Blackout Dream: A Sign...?
I had an interesting dream last night. I was walking along a rural road towards my family home (which I left when I was 16). Light was fading fast and it was soon pitch black. I debated about continuing as I knew the way, but I felt it was unsafe because I couldn't see a thing.
Suddenly car lights approached from behind me. I stuck out my thumb as a hitch-hiking sign. I was surprised when the vehicle stopped. There were two odd men in the car. I ascertained that they were just odd and I was safe. Off we went. As we drove, I was aware that I was going to a house that WASN'T my home and never had been. Then I woke up.
I mulled over the meaning of this dream when I awoke. It could mean that we are shortly about to go into blackout, as stated in some of the intel. Even though we feel prepared, it will still be shocking with its sudden pitch blackness. However, as the dream showed, we will be safe and taken care of. There WILL be light.
I had a wee sample of this a few nights ago when the power suddenly went out in my neighborhood. It was pitch dark - we needed candles. The power remained off for nearly two hours. Fortunately I did not lose internet because it is linked to my phone. But it gave me a taste of 'blackout'. And now the dream.
We are always told to pay attention to our dreams. I think the dream was also a reminder that this planet has never been my home. I am visiting as a Light Warrior on a mission to liberate humanity. I have been working undercover the whole time I have been here - 67 years. My earliest memories are of not fitting in and wondering why I was here.
Well, now we Light Warriors KNOW why we are here. The finish-line approaches.
Exciting times...!
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
CosmicCustodianSeptember 10, 2024 at 6:37 PM
ReplyDeleteInteresting dream Sierra. Two nights ago I was in an old house with cabal history and felt very dark energy. I woke up soon after. Last night was in a prison with all kinds of horrible things happening around me. No need for gory details. I feel like in both cases I was there to clean up the stuck nasty energy. If you do purifying work, maybe you were there to heal an event where a young woman or girl was picked up by weirdos and it didn't end so innocently. A lot of really bad stuff happened on this planet. It's up to the Space Janitors/Sin Eaters/Transmuters to clean up the filth so we can graduate and move on. Dirty jobs, but somebody has to do it...😎♥️
CC, you are a fast mover...! You left a comment on the previous post before I decided to split off the dream and make it a stand-alone post. So I imported your comment over here. I will leave it on the other post but refer to it here.
DeleteThat is such a good point about my dream. I had not thought of it that way. I know the weirdos were incidental - it was more the pitch blackness that was the center of the dream. And I am thinking that the weirdos could represent the calvary not appearing as we off planet beings..?? All I know is, I surprised myself by hitchhiking when I don't believe it is safe...I was surprised when they stopped...and I was pleasantly surprised to feel safe in the car.
You have been very busy doing clean-up work in your dreams, CC. Go you. No wonder you need all those swims in the lake...!
Oops! I always spell that word wrong..cavalry...!
DeleteI know this isn’t about the dream stuff in your comment, CC, but you reminded me of something important that happened to me recently regarding our roles in this lifetime. A few days ago, I was making a macrame necklace for someone, and I decided to play some high vibration music while I worked. I put on a youtube video of a hand pan player and a singer and enjoyed the music. I got curious about the comment section and started to scroll. All the comments were giving gratitude and praise, exalting the two artists to divine levels. I started to feel some self doubt and insecurity about my own accomplishments as a light worker, but I was able to remember something very important. I am a light anchor; I draw all the high vibration light codes that are streaming in from the sun and other sources, and anchor it into Mother Gaia’s light grid. That is why I think my morning routine is so simple; I anchor my energies into Gaia’s core, I put up my energy shield, and then I activate my Reiki powers and place myself in a healing Reiki bubble. That’s it. I was asked to simply be the light as well as anchor more of it. I am not working in some glamorous or praise worthy career, I work at a fast food restaurant. BUT… that allows me to offer my high vibration to the people that need it most. You mentioned dirty jobs, and while I wouldn’t call my role a dirty job, it’s definitely thankless. I don’t have hundreds or thousands of adoring fans giving me feedback on my accomplishments. I just get up, go to work, and come home like an average joe. I believe that I can call myself very strong for choosing a thankless role like this, where I have had to overcome deep feelings of self doubt and self depreciation.
DeleteAnael, you reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend when we worked together at a hot springs. We did everything there. Shovel snow, cut grass, clean bathrooms, pools, and other grossness, split and haul wood... He was tearing up one time and said something like; "We do all this hard work, and nobody notices or even gives a shit." I gave him a hug and said; "God notices, and we know what we've done here." All of us have different roles to play. Often the unglamorous and unrecognized are the most important. Yogananda told a story of an advanced student who observed the Master Babaji washing the feet of a Swami he knew to be fake. He whispered, "Master! How can you wash the feet of this fraud?!" He replied; " Humility is what the Divine values most". Much♥️and ⚡!
