This Is Not A Drill: It Begins...

This is not a drill - it has begun.

There was an assassination attempt on President Trump during his latest rally. The shocking news has swept around the globe almost instantly. 

The Shot Heard Around The World.

Do not fear, Light Warriors. President Trump is alive and well. We were forewarned by Q drops that there would be an attempt on his life. Q also emphasised that President Trump is '100% safe'

I personally believe the assassination attempt was staged by the Alliance. The blood looked fake to me. Also, there are pics of Vincent Fusca/Kennedy standing directly behind him which adds weight to my theory.

There are multiple pictures and video footage of the assassination attempt in this article.

Thanks to my friend Emma for these screen shots...

Here are the Q drops that mention the words Fight, fight, fight. President Trump raised his fist after he was shot and shouted the words 'Fight, fight, fight'. The pics and footage of him raising his fist are going viral. This is a momentous Q drop confirmation from our Commander-in-Chief/Q+. We Are With You, Sir.

These Democrats called for violence against President Trump.

This is the story from the NZ Herald. Note the change of tone in the MSM writing. NZ reporters spent years spewing out hate stories about President Trump.

I agree with Kejraj from Era Of Light who shared a premonition dream he had just before President Trump was shot. Kejraj: 'A new timeline begins tomorrow...' He is right.

It is a surreal day, Light Warriors. An hour ago, I was on the phone talking animatedly to two close Light Warriors friends, comparing notes about this massive development. 

Yet out of my office window right now, I can hear a neighbor mowing his lawn. He mows his lawn and washes his car every single weekend without fail, whether either task needs doing or not (usually they don't). That is the Great Divide between the dying 3D world and the rapidly emerging 5D world. It is summed up for me by the sound of a lawn being unnecessarily mown on a sleepy Sunday morning.

Thanks again to my good friends Emma and Stephen for their sterling effort in helping me with today's post. As I often say, it takes a village to assemble each post. I am not on Telegram - Stephen and Emma are - so their contributions are so valuable.

Ending with Kejraj's profound words...

'A new timeline begins tomorrow...'

Buckle up, Buttercups. We are READY.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog post.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. There is video of a BBC reporter interviewing a man who says he saw a guy with a rifle crawling on the back side of a roof and was trying to get SS and law enforcement attention for several minutes and they ignored him. After the shots rang out a SS sniper took the assassin out with a head shot. A ER doc at the rally being interviewed had blood on him and said he tried to save a bystander in the crowd to no avail. (This is one of the few times having Telegram comes in handy). Who knows all the facts about this incident, but it is showtime! Things will happen VERY fast now!

    1. That is right, CC - who DOES know all the facts about the incident...?? We can only watch events unfold now. And I absolutely agree with you. It will be very fast. Buckle up...!

  2. Martin Brodel: "The White Hats, Alliance, and Military, have done everything meticulously. Every part of this plan has been planned out."

    1. Witness: "We were pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. He had a rifle. The police did not know what was going on. I am pointing at him for 2 or 3 minutes. Secret Service is looking at us. I am pointing at that roof. Next thing you know 5 shots ring out. Why are there not Secret Service on all of these roofs."

    2. "Did the Butler, Pennsylvania, Police Department say the gunman who shot Donald Trump on July 13, 2024, was arrested at the scene and has been identified as Mark Violets? No, that's not true: Butler Police Chief Bob O'Neill told Lead Stories that their department made no such confirmation. Additionally, he said, "The Secret Service is issuing all press related material.""

    3. Wayne, I agree with Martin - every part of the Alliance operation has been meticulously planned. We can trust the process.

  3. All part of the movie๐Ÿ“ฝ️๐Ÿ“ฝ️๐Ÿ“ฝ️ but what was the reason? To anger all the trump supporters for us to become violent? I guess I don't get it .. how does this unite is all and when will we all be told the truth and stop this insane madness? All seems pointless to me to be honest just more theatre. Without the truth we are all in an never ending simulation.
    I hope this is a marker and we can somehow end the movie and send out the EBS. Guess I don't know where all this is going.

    1. Doug, it is an important marker, as indicated by the connection to the Q drops. Future proves past. We don't understand why it has happened and where it fits in. All we can do is wait for further evidence to be revealed. Meanwhile we TRUST the Plan.

    2. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘♥️♥️ thanks Sierra!
      Holding the light!

  4. Hello Sierra
    I just want to thank you for always being friendly towards me and all the readers. It's something I never take for granted in rhis world๐Ÿ•Š

    1. I so agree!!! This is a safe place. I feel peace, harmony and support.

    2. Sierra is a wise old soul. We're very lucky to have her. ๐Ÿ™

    3. Torsten, Boo and Aidan, that is so sweet of you. I really appreciate your kind feedback. I enjoy writing my posts and connecting with readers from all over the world. My strong desire to reach out was motivated by my own isolation here at the bottom of the Earth. Now I immensely enjoy the sense of unity and camaradarie in this community. WWG1WGA....!!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks KatLou, lovely to hear from you...!

  6. This is an interesting comment, as Trump as attended many WWE live shows over the past few years ---- "Jeff Berwick ๐Ÿณ️‍๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ’‰ on X: "Well, here we go! Trump supposedly shot at rally. Puts hand to ear and face, then blood on ear and face. Old World Wrestling Federation trick... oldest of the old. All part of The Jones Plantation show! He raises fist as he is carried off. What a show!"

