President Trump: 'God Saved Me'

Recently President Trump answered an intelligent profound question from a reporter (good on the reporter, by the way). Here is his response. I was not surprised to learn that President Trump often doesn't refer to the teleprompter during his speeches and rallies (2 minute video).

Time for a meme.

Remember [K]ate...? It seems the MSM is telegraphing 'a turn for the worse' in the health of the princess who disappears for months on end. Check out the difference in face shape between the two [K]ates in the article. The [K]ate in the purple dress has a round face...and the AI version sitting on the park bench has a distinctly oval face. Also they could be preparing for the announcement of her death.

Note the extreme fear porn in this MSM story I found in the NZ Herald headlines. You have got more chance of dying from a shark attack than from this 'virus'. Such a beaten up story. Shame on the MSM.

Here is something that is genuinely deadly - PCR tests. I have never had a test and never will. Please pass this info on.

A fire is raging in Somerset House in London. Thanks to Kat for some background intel.

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ The Yorkshire Lass
🚨Around 125 firefighters are tackling a huge blaze
at Somerset House in central London.
Guess when building begun….1776.
Guess who owns it….
The Somerset Trust was created by Lord Rothschild.
There’s a Rothschild Hall there.
Wonder what nefarious evil shit is below that House.
Guess where there is a HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS TAX OFFICE?
At Somerset House which is currently on fire.

@ theyorkshirelassnews

“Civil registration began in 1837
& Somerset House was used to issue
birth, marriage & death certificates
in England & Wales.
These records remained in Somerset House London
for nearly 150 years until 1970
when all records were moved to St Catherine's House…”

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Gene Decode maintains the deep state cabal
So—what’s in Somerset House that’s going up in smoke?
Like the Pentagon on 9-11
& the Oklahoma City bombing/Whitewater etc.
records, evidence, proof? πŸ”₯😼

There is a lot of TRUTH in this meme.

I like this meme. I am ready to be surprised.

Finally, I have had further insights about the 3D Vanishing Point. It helps if we look at recent months as being our transition from 3D into 4D (the void space). Transitions are never easy. However if we surrender to them, the process is less painful. That's why I have decided to completely let go of resisting the end of 3D. It is a natural process, part of a 26,000 year Universal cycle.

My previous analogy of being in a foreign country, where you have no map or understanding of the language, is apt. There is no instruction manual for navigating the void. No planet's population has ever ascended en masse in the history of the cosmos. 

This is BIG. And we are creating it as we go, Light Warriors.

Be gentle on yourself. If you muck up, forgive yourself. Forgiveness is our greatest ally. 

Meanwhile, we move forward, feeling our way through each moment, on this extraordinary Ascension journey. Remember, you are not alone. Our ranks are swelling exponentially every day. The more the merrier, I say...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Possum - you are a ray of sunshine in this community. It is pouring with rain here so your cheery emojis are most welcome...! Love and Light to you.

    2. Yesterday it poured here too and we got some much needed rain. I went outside and had a few "Andy Dufrane" moments, arms wide and looking up. Even went into the big lake while it poured. The colors were such that in places you couldn't tell where the sky ended and the lake began. Felt cleansing, but not very grounding. Time collapsing so fast it's almost nauseating. Something gotta give soon! Much♥️!

    3. CC, we needed the rain here too. It was cleansing and good for the garden. I resonate with you feeling nauseated. I am having frequent moments throughout the day where I feel nauseous and a sudden drop in blood pressure like just before you faint. It is disconcerting. I know I am healthy in the 3D so it must be Ascension-related. Something has gottta give soon indeed...! Love and Light to you.

  2. Hello Sierra
    I don't think I wrote too much in the comment section yesterday, but you didn't comment on any of it. If you disliked it, that's how it is, it's your blog. It's just how it is then, another lesson in Earth school...

    1. Sometimes you don't see the signs, though they are written all over the place. I thought I could join the party. At a victory party it would be the same. You and your american friends would be having a great party and I would stand alone by the door looking at you like a stranger in a foreign country.
      Love an light to allπŸ•ŠπŸ’™πŸ›Έ

    2. Hi Torsten. As I wrote in previous responses to you, I have had a busy day today. It's Sunday and I enjoyed precious time with my beautiful daughter. Yet I still managed to write a post and respond to most comments. I sometimes miss responses but it is not deliberate, I assure you, or personal in any way. I do my best.
      And this blog isn't about 'me and my American friends' - there are readers here from all over the world. That is what I love about this community. It represents Unity Consciousness.
      You are welcome here. Love and Light to you.

  3. I’ve read that because we are not only ascending as an entire planetary collective, but also bringing our physical forms with us, we are creating an entirely new plane of existence as a result. This new dimension will have new rules, I’m assuming based on the data gathered by us guinea pigs. Something that I would love to bring into this new space is food. I think it would be so awesome to be able to eat delicious food in the higher realms, since it’s been the norm that higher beings don’t eat food.

