Rumors Flying: [B]iden Stepping Down...?

The internet is buzzing with this news...

Elon Musk hints that something is up with the fake [B]iden presidency. I am guessing the fishing reference alludes to retirement...?

This is a very good question from an Anon...

'One Question? ( Help me here)
Why was CNN airing the rally?

They never put Trump rallies on air...'

Thanks to Kat for posting this little video of a lovely story about President Trump that Tucker Carlson shared at the RNC. This is our Commander-in-Chief. He is a kind generous man, something the MSM has fought hard to hide from the world since he walked down the elevator at Trump Towers. And Tucker is so funny...!

An impressive prediction from Gene Ho from 2023 regarding President Trump and the date 18th July 2024.

This is one gutsy Light Warrior (she is well-named, although an unfortunate surname). Polish MEP Flames Von Der Liar aimed some devastating TRUTH bombs directly at European Parliament head Ursula Von Der Leyen (2 minute video).

I have included this story from Real Raw News for one purpose: to illustrate how the [D]eep [S]taters often end up cowering in hiding like the weak cowards they really are. All the money and prestige in the world becomes meaningless when they are screaming and begging for clemency in GITMO. Please use your discernment, as always.

The TRUTH. Dark to Light.

Stunning image. Thanks, Maria.

The name of this blog is Stargate Newsletter which was sort of random, yet not. A stargate is a portal from one dimension to the next. I like to think that this blog is a portal for ascending from 3D to 5D.

A soul sister is starting a regression business. She is a gifted regressionist and I was blessed to experience a regression with her several weeks ago. It was a personal regression therefore focused on past lives. Next week she will regress me again. This time I have suggested to her that we use the opportunity to explore other dimensions/planets/galaxies - to learn more about our mission. When I regress her two days later, she will get the chance to do similar exploration. Needless to say, we are both VERY excited about this little project. I will keep you informed.

Thanks for the lovely supportive comments, Light Warriors. As I often say, you are such a cool bunch. This community is the anchor in my day and I always look forward to popping in to see who has visited...!

Stay calm and positive at your 60,000 foot perspective. Let go of the details. We may never know the full story about much that is currently taking place in the Alliance operation. TRUST the Divine Plan.

All is well.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. The smiling SS agents or bodyguards tell the story. CNN airing the rally is another red flag. The portal ..rem Allison Coe 1 of her qhht sessions described ascension in that manner..all of us would be offered a portal to new earth we would have the choice to walk thru or continue down the 3D timeline. It seems impossible anyone would not walk thru the portal but I think the stat was like 15% would not.
    Victory of the Light!!πŸ•―️πŸ•―️πŸ•―️♥️♥️♥️

    1. Thanks Doug, great comment. I didn't know that stat about the number of people choosing not to ascend in this round. Yes, it seems hard to believe anyone would turn down such an amazing opportunity, from our point of view anyway.
      Great coincidence - I was on Allison's website only half an hour ago...! Love and Light to you.

  2. In the article, "The Trump Shooting was of course Staged" by Miles Mathis he posted the same picture but the three agents are not smiling.

    And the same picture at search engine shows the three agents not smiling.

    1. I wondered if it had been altered, Wayne. Thank you.

  3. Sierra, you are a living Portal/Stargate.

    1. Thank you Annette, that is such a lovely comment...! Love and Light to you.

  4. Just three minutes walk from here there's an old oak tree, at least 200 years old, standing on the top of the hill. I always say hello to it when I walk by and it tells me things beyond my thoughts. I think It's a portal to ancient ages and maybe 5D civilaizations on other planets, places where I felt at home in past lives long ago, living with people I loved, a star family whom I often miss - but it's so long time ago. The memories live on though...
    Love and light🌞

    1. Torsten, I love old oak trees. There was a big old oak tree on my neighboring property when I arrived here - it was on my back fence line. It gave me shade and privacy and was so beautiful. One day they cut it down without warning. I was devastated. The smell of the sawdust was so distressing to me. Love and Light to you.

    2. Hello Sierra.
      If you can find some acorns, you can plant some new oak trees - on your side of the fence - . It will take some years for it to grow big but if we could have these med beds, you could probably become 200 years old and the tree will be big and beautiful and full of singing birds.
      (Typical 3D sleepers to cut down old trees...)πŸ›Έ

    3. Torsten, that is such a lovely scenario for 200 year old me....! However this is not my forever home so I will plant my acorns at the new honor of my Danish friend.

  5. I have only experienced a past life regression once. I was one of the Na’vi from the Avatar movies. It’s a real place somewhere in the multiverse, and I feel a strong connection to it.

    1. How beautiful Anael...! There are endless possibilities out there - that is why regressions are always a big exciting adventure.

  6. Sorry for making a second comment, but I showed the picture of the bodyguards protecting Trump to my husband, and he did some research on the photo because he was getting weird vibes from it. The photo has been doctored with AI, according to him. AI is becoming frighteningly realistic, so we need to be extremely careful when looking at photos now, and even videos.

    1. It's fine about the second comment, Anael. As I responded to Irene in another post, I did think as I was posting that pic that it could be fake. Occasionally I get it wrong which is to be expected in this game...! I removed the pic. Thank you, and your husband.

  7. I look forward to reading the regressions. How exciting and thank you for sharing with us.

    1. You are very welcome, Indigo. Regressions are always an amazing adventure...!

  8. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thank you Caroline, Love and Light to you from mid-winter sunny NZ...!


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