Light Warriors: The Crazy Volunteers
Starship Earth's latest newsletter is recommended reading. I totally resonate with BP's message about Ascension, and her thoughts about Q.
This quote is from the newsletter...
'...When the call went out to souls who wished to save the Universe and the goodness and perfection of Creation, we were crazy enough to volunteer---and here we are---at the wind-up party. The really big gala for all of Humanity will be a year-long extravaganza of celebration and gifts. Trump has stated this and we're intrigued to see what that will entail. We anticipate technology, abundance, and eventually, ascension. Our graduation present---and future.
To believe this war will finally be over with enough conviction to actually celebrate and let our guard down will be a tremendous relief. It will probably take many of us most of that year to relax, or longer. Navigating the war and supporting the war effort has been a lifestyle for many of us over many years and not changed overnight.
Living cautiously and with angst rather than with confidence and abandon takes its toll. Knowing so many perished in the trenches makes the victory less sweet, as did losing our pets, friends, and family needlessly along the way. Some in the know have told us that when it's over, the rewards will outweigh the costs to such an exponential degree that every bit of the pain will be well worth it. The ending of "the movie" is predicted to be spectacular...' (BP Starship Earth).
I also resonate with this Telegram message from Rob Ambrose.
'...I think many on here need to remain in the mindset that this is still a military operation above all else. We have to let it play out, end of story. You don’t have to like or agree with the timing of things. It is what it is. The operation isn’t hindered by your sensitivity or emotions. They have a job to complete. Hold the fucking line, help others, find your frequency, say your prayers, keep the faith and take care of yourself and loved ones. And we ALL wait. That’s it. Live your life and await for the changes. When they come? We will know about it...' (Rob Ambrose)
Predictive messaging...? Watch this space.
BREAKING: The Canadian government has issued advice warning citizens to prepare for a hypothetical new virus that could lead to food and fuel disruptions.
If you are looking for evidence that the DS MSM is turning, check out this CNN live interview. Jim Acosta hassles [K]amala's spokesperson about her refusal to hold a press conference (1' 42" video)
There have been arrests in the drug overdose death of actor Matthew Perry.
Ezra posted about the [O]lympics closing ceremony, particularly referring to the Hanged Man from tarot.
My elder daughter Liv is a gifted tarot reader. Two days ago she did a reading for the collective about global Ascension. You will notice the Hanged Man card in her reading, echoing the Ezra post about the Hanged Man at the [O]lympics closing ceremony. Liv had not seen Ezra's post.
Here is a link to Liv's reading - her details are at the end if you would like a personal reading. Highly recommended...!
Finally, this meme says it all. The big question is...what percentage of humanity would fall for it...? I still think a global lockdown due to mpox is cover for the Alliance arresting the DS.

I am really enjoying the chat in the comments section, lovely friends. Keep it up...! You are most welcome here. There is a delightful sense of camaraderie. Imagine how much fun we will have when we all meet up in person.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
ReplyDeleteThanks Possum...! You are one of the awesome blog readers I am so looking forward to meeting next northern summer. It is a date - I already have accomodation organized thanks to a very dear blog reader friend. It will be party time when we all get together. I can't wait...!
DeleteSounds like a great plan! 💗
DeleteSin duda, es una gran ayuda tener tus comentarios querida Sierra y la informacion de lo que ocurre.Mi papel es ayudar con meditacion y plegarias para ayudar el proceso. Espero y confio que al final sera un dia glorioso para la humanidad y yo quiero estar ahi y conocerlos a todos para seguir en la mision de ayudar a la humanidad. Saludos desde Mexico. Namaste.
DeleteArjuna, lovely to hear from you in Mexico...! I have translated your comment for our community to enjoy. Please keep commenting. Love and Light to you.
DeleteWithout a doubt, it is a great help to have your comments, dear Sierra, and the information about what is happening. My role is to help with meditation and prayers to help the process. I hope and trust that in the end it will be a glorious day for humanity and I want to be there and meet everyone to continue on the mission of helping humanity. Greetings from Mexico. Namaste.
Love the Starship Earth article! Learning trust remains a challenge. I survived this journey by feeling everyone was out to get me, being super cautious, and willing to see the mission through solo if necessary. What a relief to find other kindred souls and celebrate soon!🥳. I enjoyed your daughter's tarot reading. She's quite adept at putting the pieces together. My favorite deck is the Robin Wood. A friend gifted me one after I drew out The World randomly. I have Judgement and The World from that deck tattooed on the back of my calves. A woman in NorCal saw them and her eyes got big. "I think you're going to antagonize the Universe with those, are you fuckin crazy?!?". I think I just smiled, but thought; "Well, I volunteered to come to Earth, so yeah!"😜🤩
ReplyDeleteCC, it is going to be a delight to meet up with you and all the other awesome blog readers. I am thinking next northern summer, so your tattooes can be admired without embarrassment...! LIke you, I have survived this lifetime by keeping my truth close until I am sure I can trust someone. There has been a lot of betrayal in this and previous lives. And like you, it has been a huge relief to find other kindred souls, mostly through this blog actually. Slim pickings in my immediate neighborhood.
