You Cannot Tell The People...

This short Telegram post from NewsTreason Channel 17 sums it up...

'Literally EVERYONE on social media is talking about the “[s]atanic” [O]lympic Opening Ceremonies.
And THAT is why they were so over the top.
The people must be SHOWN.'

The [O]lympics Opening Ceremony was the ultimate global Q proof: 'You cannot tell the people, you have to show them...'

This excerpt from a Yorkshire Lass Telegram post gives the complete sordid picture of what took place in Paris.

'After last nights satanic 33rd [O]lympic ceremony of worshiping a golden calf in the middle of the stage, a pale horse riding through Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower, God being mocked by them re-creating the Jesus and his disciples last supper with a bunch of woke men in drag sitting round a table along with a long bearded guy dressed as a smurf being revealed on a silver dinner platter, Children in tunnels, headless actors dressed in red with fire, Snoop dog wearing a Baphomet necklace. The list goes on…it was obvious that Christians are not welcome and are being attacked by Satanists. Last nights Ceremony showed the world they hate God and that this is a spiritual war between Good and Evil, Light vs Dark, God vs Satan. Elon Musk posted on X last night saying ‘This was extremely disrespectful to Christians’. For many people it was one of the most disturbing things ever seen on a mainstream broadcast. It was the worst opening ceremony in history. It made people uncomfortable and see for themselves how evil and satanic the woke west actually is. And last night they went all out.

Put on the full armor OF GOD, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes...' (Yorkshire Lass)

Yorkshire Lass believes that it will be the last [O]lympics and the ceremony was a sign that Babylon has fallen. I agree with her. And I also agree with her statement that we are fighting a spiritual war between Good and Evil. Never has that TRUTH been more obvious than in the [s]atanic spectacle on the river Seine. Some MSM headlines are calling the ceremony 'in-Seine'.

Here is the golden calf at the ceremony referred to by Yorkshire Lass. The symbolism could not be more clear - and millions if not billions of people were outraged.

The entire purpose of the four hour spectacle is summed up in this short video. Note his comment at the end (2 minute video).

This is fascinating. Think about it. Global events like the Superbowl and the [O]lympics ALWAYS include [s]atanism in their entertainment. These competitive global events are the perfect vehicle for sowing the seeds of division and separation through mass mind-control.

Change of subject...

Could this be the prelude to much anticipated PUBLIC arrests....? We Light Warriors hope so. I received this intel just now from blog reader Randy.

'I just watched a video with Michael Jaco talking with another guy and he showed a letter dated for August 1. It's addressed to...
President Trump
Judge Advocate General for each military branch.
To the International court and others. 
Looks like it could be telling all these listed that it is past time to get this started. Looks like fireworks are coming hopefully.
Also he said a lawyer told him that they have moved the J6 people out of solitary confinement into general population making room for somebody else...' (Randy) 

Finally, do remember, Light Warriors, one of the biggest weapons the [D]eep [S]tate uses against humanity is DISTRACTION. Huge televised sporting events, 'reality' TV shows etc etc. They have turned technology against us and created a 24/7 mind controlled environment. Best advice is not to have television and take frequent breaks from your devices.

The only reality that matters on this planet right now is the A word: ASCENSION. Step away from all distractions and focus on your personal and humanity's Ascension.

This superb beautiful little video packs a powerful message about Ascension. I have filed it to watch often. By the way, the eagle is my totem bird (2 minute video).


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thank you Caroline, Love and Light to you....!

  2. Love that last vid. Thank you Sierra! πŸ’—πŸ›Έ

    1. Possum, I am so pleased you liked it. It is so uplifting (excuse the pun re eagle in flight!). I feel I can do anything when I watch that video. All is well....!

  3. My Lakota totem animal is the snake, which I like a lot, I love snakes. Too bad reptiles smell bad, otherwise I would be more interested in having a pet snake. I got to hold a snake when I was 12 years old, at a summer camp. It let me kiss it on top of its head. I think it’s cool that your totem animal is the eagle. I think I might have a connection to eagles too. My sun sign is scorpio, which some astrologers describe as having three separate animals that represent a scorpio person’s stage of development. The first stage is the scorpion, where the person is very “poisonous,” vindictive, holding grudges, seeking revenge. The next stage is the snake, which is a person beginning to seek healing and forgiveness, towards others and themselves. The last stage is the eagle, or the phoenix, where the person has fully harnessed and balanced the powerful energies that make scorpio so special, life and death, creation and destruction, crisis and regeneration. The eagle is a person who heals and is healed.