    1. Anael, if you prepare the delicious food in the higher realms, I would gladly join your VICTORY dinner party. I don't enjoy food preparation at all. So we would be a team - you make it and I eat it...! And we get to finally hug after all this time....!
      All joking aside, yes it is the first time a planetary collective has ascended with their physical forms. That is why beings in the multiverse are watching our progress with great interest. We are making cosmic history...!

  4. As long as we go outside the Matrix and into the Multiverse. I think our physical bodies change to light bodies. I'd like to learn to play a few musical instruments. Many mornings I wake up to songs in my head, some old songs I never hear on the radio or heard in a while.

    1. It was conveyed to me that our Earth body suits have too many back doors for interference and polluted from all of the crap we have been exposed to. According to what I was told we will have new very much improved suits and the old one will be disposed of and it really stinks to our friends upstairs. There are oh sooooo many new and improved safe guards with all of creation because of what we have endured, experienced and witnessed. When our star family takes a break from their mission work, they meet at the "Oxygen Bar." Like you Pat I look forward to learning to play music outside the simulation as well as the endless opportunities that will be available to us in addition to our new assignments.

    2. Pat, I have dabbled over the years with playing guitar, flute etc. In the end, I realized that my love of music is linked to body movement, ie dancing. Dancing is my happy place...! I have bought TWO new pair of dancing shoes as a sign to the Universe that I am ready to jive...!
      Possum, fascinating description of dropping our 3D meat suits. They have really done their job. I love the sound of the Oxygen Bar - where did you read that..?? I am also looking forward to all the wonderful opportunites on the other side of the simulation (great way to put it!). Hugs to you both.

    3. I didn't read about the "Oxygen Bar," I was told about it. When team light needs to recharge that's where they go. I'm pretty sure I have been there when not in my body suit at night.

  5. Speaking of orbs.

  6. I'm so confused at the moment that my light pyramid is faltering a bit. Reading your blog certainly helps me regain some balance in my thoughts.
    Sometimes it feels like the entire world is on fire and I'm the only person with an extinguisher, but in my heart I know I am not alone.

    1. Dr Chezza, I love your analogy of the world on fire and you are the one with the extinguisher. Let's imagine TENS OF MILLIONS of Light Warriors around the world, armed with their extinguishers, ready to calm humanity after the fires of TRUTH have roared through the planet. Onward and Upward to 5D...! Love and Light to you.

  7. As our DNA is repaired or reconnected from just 2 strands to 12 I assume our own DNA will facilitate our ability to hold more and more light and become homo luminous? Thus vibrating above 60hz the beginning of 5D I think per law of one. No more duality no more sickness..yes I think Pleaidians can enjoy food if they choose but it's not necessary as our bodies I presume can be energized by simply the light energy we are surrounded by etc?
    I had assumed Q and all was part of the ascension plan, a hard stop via ebs ..mandatory documentary to inform all at the same time what has been happening..nesara to remove fear or lack of $$ to then boost vibration so all could prepare for the solar flash more effectively. To me this all needs to happen before Nov 5th because it's clear to me they will steal it again for Harris.
    Brunson case is supposedly active and this wld be how scotus wld flip the election and also remove most of Congress.
    It's not easy knowing all that we do now and trying to still act our way in a dying 3D still working and paying bills wanting it all to collapse and stop is quite surreal when many are still unaware what ascension means. ❤️❤️❤️πŸ•―️πŸ•―️πŸ•―️πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨

    1. Doug, I have read that we can eat food in the higher realms but it tends to be delicious fruit and juices rather than the heavier food we eat here in 3D.
      I love your last sentence - you have summed it all up there, my friend. I will use that quote in today's post...! Love and Light to you.

    2. Occasionally I get prophetic πŸ˜‰ thanks for the reply...your blog is getting busy that's a great sign as well!

  8. Hello Sierra
    Our neighbor who lives next door has a dog who has been a street dog in an eastern european country. She got it from some people who rescue street dogs so that they can get a real home. She (the dog) has become a happy and calm dog now that she lives with someone who takes care of her and she always wants to say hello to me in her dog manner when I meet her and my neighbor. But if I'm sitting on my bike and comes too close, she gets angry and barks at me. When I get off my bike she is calm and happy again. My neighbor says that she doesn't like bicykles and there must be something about bikes that reminds her of the life she had before as a street dog. The other dogs in our neighborhood don't react in that way when they see someone on a bike - and that was a little story about a dog.
    Thanks again Sierra. The path has been bumpy at times..!
    Love and light from evening/nighttime in DKπŸ•ŠπŸ’™πŸ›ΈπŸ–

    1. Hi Torsten...the poor wee dog obviously had a bad experience with bikes. Thank goodness she is being loved back to health by a kind good samaritan.
      Torsten, the path has been extremely bumpy at times, especially lately. You are not alone, my friend. We will all make it across the finish-line together, albeit battered and bruised.
      Love and Light from sunny NZ after a night of stormy rain...!

    2. πŸ•ŠπŸ’™πŸ›ΈπŸ–


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