DeleteYou will enjoy Allison Coe's latest video. I will link it in a post shortly.
I will pass on your kind feedback to my daughter. She is currently house-sitting in London, a brave odessy. I am very proud of her.
Oops! spelling mistake - odyssey. I wasn't even close...!!
DeleteI think travel should be a lot easier by next summer, hopefully by transporter!🙏. Light workers/warriors have been spread out in our necessary grid for so long. It'll be wonderful to finally be able to gather together!♥️
DeleteCC, my thoughts exactly. 💜
DeleteCC and Possum, I read many years ago that after liberation, the entire world will be crisscrossed with the happy travels of Light Warriors meeting up with each other. A huge amount of movement after this extended period of isolation. To think that happy time is only months away. I am sooooooo looking forward to it...!!
Delete'Hello Sierra
ReplyDeleteThe loosing of pets, friends and family along the way makes the victory less sweet'
I lost one of my two cats three days after new year. She was 15 years old but I thought she could have lived till she was twenty. She suddenly became ill and the pet doctor couln't do anything else than to take her life. I still get sad when I think about it. She could have been in a med bed - or she would not have become ill at all in the first place. I cried many tears for days. Now she is buried in my little garden and wild flowers grow on her grave. Me and my wife and our other cat which is her son are getting along though, but there's an empty space where she was in our home that I think will always be there because she left too soon and should have had a natural death. BTW her name was Tara.
Love and light from 'it's going to rain' DK🐈🛸
Torsten, I am so sorry about the premature death of Tara. Our family cat was put down by a vet aged around 15 too. I cried for weeks. It happened around 15 years ago and I can still feel teary. Beloved pets are a big part of our family life - their loss leaves a huge gap in our homes and our hearts.
DeleteLove and Light to you from humid NZ...!
Hi Sierra
DeleteI can hear you missed your cat very much too. It was a heartbreaking moment when the vet put her down. She was alive and the next moment she was gone. Moments like that are unfortunately a part of life on Earth and it is a very hard lesson in Earth school. I prayed and prayed to Jesus and the pleiadian doctors to let her live but she was so ill that my wife insisted that we should take her to the vet and maybe she was right.
Well, life goes on and there is still so much to be grateful for... 🛸💙🏖
Even though my JayJ is in his body suit I have for some reason always had cats without a body suit in my homes. They were not any of my deceased pets in this life either. When I lived in Seattle with a massage practice in my home people would ask if I had a cat and sometimes their clothes draped over a chair would swing. When I lived with my Mom recently before she passed I saw Mom's old cat Sam and I think JayJ was playing with him. In my current home I definitely have a second cat without a body suit that plays with JayJ.
DeleteI went with my parents to the vet back in December when they had to put their 14yo cat to sleep. Simon (I called him Bunny Butt because he had a mostly white super soft rabbit coat, but was very mischievous😼). Brought so much joy to everyone that met him. I know our passed pets are still around us just like human family. That love bond endures forever.😻
DeleteThanks Possum and CC. I do feel that she is still around, especially at home where she lived her life. She was well known among our neighbors as she was a very social cat who came over to people and said hello in her cat manner. I miss Tara being in her body suit, but yes, she is still here at least in my thoughts.
DeleteLove and light to you🐈
Perhaps Simon Bunny Butt and Tara are meeting in the higher world where cats go, when they are sleeping. And my living cat, Basse, goes there too when he wants to say hello...
DeleteJayJ use to visit my friend's very old cat 3,000 miles away. My friend could kind of see JayJ materialize. 😻 Cats are not from here. 🤣
DeleteI had to look up 'mischievous' up in the dictionary🌝
DeleteMy cat Tara was very mischievous too and often made people laugh because she was so creative by doing funny things🐈
He would chew through cords like phone chargers, open doors, knock things off the table... Truly a butt!😼🤣
DeleteMy heart soared with joy at the description of a year long celebration, I can’t wait! I want to travel all over the world and see everything Gaia has to offer, and then I’m leaving on a ship with my loved ones and traveling the universe! That has been my heart’s deepest desire since I woke up.
ReplyDeleteMe too, Anael...! I can't wait to travel the universe. I like Earth but I feel I have seen enough of it now. I have much broader horizons in mind...! Looking forward to seeing you out there....Big hug.
DeleteI also like this line in Starship’s newsletter “Q woke up a certain type of person. It wasn’t for everyone and was never meant to be.” Our family members that can’t wake up don’t have that truth radar we do. I see how the starseeds and lightworkers changed the timelines. Our powerful creative minds learned the truth, our focus was now on the changes for Earth and we stopped believing the lies.
ReplyDeleteI resonate strongly with Rob Ambrose. It’s best not to worry over what we cannot speed up. This has to play out and yes it is what it is.
How cool with the hanged man repeating in your daughter’s reading. I enjoyed the reading. I have a Tarot deck myself and never really learned how to use it.
Thanks for the lovely feedback Indigo. I agree that this movie has to play out now, regardless of how we feel about the timing. I believe we Light Warriors are feeling extra wired because we can sense how close the finish line is - finally. Love, Light and hugs.
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