Bye Bye [B]iden

This morning I had a strong sense that we will never see [B]iden again. 

Then Maria emailed me this post from Shadow of Ezra...

A very interesting post, thanks to Kat for the repost. It is all adding up to...Bye Bye [Biden.


This news about [B]iden seems so far back in the rear vision mirror - but anyway, here it is.

Intel that indicates about a third of the US Navy is based in the Middle East. Eyes on.

This short video explains why there has never been a mainstream cure for cancer. It is so chilling. The depth of evil is beyond comprehension (1' 12" video).

Much happier news - a fleet of starships paid a visit to a neighborhood. Thanks to Pat for the post. What a stunning beautiful sight (33" video).

A great message from Rand Paul. The USA Founding Fathers would be proud of him.

Powerful message from Elon Musk. I concur.

X has suspended a top Pedowood actor. Nice.

The best description of the Earth prison you will ever read. It feels like a combination of The Matrix and The Truman Show.

This is a fun 5 second video. Enjoy.

There has been discussion in the Comments section about ascending with loved ones after my previous post. I am posting my response (edited and expanded)...

'...When I said that it is a unique personal journey, it does not mean that we are ALONE when we ascend - it's just that we still have our own Ascension path, even if it is shared with others. Twin Flames are very real if you are with your beloved. LOVE is the key. Your best test for Ascension is whomever you could not bear to be parted from because you love them will be coming with you. I believe this to be true 100%. Meanwhile we all have our individual last minute karmic lessons to complete...' (Sierra)

Finally, this morning I was blessed to have an chat with my Light Warrior friend Walt. He is usually working out in the back-blocks but instead he was tucked up by the fire at home because his digger is covered in snow - he lives in the Deep South of NZ. So the call was an unexpected bonus.

We chatted about the energies. And it seems that no matter which way you look at it, and hunt for the right words to describe what we are currently experiencing, it always comes back to this one word: Weird. Everything just feels plain weird.

That's why sticking together is so important, my friends. We need to support each other now more than ever before. Let's set aside any petty differences and focus on Unity Consciousness. As I wrote in the comment response: Love is the key.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Caroline, Love and Light to you...!

  2. I wonder which White House is in the picture since there are about 4 including the real one.
    BTW Mar a Lago is called the "Winter White House."
    I read that in the UK when tv's were first introduced that the so called guberment made it mandatory to have a tv in every house hold.
    There have been lots of space ships showing up all over lately. Love it! 💗🛸

    1. That is crazy re the UK mandatory tellies, Possum. Wow...!
      Love the star ships too. Our Galactic friends are hovering nearby, sending us lots of good vibes as we whizz along on our Ascension journey.

  3. Replies
    1. Love and Light to you, Torsen. Love your emojis....!

  4. I have been so encouraged by your blog. I know something is happening to me because I am not so closed off as I once was. As for visitors from off world, I live in a small Texas Hill Country town, and I have seen strange lights at night here. During the day, I believe we have had Pleiadan (sic) ships over us, too. Love, light and life to you all.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Shar. I am excited to hear that you are seeing strange lights in the sky. Wonderful...! Yes, I believe they are Pleiadian ships too. The Pleiadians will be the first off planet race to land on Earth. I can't wait....!! Love and Light to you.


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