Light Warriors - How Are We Still Even Upright...??

I am opening this post with a little piece of humor sent to me by my friend Stephen. We Light Warriors can SO relate to this little post. Love it.

from QrashtheMatrix in Telegram
Today is 8-8-8. I heard some sort of portal is supposed to open today. If I go's because I begged them to take me😆😂

Yesterday I asked two Light Warrior friends, in separate interactions, 'HOW are we still even upright...?' They just nodded empathically and sighed. Then I said, 'Sometimes I would like to put my body into stasis and wake up when it's all over...'

Truthfully though, I was super excited in the higher realms to volunteer for this gnarly mission. If I bailed just before the finish line, I would never forgive myself. 'What...?? You MISSED the finish-line bit..??? After ALL that agony leading up to it....????' You get the picture.

And it hasn't all been agony. I have actually had a lovely day thus far. Sunshine, fun chats with people, stocked my pantry with yummy food. There is still a lot to enjoy about this crazy old world if you are willing to seek it out and appreciate it. 

Back to more serious things...

This article outlines the dark side to the Paris [O]lympics - sex trafficking.

Wow. This UK story about online censorship is quite something. I can't say any more about it in case....I get censored (1 minute video).

Worst kept secret - proof that Kamala Harris rally crowds were created by AI (22" video).

Her/His campaign is being propped up big time with bots online (45" video).

Great news out of Georgia - Georgians state that they owe President Trump an apology for the election fraud in their state (37" video).

Dan Scavino is a reliable source. He could be trolling, but there are some pretty bizarre twists in this movie. Let's see...

I REALLY wish this UK message was parody, but sadly it appears to be real. SMH.

BP at Starship Earth shared this meme in her latest newsletter. I concur.

Another great meme from my lovely friend Tee.

Light Warrior friends, the sun is shining here. When I look out of my office window I see my early spring garden blooming, the blue sky with real fluffy white clouds (no chemtrails). The bizarre 3D illusional matrix seems a million miles away. 

Yet it is not. The battle continues...

Swords of TRUTH raised high...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thanks Sierra for all you do! 💗
    I think we are all in stasis pods, our dreams were hijacked and we appear to be here reversing that so we can wake up at home with our true star families and friends.

    1. You are so welcome, Possum.
      I love your theory about our stasis pods. Awesome...! I was always fascinated by the Star Trek episodes that featured stasis pods. Love, Light and hugs to you.

  2. Replies
    1. So lovely to see you purple hearts, Caroline. Thank you....! Love and Light to you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you Sierra , I am up thanks to the galactics of the stars , and you are also galactic of the stars. thank you for everything I love you. I would love to meet you when you come to Italy. See you soon Sierra bene
    Grazie Sierra , sono in piedi grazie ai galattici delle stelle , e sei anche tu galattica delle stelle. grazie per tutto ti voglio bene. Mi piacerebbe tanto incontrarti quando verrai in Italia. A presto Sierra

    1. Lovely to hear from you AndreA. Yes, indeed, we - and all readers of this blog - are galactics of the stars. A trip to Italy is definitely in my plans after we have crossed the finish-line. I so look forward to meeting you and other Italian blog readers then. Ciao bella...!

  5. Not very upright here after August 8th's X flare, rather stasis sounds good. Or a vacation at the coast SOON! Thanks for all you do.

    1. Siri, we will get our tropical island break when this is all over - the thought keeps me going. And yes, jittery is the word...! Love, Light and hugs to you.

  6. Sadly our daughter had her 2nd miscarriage yesterday. As a channeler, my Guide stated that the first loss was a Warrior spirit (would have been a Aires Dragon) and its spirit was needed in the celestial/interdimensional war we're in at present. But this 2nd one is just heartbreaking (would have been a Pisces Snake). We are all gutted.
    This war has been super hard on me and mine. Prayers would be appreciated.
    Thank you Sierra for your inspirational messages daily. It's to folks like you I turn for hope when the skies grow dark and my heart follows.
    God Bless.

    1. Doctor Chezza, I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter's two miscarriages. You and your family are in my prayers. Sending you a big hug. I know first hand the heartbreak you are experiencing - I had two miscarriages between my two daughters. It is the loss of hopes and dreams, along with the baby.
      We are with you, please keep in touch in the comments. Love and Light to you and your family.

  7. It really feels like we're riding in a car on a VERY long journey. The gas gauge has been on empty for not just a few miles(or kilometers) but thousands! Despite running on fumes, we somehow keep going... Please let our destination be here now! 🙏♥️

    1. I think we feel the delay because even team light upstairs have been shocked and surprised at how big the yarn ball/rats nest really has been. Mis-creation on top of mis-creation on top of mis-creation and team light unravelling/un-creating it all. 😇💗

    2. Running on fumes - love it, CC....! You have such a way with words. We have invested so much time and energy in this mission and we are totally committed to seeing the end result. Heavens, though, what a crazy drawn-out journey.
      Yes, Possum, I have read that our friends Upstairs did not envisage this mission being so protracted and exhausting. Everyone underestimated the tenacity of the DS.
      We are winning/have already won though....!!

  8. Here is a short clip that explains central casting actors and staged locations in the movie.

    1. Thanks Possum, I look forward to checking it out. I always enjoy your links...!

  9. Let's roll the credits plz 😉📽️🎬


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