Red October Is Approaching...

We Light Warriors are wary of dates. However 1st October is shaping up to be memorable in more ways than one.

Starship Earth's latest newsletter is packed with intel, particularly related to that date.

Blog reader Randy reminded me of this salient point...

'...US Congress goes on vacation starting the first of October for the whole month. You can't arrest Congress while they're in session...'

French billionaire Philippe Argillier has four data bases naming 38 [D]eep [S]tate entities who run the shadow government (1' 50" video).

Tucker Carlson interviewed Roseanne Barr. It was a very moving interview, I watched nearly all of it. Here is an excerpt. Warning: Roseanne does not flinch when she talks about Hollywood [s]atanism. It is, quite literally, sickening and horrifying. But people must know the TRUTH (2' 11" video)

This is an excerpt from a BioClandestine Telegram post. Personally, I believe the recent Zelensky capitulation to President Trump was one of the biggest events in the Alliance operation.

'...If you were wondering why they are trying to kill Trump, this is why. Trump is about to negotiate an end to the conflict in Ukraine. This means the military industrial complex lose their cash cow, and the CIA lose their offshore proxy.

This is why they impeached Trump as soon as he started digging into where the money was going in Ukraine. Trump did not commit any crime. All he did was get too close to finding out what was going on.

And now if Trump does win the election and does negotiate an end to conflict and the end the flow of money, as he claims, then the public will see that Trump is the peacekeeper, and the Biden regime were the ones who instigated this war....' (BioClandestine)

This makes sense.

Love this pic.



Finally, it is eerily calm here today. Not weather-wise - that is all about strong winds which seems to be a theme in many countries at present. No, the eery calm is atmospheric, as if the whole world around me has pushed the pause button.

I refuse to be spooked by it. Instead, I am focusing on my preparations, ensuring that I have tied up all loose ends so there are no distractions when the SHTF. On the whole, I believe I have achieved my goal. It has been quite a process on all levels.

When SHTF almost everything that currently pre-occupies us will suddenly become completely meaningless. That is how it should be. That is actually the whole point of SHTF - to wake people UP...!!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. The Hunt For Red Oktober!!! 🏮🏮🏮🔨🔨🔨

    1. It starts tomorrow here in NZ, Doug....! We get to do it slightly ahead of you all the time, tee hee....

  2. I think outside of my bubble the shit has hit the fan and "their" forecasting another hurricane. The aftermath of Helene is worse than any of the other bad ones. I believe many exited and the low numbers of the deceased stated by the msm is way off. Two main interstates are demolished along with some dams, roads and some towns are just gone. Lots of people are stuck in the mountains without power, water, cell service and no way to leave because of roads being washed out. May all that left their body suit gently land in the place that is for their highest and best good.
    Hugs to All Y'all 💗

    1. Possum, thanks for the update about the hurricane. It sounds shocking - and as usual severely under-reported by the MSM. We had a similar situation here in NZ where a huge storm washed away far more people than attributed to in the death toll.
      Our prayers for all who are still suffering/have suffered - Possum, your prayer for those who lost their lives is beautiful.

    2. Much Love, Light, and healing for the South🥰. I'm kinda confused why if the ETs can shut down nukes, why not the weather control tech? Is some of it natural and a way for Gaia to release dark energy?🤷‍♂️

    3. A while ago a Real Raw News article said that 2 of the 3 laser wild fire starter planes were taken out by the WH military. IDK CC but some how I think that a certain amount of the TD/DS plans are allowed and would have been even worse if that can be believed. Here is another thought that came to me. Helene took out the bible belt and a large amount of these people strongly believe in armageddon. I remember many years ago the "new age" people were warned about the armageddon believers. That us spiritual people better get our vision for the near future cleaned up and clear cause the religious people sure have one. Just some things my mind is wondering about.

    4. Helene might be the "mass casualty event" the ds kept mentioning.

    5. Possum and CC...Possum, your theory about the Bible belt is very interesting. Q always said, 'Watch the Water' and 'It will be Biblical'. We can only speculate. Meanwhile this event is heart-breaking for all concerned. We were warned that the last part of the operation would be challenging. We are there. Love and Light to you both.

  3. Hello Sierra
    In the last days I have been experiencing a dream like atmosphere around me like if the dimension we're in when dreaming is coming closer to th physical world. The dream state that we are in when we are asleep is in a higher dimension than this one, (I believe), and I feel that it somehow has begun merging with the physical world. I think that it has been more like that in the old days, before this age where we are told all the time that the only real world is the one we can see and touch. That is what the cabal wants us to believe, that there is no higher dimension. But the dream dimension is where the angels, the ascended masters and the pleiadians , all our friends 'upstairs' live. That's what I feel, that the distance between this physical world here on Earth and the dimension we are in when we are dreaming is not as big as before, like the two dimensions are going to merge with each other, which can be a sign that first contact with the positive ET's will soon be possible.
    Love an light from sunny 'over here'🌻💙🛸

    1. Wonderful comment, thanks Torsten. And I totally agree with you - the veil between 3D Earth and the higher dimensions/Upstairs has virtually gone. People only THINK it is still there out of habit. For those of us ascending consciously, the incoming 5D feels much more real than the fading 3D. Love and Light from evening NZ...!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hello Sierra.
      I deleted this post, since I happened to just repeat what I had alredy said in the comment above...!
      Love and light🕊🏖

  4. Does anyone else find themselves rather weepy and sad about things at times? I am having some difficulty with depression lately although I literally have zero reason to be!
    Anyway, things move apace and we are indeed moving into a brand new world. I just pray Trump survives otherwise we may all be facing a very bleak future as I don't think there is anyone who could replace him.
    Actually, prayers all around. I feel I need kneepads lately for all the time I spend on them in prayer.
    God bless you all fellow light warriors!
    BTW - are any of the rest of you responsible for the light pyramids in your region? Sometimes mine feels like it's dim when the sky is overcast. Weird.

