appalling imagery in this short video sums up the REAL purpose of the Opening Ceremony - to cram as much obscene [s]atanic symbolism as possible into what we hope will be the [D]eep [S]tate's last opportunity to brain-wash humanity in a live global televised event. The writhing creatures show humanity at its lowest ebb. We will not forget (25" video).

There was furious condemnation world-wide of the above video. It was widely described as 'demonic mockery'. The people are WAKING UP.

This Daily Mail story illustrates  the very low ebb that was achieved in the ceremony. I nearly didn't include this story, but hey, I am only the messenger. We need to understand how people are viewing their surroundings. It appears that this story sums it up, folks.

Meanwhile in US there has been an astounding admission from fake [B]iden's supposed official doctor. Dr O'Connor said that he has 'never seen or medically examined the actual Joseph R Biden in his professional career.' Just when you thought you had heard everything. This Real Raw News article reports the arrest of [B]iden's phantom doctor. Please use your discernment, as always.

This respected digital soldier has weighed in on the Long Tall Joe video footage. Interesting.

Why would anyone in America NOT vote for President Trump after watching this stirring video of his Twenty Promises to the American people. Beautiful music (2 minute video).

Dramatic new 9/11 footage has been released after 23 years. If you are pushed for time, go to 5' 35" - you will clearly see the moment a massive explosion levels the Twin Tower. It is unmistakable and horrifying (six minute video).

I agree with this assessment about the bad masks being worn by the [D]eep [S]tate characters. The CIA has had this technology for DECADES. Why can we see mask lines, forehead wrinkles that don't move etc etc...? The answer: It has all been set up by the Alliance to awaken humanity (3 minute video).

Speaking of The Great Awakening, now is the appropriate time to re-post a segment about humanity's awakening from the quantum healing regression session my daughter facilitated for me on 12:12:21...

'People have got a lot to unlearn and relearn. Everyone has had their chance to get to this point on their own, and the people left are GOING to be shaken, with no choice in the matter. But everyone will get there eventually. They need time to figure out who they really are without the ego. It's an ego death for a lot of people. And the money won't matter anymore either. The rich and the people with big houses will realize that nothing matters...'


Finally, thank you to Stephen for his dedicated research work on the [O]lympics story. Stephen is somewhat of an expert on [O]lympic Opening Ceremonies so he was definitely the right person for the job. He got up at 3.15am Aussie time and reviewed the rained-out spectacle - all while I was sound asleep in my warm bed (to be fair I am recovering from a heavy cold). When I opened my laptop this morning there was a stream of [O]lympic-related links and articles. Thank you, Stephen...!

And that is how this blog community works. We are a village, a team, when it comes to getting the TRUTH out to humanity.

The Paris [O]lympic Distraction will play out until August 11th. Cue synchronized giant TV screens in living rooms round the world showing the same images. It's a lovely day here yet there is no one outside in my neighborhood. It is a ghost town. They will all be parked up in front of their screens. Sigh. 

I believe that HOT AUGUST (Q) will bring further revelations that will force people to re-examine their life-long perception of the accepted Earth paradigm. 

It is time.

We Light Warriors are READY.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Sierra NZ...I've been following you till back in the Restored Republic reports. That's a long time! I had a dream. The Eiffel tower being destroyed and the Whitehouse and Three Gorges dam. A precursor to WW3. It's only a movie!

    I'm tired of POPCORN AND CORN POPS! I had to switch to Kracker Jacks!

    Candy coated popcorn, peanuts and a prize! That's what you get with Kracker Jack's! 😁

    1. Great to hear from you Mr E - always a pleasure...! Yes, it has been a few years for some of us (not so) old timers.
      Your dream fits into intel that predicts the destruction of 34 DS structures worldwide.
      I wonder if we have Kracker Jacks in NZ...?? I can't eat sugar so I would choose nuts or potato chips.
      Keep commenting, it uplifts all of our spirits. Love and Light to you.

  2. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Lovely to see your purple hearts, Caroline. I appreciate you....!

  3. Wow Sierra! What a zinger of a post to night! Thank you! πŸ’₯πŸ’—

    1. Possum, it is your 'Welcome Back' post...!!
      Stephen did the lions share of the research while I was blissfully slumbering. I don't follow MSM closely so I didn't even know there wasn't a stadium for this years Olympics...!
      Love and Light to you.

  4. No Olympics for me...all professional athletes real Olympics anymore and I preferred it back in the 70s up to 1980 when we completed again the ussr that made it interesting and of course I was a kid so still unaware of it all.
    We have 3 months till Nov I thought the clock stopped πŸ˜‰ let's go Alliance as Sierra states all have had plenty of chances to awaken and many chose to ignore the obvious. We all tried to show friends and family I went off on 911 and I couldn't shake my own family awake.

    1. I won't be watching it either, Doug.
      Yes, Olympics back when I was younger was a REAL competition, nail biting stuff. And true amateurs.
      Love and Light to you...!

  5. Hello Sierra
    Maybe the next Olympics will be without interference from the (d)eep state. This opening ceremony show looks to me like they have run out of ideas of how to manipulate people in a way that works for themselves. And lady (g)aga...isn't she in Gitmo?

    The morning sun here shines through the raindrops on the leaves on the trees making them shine like pearls. My cat just came in, happy after being out in the morning sunlight and I gave him some chicken meat wich he loves and I'm happy for this blog...!
    Love and light from sunny DkπŸ›ΈπŸ¦„πŸŒžπŸ–

    1. Hi Torsten. I wonder if they will have Olympic style contests in 5D...??
      Yes, all the DS main characters have already been GITMOed. It's just the doubles, clones and minions running around out there now, taking the heat for their puppet masters.
      What a lovely descriptive scene of the morning sun, raindrops and your contented cat, Torsten.
      Love and Light from an unseasonally mild NZ midwinter.


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