
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Death of Hollywood

A 'celebrity' could only rise to the top in Hollywood/Pedowood by selling their soul to the [s]atanists. That ambition doomed them to participate in depraved heinous acts of evil from which there was no going back. It seems that we are now witnessing the death of Pedowood in real time. It is great news - a BIG win for the Alliance. This post from MJTruth... Trump announced last night that he intends to work with the state of Nevada to Build New Movie Studios to Rival Hollywood. Mark Wahlberg is on the same mission… to bring new Film Studios to Nevada. This is pretty amazing and if anyone is paying attention, you too can feel that we are on the cusp of something amazing. We The People have SPOKEN. No more deadly jabs. BREAKING: Moderna is reducing its plans for developing new vaccines after a significant drop in demand for its COVID-19 shot, leading to a sharp decline in r

QTSR Telegram Posts: 14th September

Here are the QTSR Telegram posts for 14th September. Thanks, Stephen. There are a lot of new blog readers - just letting you know that all QTSR Telegram posts contain multiple spelling and grammatical 'errors'. These are deliberate 'errors' to avoid censorship. Post 1   5th Generation warfare games and game plans//)) THE SET UP  🔥 Did Trump lose the debate or win? You have to think logically. You have to think like the top intelligence agencies across the world. _ __First you must understand Trump is not just a single person and a lone warrior taking on the CIA, FBI and world deep state establishments. There is no way one person is going to go after the CIA looking machine and EXPOSE the world banking corruption. Human trafficking networks and connections to global ELITES and banks and at the same time Trump is heading to stop the world wars, this is the GLOBALIST operations that secretly controls the military industrial system . This same system kills presidents and k

[D]eep [S]tate Running Scared Over Jab

It seems that the [D]eep S]tate is trying to quietly shovel their Plandemic under the rug. They are probably running scared in the face of million dollar lawsuits coming down the pike. Check out this post... Excerpts from the above post... '...Prioritise patient access to NON-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatments (my caps on the word NON)...the symptoms of the virus are now comparable to the common cold in most cases...' That last statement - comparing the (fake) virus to the common cold - is heinous. BILLIONS of people worldwide got jabbed because they feared they could die from a highly contagious DEADLY disease.  Sure, the jabbed people should have done their research. But fear porn spread quickly, dispelling common sense. It took incredible bravery to stand strong and refuse the jab. Many of us who did stand strong paid a heavy price in estrangement from family and friends. Some of my Light Warrior friends are still es