    1. Great share, thanks Paula! I will use this link in today's post. And I totally agree with Jeff - it was my first thought when I saw President Trump clutch at his ear. And the blood looked fake, too light and didn't didn't trickle down his face as normal...

  7. Here's a good one from Honey C. Golden, which is heartening that things are moving much quicker now. And she throws in how we have a quick new financial system, the changes move quickly, and the leaving we will have. (I think there is now one timeline).

    1. Here is the link:

    2. Pat, I think there is now just one timeline too. I can see people around me falling away rapidly, whether emotionally or physically. Thanks for the link, I wil check it out.

  8. Hi Sierra,
    I am confused. If this was "fake", then how did the police chief of the nearby town get his head blown off sitting behind Trump?
    This was not "fake" at all. IMO

    The DEMS insane hatred of Trump will destroy this nation.
    Father vs. son, Wife vs. husband, brother vs. brother.
    Already happening in MY family.

    Be well,

    1. Hi Gunny. Good to hear from you. I have followed this closely for years, analysing the Q drops, and I believe we were well prepared for an assassination attempt on President Trump - but that he would survive.
      As to the bystander, more and more people are saying that it was faked too. Yes, I was concerned when I read about the bystander. However video footage does not show someone being shot behind President Trump. We will have to wait and see.
      I agree about the division within families, Gunny. When the TRUTH is revealed very soon, those people who ridiculed us will be feeling ashamed. Take care.

    2. They will never accept the "truth" Ma'am.
      I believe the liberal hive mind is some kind of affliction.
      Like polio.
      I am not new to this game. I was a Lightworker 25 years ago on the old site. Same name = GunnyHiWay.
      I have been deleted from every social media for telling truth to lies.
      I served 25 years and 168 combat missions in 5 different theaters.
      met BIN LADEN in 1986 training Mujahadeen to fire Stingers at Russian choppers.
      (We did not kill Bin Laden, he died of liver cancer in Pakistan in 2003. As per Pakistan's assassinated PM Bhutto)
      I am now 64 and feel that the USA is in very deep trouble and no longer the "arsenal of freedom" in any respect.
      Med Beds, if they exist will never be allowed as long as Big Pharma runs the show and I see zero plans to rid us of Merck, Pfizer, J&J, Lilly or any of the rest.
      Merck Phara killed my daughter with their Gardasil vax 10 years ago.
      New Zealand LED THE WORLD in VAX FASCISM and I see no change in either NZ or Australia 3 years later. Spokane, Wa. USA was just behind New Zealand. You could not walk your dog without some librat borg telling you to wear a mask.
      I am UN-Vaxed and yet my ex-wife who gave our daughter the Gardasil vax in fully vaxed and a die-hard liberal.
      She said last night the "Trump is so divisive he deserved to get shot".
      Life is very frustrating here in Spokane, Wa. USA

      If I seem mad or disillusioned, I am.
      Be well,

      #GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013

    3. Hi Sierra,
      There is an interview with a doctor who treated the bystander at the scene. He was covered in blood and basically said the man's head was blown apart. There are numerous pics of blood drenched stands as well.
      The GateWay Pundit has named and identified an individual, and they are LIBEL if they are wrong (Like Alex Jones).
      This was a secret service directed hit that was allowed to happen on national TV. I.M.O.
      Notice how NO ONE is talking about Biden's DEMENTIA right now.
      Mission accomplished, they just missed the shot.
      Be well,

  9. What a lovely place.
    I truly hope we make it out of these dark times soon and for the betterment of all.
    Feel free to read my "Clan of the Cave Bear" story on Fanfiction.
    Be well,

    1. Thanks for your sharing Gunny. As you will know, I have also been doing this Light Warrior mission work for decades. Please know that you are not crazy and you are not alone.
      As for NZ, there are a lot more unjabbed awake people down here than the MSM wants you to know about. We had a strong nationwide support organization called Voices for Freedom, for unjabbed people, and people who were forced to take the jab to keep their jobs etc etc. I belonged to VFF. The VFF group support meetings were my sanctuary during the madness. We held strong all through the Plandemic.
      I firmly believe that we are going to see TRUTH pouring down upon humanity within weeks, not months - and definitely not years. The tide has turned.
      Love and Light to you, my friend..

    2. I did not know that,. Thanks!
      Wish we had anything like that here. Jay Inslee has been terrible for us in Washington State.
      Mandates, Lockdowns, Mask mania. All of it.
      Be well,

    3. Gunny, we had severe draconian jab and mask mandates and lockdowns. Our govt, and Aussie, were among the worst in the world. Voices For Freedom was a grass roots organization set up by three women in Auckland. It quickly spread around the country and hundreds of support groups sprung up everywhere. I know other countries were envious of our VFF.

  10. I saw this come up in my X feed today, it's a TV news segment on NZ TV from 2023 were the hosts are taking turns shooting a Trump doll with a salt rifle.

    1. Great share, thanks...! And sadly, not at all surprising. Karma is biting back though - our TV news programs are being axed one by one.

  11. My husband brought up a point about this assassination attempt that I think is important to consider. If the alliance staged this, including any reported deaths, they’re no better than the cabal who love to fake everything in order to get what they want.

    1. Hi Anael. It seems that the Alliance staged the fake assassination to show the world what the DS would have done - except they would have killed him. The Alliance may have evidence of the DS plotting his assassination. We have not got the full story yet. And we must constantly be aware that we are at war - sometimes it calls for unpalatable strategies to protect the greater good. Love and Light to you both.


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