    1. Anael, I have had many Native American past lives - I have a strong affinity with America.
      I have Scorpio Ascendant (soul purpose). I resonate with Scorpio energy, the focus, discipline, drive. And I like to think that I have become the eagle.
      I have a beautiful wall-mounted statue of an eagle in flight that I bought in Canada. It is spotlit and looks amazing at night.
      Go you with your snakes...! I wasn't brave enough to touch a snake in Aussie.

  4. Hello Sierra
    All sports games are a trainig ground for division and competition IMO. The winners get the gold, silver and copper medals. The rest of the participants are the workers who look up to the winners and say, 'some day I might win a medal too'. The olympics are a model of the competitive society 'they' want us to live in where there are a few winners and the rest are workers or loosers.
    - and then there are the lightworkers who have always known that this society is a scam and the sleepers often laugh at them and think that 'they' always have the right to be right because 'they' are the majority, - but not for long now...
    I love workiing in my little garden where 'they' can't tell me how to do things and I can follow my own and Nature's rules and grow my own organic vegetables. Homegrown potatoes just taste better! (but I don't get a medal...)
    Love and light and thanks from summertime DKπŸ›ΈπŸ•ŠπŸ–

    1. Torsten, you have written an excellent description of the divisiveness nature of sports on 3D Earth. There are no competitive sports in the higher realms, just sports that people can enjoy as individuals or together in a friendly way. Winning always means there are losers.
      Your garden sounds delightful, Torsten. I can picture it. And yes, nothing beats home-grown potatoes. I agree....! Love and Light from wintery NZ (icy snap on its way).

  5. ground..., not trainig

  6. Hello Sierra
    As kids me and my my younger brother used to have good fun playing together but when he was old enough, my younger brother became a member of the local football club, like my older brother, and he began acting more and more competitive. He was good at football, became leader of his team. I was a member of the club for one week. That was enough for me. I liked to play it for fun, but not as competition. Then I was in a karate club from age 13 to 15, but stopped when I began in high school and learned to drink beer LOL.
    Karate, I have heard, was created by the japanese bhuddists long ago as a way to defend yourself without weapons against 'invasive' people. It was my first encounter with eastern filosofy. We even learned some simple meditation practice. I didn't like the 'free fight' practice though as I didn't want to hurt anybody by hitting them - or to get hurt myself. My brothers spend endless hours in front of the TV watching sports. And as we grew up, they regarded me as a looser and still do!
    (in my next life I want to grow up in a non-competitive familyπŸ˜‡)Fortunately my wife don't like competition eitherπŸ’™
    Love and light to you in winter-NZπŸ•Š

    1. My favorite exercise activities, apart from daily walks, are dancing and golf. I am an enthusiastic dancer and golfer but have never had any desire to compete in either sport. To me, dancing and golf are about the pure enjoyment of body movement. Dancing is the joy of moving to music and the camararderie of fellow dancers. Golf is the joy of being out in nature - and hitting the occasional awesome shot...!!

  7. I agree. I haven't received a tv signal since leaving home at the age of 17, I'm now 43. I'm not on any form of social media whatsoever. I deleted FB 10 years ago. I do enjoy watching (some!) movies though. πŸ‘

    1. Hello Aidan
      Me and my wife love watching old and funny, especially danish, movies, (since we live in DK)πŸ“½ on the old TV that hasn't been plugged to an antenna since 2011.
      Love and lightπŸ›ΈπŸ•Š

    2. Hello Torsten, I do own a physical television but it's not connected to anything. It's not even plugged in to the electric at the moment. LOL. I'm enjoying 'House of the Dragon' on my laptop at the moment, and looking forward to 'Rings of Power' season 2. πŸ‘

    3. 'Rings of power', is that 'Lord of the rings' in a new film-version? (I must admit that I have actually only watched danish movies on dvd for many years now) and occasionally 'A night at the opera' with Marx Brothers. It's an ancient old movie from the 30's. It has some very funny scenes in it IMOπŸ›ΈπŸŒ

    4. 'Rings of Power' is a series prequel to the 'Lord of the Rings' based on the appendices of the Tolkien books. πŸ‘

    5. Yes, I've read about it
      then. It's exiting I think that they make a film/series out of that. I have read Lord of the rings and it tells a lot about what's happening nowπŸ›ΈπŸŒž

    6. I agree with you Torsten. Love & Light to you. πŸ™πŸ’šπŸŒˆ

  8. Since I had been completely off the computer for over a month and just got back on I am seeing as usual the crazy news. Two things that I have questions about that I saw on the lame weather channel is toxic hammer head worms from flooding in Texas that includes a video. The CGI video that "they" want us to believe shows a hammer head worm as big as an average snake slithering across a road. I am laughing so hard right now as I text this. The other item is the supposed missing astronauts. What's the conspiracy story about that? Did they drown in the swimming pool or what? I would love to hear Sierra and commenter's view on this. Thank you!

