Victory: US SAVE Act Has Been Passed

Good news - the US House has passed the SAVE Act which will require proof of citizenship to vote. The [D]eep [S]tate house of cards is tumbling down.

More good news - Pedowood [s]atanist George Clooney has thrown [B]iden under the bus. It's over for Crooked Joe.

...And the good news continues. Watch this clip of the White House press secretary as she hightails it to avoid answering a common sense question from a press reporter. Priceless (33" video).

Thanks to Kat for posting this video about a CGI sky event in Dubai. This is a taste of what to expect if/when the DS rolls out Project Blue Beam - except it will be worldwide simultaneously.

I love this post from Kat about the GCR. I haven't mentioned the RV/GCR on this blog for a long time. GCR is the Global Currency Reset, and the RV is the Revaluation of currency in Iraq which will trigger the GCR. Many of us Light Warriors started diving down rabbit holes many years ago because of the RV/GCR. Kat is right - the time has come for humanity to experience financial abundance beyond their wildest dreams.

πŸ’° Years ago I was told that the CLOSER we got to the GCR
the more chaotic it was going to get
culminating in some big EVENT [Aliens, nuclear 🀷‍♀️]

We can all feel the world is gearing up for…… SOMETHING
& today’s Debt Clock message was “A QUANTUM LEAP” 😹

πŸ₯³ What is coming FOR EVERYBODY is going to be so fantastic
we can’t even wrap our hearts around it πŸ€©πŸ’ž


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Juan O Savin
…let this push through & be in on


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Q The Storm Rider
QUINTILLIONS+ in gold stored inside CHEYENNE Mt.
In due time (TRUMP♦️♠️) Golden Age
When World MIL OPS & END GAME finishes
people will have the DEBT RELIEF they've dreamed of.
& COLLAPSED money πŸ’₯RESTOREDπŸ’₯ to people of The World πŸ•Š️

Thanks to blog reader JN from Singapore for this link about a current financial collapse in China. I seem to recall that the global financial collapse would start in the East and move to the West - and be very sudden.

Check out this clip that apparently aired on Saturday Night Live. Dark humor at their own expense...? Wow, how the tide has turned (one minute video).

Brilliant meme. How better to describe the global cognitive dissonance of the last few years.

This is me. Square peg in a round hole/black sheep in the family for my whole life - and now VERY proud of it.

Thank you blog readers for your lovely support over my share in yesterday's post. I choose to share these vulnerable times in my life so you will see that you are NOT alone. Wherever you live in the world, someone is going through what you are going through. 

Today I feel fine again. Yesterday felt like some kind of psychic attack. It manifested so suddenly and was so intense - completely out of character with the way I have been living my life for months, even years. I knew I would get through it, but I admit that it was a harrowing experience at the time.

I will close with this little story. Last night I was chatting on the phone to a close LW friend . He lives in a rural farming area in southern NZ where the farmers are tough no-nonsense people who have zero tolerance for BS. My friend was talking to a local farmer in his sixties (he describes him as a 'normie') who said to him: 'The government is F---KED. Everything is F---KED.'

People are waking up at last, friends. They are waking up.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site. 

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I have no doubt the cabal and cash controlling families are done. However, I don't think we'll all magically get a million or 2 dollars in our bank accounts. (Even though we deserve that and so much more) Who would show up to work the gas stations and grocery stores or water and sewage treatment plants the next day when guaranteed such fabulous wealth? I think it'll be something more like: 1. Exposure of evil/control/corruption 2. Rapid collapse of old system 3. Quick introduction of E.T.s and higher dimensional beings 4. Accelerated implementation of suppressed high technology (med beds, transporters, replicators, etc...). Any delay in any of these proceedings/steps would lead to chaos and mass panic. When this finally all transpires it WILL be rapid. Hold on to your hats Starppeeps, it's gonna get WILD! πŸ˜œπŸ˜‰πŸŽ‡πŸ€―πŸ₯³♥️

    1. CC, I agree with you - it WILL be rapid. We have been told for many years that when the big dominoes start to fall, it will be a fast trajectory from that point on. We are there.
      It's going to be a wild ride, for sure...!!

  2. I thought market had to go down as it's all been manipulated but perhaps a new market appears but in truth we don't need a stock market we need sound money and then no $$ as we transition to 5D and all have abundance via med beds replicators free energy and anti gravity craft.. But we need nesara to transition smoothly for sure! Debt freedom is key for all to be out of fear of $$ exciting times are here! Stay strong light warriors! ❤️πŸ•―️

    1. I think the financial collapse could be too drastic and sudden to be identified through a stock market crash. We have waited a long time for this, Doug. A bit of fun speculation is harmless at this stage....!! Love and Light to you.

  3. The wef leader went out to his car and said to his chauffeur, 'I want you to drive me around in the world of the new world order'.
    'Fine', the chauffeur said, 'and what are we going to do then in the afternoon?'

    1. Hello Sierra
      The post above is an old joke from 1945 when the german army was leaving the country. I changed the setting to 2024. I don't know if anybody here thought it was funny; I think it is, that's why I posted it. I hope you don't mindπŸ€”
      Love and light from rainy dk⛈πŸŒžπŸ›Έ

    2. Torsten, that joke is VERY funny - and clever. I will post it, good on you...! Love and Light from frosty sunny NZ.

  4. The only purpose for the SAVE act, is to point out the corruption in the Democratic party, as no Democrats voted for it. They want more bodies to be able to process votes illegally. The act will never be passed by the Senate and it certainly won't be signed by the resident. There's been a lot of this posturing going on in the House, just for exposure, of both sides of the uniparty.

    1. Thanks Paula, I shared your comment in my latest post....!

  5. Thanks Paula for your explanation so I can understand what they a are saying in the link. I mostly give up understanding american politics because it's too complicated for me...! Too many difficult words in the political language.

    1. Unfortunately there are many people here in the US who also don't understand our government and politics, which is how we got into this mess to begin with. That's what the 2020 election process was about IMO, as no one knew how the electoral vote vs the popular vote really works. Recently I learned something new (and it really made me mad to know this fact) - when they go thru the process of mapping out the new district areas for the US House representatives, they are using the federal census records, which include illegal alien counts. So, if the census shows that new areas are needed, they add them, even though those new areas may just be due to the number of illegal aliens. This is why California has so many US House seats, as they have so many illegal aliens. So, basically we are allowing CA to represent illegal aliens in our US government - our system is so broken on so many levels. Although I will say, a simple tweak to this process, like not using the illegal alien counts to add seats, would fix that process, but that's not what they want to happen.

    2. And the politicians if someone says to them that there is a problem that needs to be solved, they start talking and talking and maybe they say that they will try to decide to do something about it soon. Then they may fix another problem which wasn't the most important one, then they go on talking, and talking and the days, weeks, and years go by until no one remembers anymore what made them talk so much in the first place and the problem is still there but has grown bigger over the years, on and on..and they use a language that most people don't really understand.- that's how I see politics and I will say that there are more important things in life to spend my time on. On the other hand I think it is important to keep an eye on them and hopefully one day they won't be able to cheat us anymore...!

  6. People are waking up and it is so refreshing. Today I had a conversation with a woman who took two jabs and she mentioned the turbo cancers in young people. I said it is interesting that this happened after the vaccines and she agreed, yeah, finally people are putting it together.

    Benjamin Fulford posted a nice message to us light warriors;

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Indigo. Yes, I think people are finally putting two and two together re the jab, with a gentle little nudge from us. Although it might be too much for elderly people.
      Thanks for the Ben Fulford link, I look forward to it. Love, Light and hugs to you.


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