[O]lympics Closing Ceremony

The [O]lympics closing ceremony is being held on Sunday (northern hemisphere). There have been widespread warnings to stay clear of Paris because of potential terrorist attacks. I am not posting that information to incite violence, more as an alert.

This article contains very disturbing data from Japanese research into the deadly effect of the jab on the vaxxed. We knew it was bad - but it is even worse than we imagined. Please use your discernment, as always.

A short passionate speech from a young USA vet in support of President Trump. She is right: 'The WORLD needs President Trump' (1' 40" video).

Here is an MSM story full of lies about President Trump. It screams [D]eep [S]tate desperation.

Speaking of DS, this is one of their entities that may have been 'cancered' by the Alliance. There are rumors that one of the options for execution to save face is to be injected with terminal cancer. Use your discernment.

Still with DS...So where has the Democrat funding come from leading up to the election...?? This little video will explain (20" video).

I love this image, thanks Kat.


I have had blog readers contact me concerned about the NZ government legislation regarding forced jabs in this country. I am giving it NONE of my energy. None. I do not think about it even for a nano-second. This is pure fear porn. On a practical level, there is not the DS resources to run such a national nefarious operation. The [D]eep [S]tate is virtually broke. 

I agree with many Light Warriors who believe any national military operation that suddenly manifests in your country will be the GOOD guys. They will be there for the arrests.

Finally, this afternoon I was chatting to a dear Light Warrior friend. We were discussing how tiny our physical circle of friends has become since we let go of quite a few people whose vibration was not a match. These are lovely people, by the way, but it is okay to acknowledge that the vibrations are not matching. 

We realized that it is necessary to have some friendly 'acquaintances' to pop in and visit every so often. They might not necessarily be on our wave-length but they are good kind people who are always pleased to see us.

It's a juggling act to create social balance when you are a Light Warrior, especially when you live alone. It takes constant tweaking and adjusting of social contacts. The best way to approach it is to make peace with this situation and do the best you can to avoid social isolation.

Soon it won't matter because BIG change is coming.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thank you Sierra. I also do not stew over the forced vaccination legislation here in NZ. To do so is lowering my frequency and I will not let the DS do that. It is just the fear factor and I believe it will never happen. Sometimes I think this is all happening to help wake people up. Friendship wise my circle has become very small. The few I have I really treasure. I could easily be a hermit but I do enjoy the small amount of socialising I do. Light, Love and Truth Sierra.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Myrtle. And it's reassuring that you, a fellow Kiwi, are also not buying into the fear porn. Like you, I believe it will never happen. And yes, this information circulating widely on the internet will help people to wake up to the TRUTH about the jab.
      I treasure my tiny circle of friends too, Myrtle. Love and Light to you.

  2. There have been oh so many bull shit fake so called laws that are not laws at all. The parasites spewing these fake laws have nothing else up their sleeves. This fake system is based on implying crap and people assuming their crap. Cheers

    1. Well said, Possum, to the point.....! Yes, indeed, the biggest LIE about the Scamdemic was that people believed the mandates were laws. Far too many people know the TRUTH about it now. Love and Light.

  3. Yes, the Olympics Closing Ceremony will be interesting to follow tonight. I actually lived and worked in Paris way back in 1987, but the vibration of this particular city has long since become totally foreign to me. --- Change of subject; it's been a while since I shared anything on this fine blog because I'm still recovering after this summer's wonderfully horrible experience. Wonderful; because my/our daughter was happily married (actually for the 2nd time) in a huge wedding with celebrations lasting for 5 (five) full days in a row. Horrible; because I was surrounded by 3D people at all times; and I was more or less helplessly adrift on a chaotic 3D ocean.... So my 5D bubble burst completely ( !! ) ; and it really took me quite some time and efforts to come back on track again. - But like you mentioned in this above article : "Soon it won't matter because BIG change is coming". - Thanks again for all you do, Sierra!

    1. Finn, I am so happy to hear from you....! I am sure many blog readers can relate to your wonderfully horrible experience. Your description of being 'helplessly adrift on a chaotic 3D ocean' will resonate with many of us. We KNOW...! It takes enormous effort to maintain our 5D energy when we are surrounded by 3D people and situations. No wonder we get so exhausted.
      I believe our current struggle to stay upright/connected to the higher energies is only temporary, Finn. When SHTF, everything changes in that one instant. At last...!! Welcome back, Love and Light to you.