  9. The astronauts are sitting at home watching the olympics...πŸ›ΈπŸŒ
    Love and light to youπŸ•Š

    1. Hilarious answer πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Thank you Torsten! πŸ’œ

    2. Possum, I was laughing just as hard as I read your texting about the hammer head worms. I personally think the Alliance is ramping up the crazy in a last ditch attempt to awaken the sleepers. Surely hammer head worms slithering across roads would get attention...??? Hmmmm...???
      Re the missing astronauts, if you mean from the Challenger incident all those years ago, they never went into space. There are many pics of them now later in life. Total hoax. I don't have TV and only skim MSM headlines online, so if there was a more recent astronaut incident, I missed it, sorry.

    3. Sierra, according to the weather channel there are a male and female in one of NASA's tin cans or balloons that set out for a 7 day flight and haven't been able to get back and are missing still and it's been 50 some days. Just curious. Hmmmmm

    4. Thanks Possum, I will keep an eye out for this story. It has not landed on my radar thus far.

  10. Just had a fun weekend with my parents and Sis and her family. Got some beach time in and had an epic water balloon fight with my nephews and bro-in -law. They were here for 3 days but we didn't get to do all we wanted. Anyone else feeling linear time collapse even faster lately?!! Also these intense energies are making me more aware of energy blocks in my field and chakras. Sure hope they all dissolve soon, I'm ready to be rid of them once and for all!πŸ™πŸ€ž♥️

    1. While I was off the net I got a message that the hallucination helmet was removed and my brain was re-wired after that. I sure felt a pressure band around my head for a couple of days while my brain was being re-wired.

    2. Interesting you mention the head area. My most stubborn block is on the right side of my head/neck area. (Multiple traumatic emotional deaths in past lives). I've felt energy tentacles start to shift and release when I get emotional lately. Here's to hoping our healing continues to accelerate! 🀩πŸ₯³

    3. That's great news CC and a much appreciated confirmation. I also experienced Galactic invisible to me visitors while off the net. Not that they aren't around when I'm on the net but they made a very loud entrance that scared me initially. My cat JayJ walked right over to them, sat down and greeted them and talks to them a lot. He definitely is not always talking to me and makes the craziest nosies while looking and greeting our friends upstairs.

    4. I can perceive stuff sometimes, but animals definitely see more of the other side than we do. I Did see a few ships last night while sitting at the campfireπŸͺ΅πŸ”₯πŸ›Έ.

    5. Hello CC.
      You're lucky to see ships.I heven't seen any for yearsπŸ›Έ

    6. Great chat, CC and Possum. Well, CC, I relate to your right side head issues. When I have sinus/head colds (which I do currently) it is all on the right side of my head. I am currently going through a major clearage of past life blockages with this heavy head cold. I am improving every day, though.
      Water balloon fights, what fun, I love it...! I have been thinking often lately that we need to act more like children and just play. I had a play date with a friend's five year old daughter in the weekend, just her and me here at my place. She hid toys for me to find in my house. It was fun...!
      Possum, your cat Jay Jay is probably calling in passing Galactics and inviting them in for a visit...!!

  11. We all would love Christmas in July! I guess I'm not clear what has to happen before they EBS the world and stop the satanic madness? Do we all grab our pitchforks and take to the streets?
    Trump hosted netanyahu at Mar a lago ...made me sick he is a war criminal and satanist himself. I guess I don't understand this movie anymore.

    1. Hello Doug
      My theory is that Netanyahu went to meet Trump because he was told to by the Alliance. As if an unemployed gets a letter from the job center that tells him to go to a meeting there. It's terrifying; I have tried it...!
      Love and light to you🌞

    2. Torsten, that is a brilliant analogy about the Netanyahu/President Trump meeting...! I love it...! Personally, I think it probably meant official surrender. We may find out one day, or we may not. It's not about the details at the end of this war. Love and Light to you from rainy NZ...!

    3. Doug, the best thing is to try and not understand the movie at this point, rather just allow it to play out. We are nearly there, my friend...!

    4. Thanks Sierra! Love and Light my NZ friend!! Would love to visit your beautiful island once this is over! A huge party for all of us! ♥️♥️♥️

    5. There will be huge parties all over the world, Doug. What a fun time we will have....!!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I have removed your comment because it was insulting. However, you must know that the alternative to the Alliance plan - doing nothing - would have resulted in the deaths of BILLIONS of people on this planet. I absolutely agree with you that the deaths of hundreds of millions of people is not acceptable. The death of ONE person during any war is not acceptable. But - we are at war. This is a galactic war of Good V Evil.

    2. Charlie Chaplin wasn't ignorant of all the evil in this world, but he made funny movies anyway that made people laugh....! πŸ›Έ


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