    1. Sounds like ascension symptoms and if you are a sensitive you may be picking up other's weepy energies. Our area was hit pretty bad and a few million people are suffering searching for loved ones.
      I am not familiar with being responsible for the light pyramids. I am surrounded by ancient pyramids disguised as mountains. Can you give more detail about the light pyramids? Thanks

    2. I read.the energies will do this to us. As Sierra related her story of getting easily triggered I think we are all susceptible as we entered the photon belt proper now and other energies from GCS arrive but with that we also go up and down so a sense of loss and hopelessness can happen too it said. I have those feelings as well. What's the pt of any of it is my thought.. Once we see something definitive that is positive I think it will really help.

    3. Hi Doctor Chezza. I would say that it is a combination of Ascension symptoms and releasing of past karmic issues. This is a very intense time. Pluto (known as the Destroyer) is bringing up everything from the past to be released in its last go round in Capricorn. When it moves fully into Aquarius, I think in Nov, we are finally entering the Golden Age of Aquarius on 5D Earth. So this is our last opportunity to release the past which can explain a lot of emotional reactions that come from nowhere.
      I have not heard of being responsible for light pyramids either. Love and Light to you.

    4. You are all so sweet! Thank you for your comforting, kind words. I agree it's probably ascension symptoms and absolutely, Possum on picking up on weepy energies. Besides that, I live only about 25 miles from Washington DC and constantly have felt the negative, nasty energy from that place bombarding my sense since I moved back here from Beijing in 2016 (I was a visiting professor in China).
      As for the light pyramids, ever since about 2018 whilst doing a 'guide' session (my daughter facilitates while I go into a self-hypnotic state and literally talks to the angelic entities that come through to provide messages) that there are many of us who are creating 'light pyramids' to cover all areas of Earth and help the world ascend from 3D. Mine covers approx 300 miles in every direction from 300 miles up from where I live then west to Ohio, north into NY state, south into North Carolina and east out into the Atlantic. It's basically light that I help generate spreading to all these areas helping to keep people inhabiting that region from totally freaking out, I guess...
      I don't really know how else to explain it other than that. I assume that some are aware of their light pyramid and some aren't. I am going to assume that we each possess one though.
      Hope you all have a fabulous week!

    5. I am inside your pyramid then. It would be interesting to ask your daughter about me being inside yours. I was told my energy signature is needed here and moved back to Roanoke in 2015 from Seattle. Cheers 💗

    6. Cheryl, lovely to know your name...! Interesting that we were called to move certain places. I moved to my current location on 1st October 2012 - exactly 12 years ago today...! I live close to a large mountain of quartz crystal. I think that is why there is a portal and ships come here all the time. It is a deeply spiritual area. Thanks for sharing about the Light pyramids.

  5. Here an interesting post from Alex Collier
    I was told similar things but the ship's self repair is a new one for me. 🛸💗

  6. The ships are alive ships I recall a utube interview can't rem the person he was a genius and they were showing him a ship and engine and he said it was alive ..amazing isn't it

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think you are referring to David Adair (Dr. David Adair) he was a child prodigy back in the day when it came to Rocketry discovered by Wernher Von Braun from (Project Paperclip), David Adair also wants to talk to Trump about Hardening the Power Grid against (EMP) attack. You can see a lot about David on GAIA video channel.

    3. Thanks for sharing, Alfa1, much appreciated.

  7. Sure hope no election and we see it all come down now

    1. Thanks for the share, Possum. I like Alex Collier - I will check out this video.

  8. After 3 days of rain it was sunshine again, so I pedalled to the lake in the area where I grew up. There's a hill with a green lawn with an old avenue of trees. I leaned against one of the old trees that I have known since my childhood and a dragonfly came and landed on my lap and sat there for a while.
    Later when I was back in my little garden and sat in my garden chair, a dragonfly came and sat on my jacket. It was similar to the first one. Maybe it was the same one that sat on my t-shirt the other day. I said, 'hello, nice to see you again'. I didn't relax enough this time so it flew away again. I wonder, if it could be the same one that landed on me in both places, because they looked the same? - It must have been one of the last days of late summer; the air is getting colder, but still the sunshine was warm. Dragonflies come out when it's sunshine. Where are they when it's cloudy and cold? Are they in another dimension where it's sunshine? I have a feeling that my friends 'upstairs' want to tell me something, but I haven't figured out what it is they want to say to me, other than to enjoy the sunshine and the peaceful sunday afternoon and to be grateful for the life I have here in a relatively peaceful part of the world... Namaste..!
    Love an light🌞🏖

    1. Yup, the messenger. Very cool 😎

    2. Torsten, I have praying mantis that come and visit me. They sit on my window, and sometimes come into the house. I, too, have wondered if it is the same one every time. It sort of feels familiar....!

    3. We don't have praying mantis here, but we have bumble bees. Some say that the bees were brought to Earth by the Pleiadians a long time ago...🛸
      It could very well be the same one that visits you. A nice visit...🕊

    4. How wonderful!
      We've had almost constant gray skies for about 10 day so far so no dragonflies. I love them as my Chinese astrological sign is the Dragon. Hoping that this rain will finally end after tomorrow as our daughter and maybe we'll see a few more before the autumn begins in earnest.


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