  4. Finn, great analogy "3D ocean adrift" 😉 this happens to me as well anytime we have a family function but recently we all got together to place a headstone and scatter my older brothers ashes into our favorite fishing spot as kids (my brother died of cancer but I can't help but think taking the jab hastened this along with chemo he opted for. We sadly didn't agree on much last 15 years) ok anyhow his daughter age 27 and boyfriend were there and she and he are wide awake and we talked about ascension and all the darkness being revealed but that is rare as most of my family I have to keep the topics 3D which are so so boring and mundane right?
    I do think more are questioning but trying to explain to diehard Christians that advanced RTs created these meat suits and that we have DNA from like 22 different ET races is akin to blowing up their home! 😂😂
    Their entire belief system gets turned upside down and that makes them vulnerable so often their ego kicks in and defends the lies they have believed all their life. It's not easy to awaken we all went thru that anger period then the period of wanting all to see what we are seeing only to be met with attacks and loss of friends and family but that's all ok many can't deprogram easily..thank goodness we have this forum to connect and yes vent a bit! We know where we are going we are just a bit anxious to arrive! 😉❤️🕯️

    1. Great comment Doug, thanks for sharing. I am very pleased that you had your niece at the ashes scattering - it must have been comforting having her 5D energy around at that time. Sometimes it just takes that one 5D person in the right time/place to lift our spirits immensely.
      And I agree with you - many 3D people will hold onto their beliefs because of ego and pride. It will be too difficult for them to admit that their life-long perception of Earth life has been a lie. They will need a few more spins around the 3D karmic wheel to find the humility to let it go.
      And we are very anxious to arrive at our destination. What a journey...!! Love and Light to you.

  5. I think the introduction of the ridiculous laws in various countries are part of the chess game to still try and wake up the ones who refuse. In regards to 3d people, I’ve learned to be a chameleon. If someone is awake we have lots to talk about and if not we’ll I’ll just party with them. I have many wedding events to go to this year and I’m just going to have fun. It’s funny how some enjoy all the Trump bashing lies yet he keeps coming out as a winner. There are some YouTube channels that just constantly spread lies about him. 5D chess in a 3d world is not easily seen by the unawakened. I was told I sound like an American when A 3d person heard me talking about the truth, lol.

    1. President Trump who took down Jeffrey Epstein, Backpage, NXIVM and did more to combat child sex trafficking than any President in history as I detailed in my video report below.👇🏻

    2. Indigo, I love your approach to partying with 3D people. I can see you flitting around like a happy sprite at all those weddings, spreading Love and Light everywhere. Go you...!
      The more vitriol poured upon President Trump, the more he shines. He is our fearless Commander-in-Chief. Love and Light to you.

    3. ❤️❤️❤️. Trump also passed executive orders to stop sex trafficking early on. It’s no wonder Hollywood actors years ago were attacking him.

    4. Indeed. President Trump is their greatest fear - and rightly so.

  6. Here's one explanation of timelines and their vibration from Ariel on X. I do not want to be on the timeline in case Kakamala is elected President.


    1. Thanks Pat. The explanation is very similar to what has been conveyed to me by my friends upstairs and Dolores Cannon mentions it as well.

    2. Thanks Pat...! I look forward to checking out this link. Ariel posts some great messages.

  7. Torsten, thank you. This is such a beautiful description of the joys and benefits of communing with nature, especially trees.
    Yes, it is challenging being around people who only want to talk about superficial things and are not interested in engaging in things that interest you. Also being ignored by people is particularly painful. It is my personal core wound from my childhood. I have never got used to it, and I doubt that I ever will - although I have made peace with it.
    Love and Light to you from warm early Spring NZ.

  8. You're following has risen to new heights. This may be...a long read.
    Hang with me please 🙏 I AM David Wayne Emerson...no longer Mr. E.

    A WORLD WIDE PATRIOT! I'VE fought for the Greater Good...and the Greatest CIC EVER!!! DJT!

    As I am embarking...into the Promissed land....I wishto thank Sierra for this platform. Kudos lovely LIGHT WARRIOR!💪

    I've been released from am an NDA and can say....

    That's all for now!!!

    1. Awesome share, thanks David. We are so looking forward to the Musk/Trump show. I know it will be a massive milestone. Love and Light to you...!

  9. Grammatical errors aside...SO BE IT!!!🙏🙏🙏

  10. We're all tired! Let's roll credits!!!

    1. We are indeed. Cue those credits rolling....!

  11. Don't be surprised if JFK...not junior...comes back too!

    1. David, that will be THE biggest thrill for me - along with meeting President Trump. I hope John will forgive me for calling him Not Junior all these years...!


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