DeleteAnael, I have always believed that some of the most humble people on this planet are disguised Masters. Serving food/washing dishes for a living is a way of serving humanity, just as much as any other way. Look how many people come into your sphere of influence every day...! CC is right. GOD knows what is in your heart, and how much Love/Light you radiate every day.
DeleteThank you CC and Sierra for sharing your important dreams with us. 🤗💜
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome, Possum. I think vivid dreams are important at any time - but particularly now when we Light Warriors are receiving many messages from Upstairs.
DeleteDreams I posted already my older brother Dave came to .e in my dream 3 nites ago .. we disagreed about all that is happening but we spoke and he said all will be ok and we embraced and it was the first time in a yr I saw my brother happy and healthy! We are close!
Doug, I agree - your brother's appearance in a dream, reassuring you, could well mean that we are very close now. I am so happy for you...!
DeleteBeautiful posts! Thank you! To add my dream....I dreamed I was in a living room someone had died and a casket all in black was carried in to be put behind the sofa which was moved out of the way. I woke up at that time. Later in the day I was driving to do errands and I saw a hearse go by. I have no idea what all this means....perhaps the ending of all the darkness here on earth. I sure hope so. As you say "very close". Love and Light, Betsie
ReplyDeleteWow, Betsie - dreaming of a casket and seeing a hearse on the same day is a big synchronicity. Let's go with your theory that it signifies the end of all darkness on Earth. Love and Light to you...!
DeleteAnother doozy of a dream last night... I was in a royal building (English royals?). Saw a pile of old photo albums. They were from around the 1950s as the pics were black and white. Saw a tab for "secret wedding" and got excited. Looked and all the photos had been torn out! In the other pages many pics were missing except a few boring ones. I jumped to a strange scene in the 1960s. (by the clothes and glasses). Some royal man was in a pool standing behind a man and woman. He took a bite out of the common man's shoulder! The man was scared/shocked and got the heck out of there! The "royal" then started to look reptilian and even grew two long curled horns out his head. Pretty disturbing. Nothing Earth shattering, feels like confirmation of what you said Sierra. There have been many cover ups over the years. The missing photos indicate most royals are loooong gone. Only the few of the Light were allowed to remain. A big chunk of European royal families were either reptilian in disguise or under demonic control or both. Thankfully I think the White hats focused on removing the darkest and most influential creatures first. I get the feeling the Light is actually more in control/further along than we think...🤔🤷♂️
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. Thanks CC.
DeleteCC, that was a very detailed dream, full of comms. I agree with you - the missing photos would indicate that those 'royals' are long gone. Diana knew that the royal family, mostly, were reptilian. She saw them shape shift. That's why she had to be removed for her safety.
DeleteInterestingly, the Scottish police are currently investigating Balmoral Castle where the royals go for their summer holidays. They are looking for evidence of [s]atanism. Maybe your dream was prophetic, CC. Watch this space.
We look forward to hearing further dream adventures from night time Michigan.....!
In the spring/summer of 2017 a LW friend and I visited Ireland and Scotland in a rented car without a plan as we were told by our friends upstairs. We were not to know from day to day and let our star family guide us to what areas needed clearing and exposure. One of the places was Balmoral Castle and the darkest and creepiest places we went. We noticed that there were no highway signs directing tourists to this castle while all of the other castles were clearly advertised along the highways. We arrived late in the afternoon just before the last bus that takes tourists from the main gate to the castle. While we were riding the bus we both had creepy visions of the human hunting parties. Once at the grey foreboding looking castle we decided not to go inside and looked around the grounds instead. There were weird statues of animals with erect you know whats. We both looked at the sunken garden and wondered how many bodies were buried there? My friend began doing her clearing work and we heard that weird scary animal cry that you might hear in a scary movie. We missed the last bus out and there was no way we were going to walk the long road down to the main gate. I caught a woman closing the ticket office and acted like I I had a bum ankle and asked her for a ride while my friend used the tourist restroom. We met at the woman's jeep and when we arrived at the main gate it opened and then just before we were to drive through it closed us in and the woman was shocked. She made another attempt and that time we got through. Our friends upstairs told us to skedaddle asap. We took off in our rental car like a bat out of hell. While I was driving my friend said she was locked inside the tourist bathroom from both exits and had to scream to be let out by the restaurant workers cleaning up. That whole trip was crazy.
DeleteDang Possum, you experienced real time what I usually see in dreams. Please be careful and never succumb to fear. I can only empathize with my time in NorCal and around Bohemian Grove... Truly horrifying... Dear Source, please let us go back home.
DeleteCC my statement on most nights just before slumber is JayJ and I are ready to be picked up out of this amnesic hallucination never to return and ready for our next mission outside of this closed system.
DeleteWow Possum that was an amazing experience, thanks for sharing it!
DeleteI agree with Betsie, wow...! Possum, you went right to the heart of the darkness on Earth. Balmoral Castle (and Bohemian Grove) are the worst of the worst.
DeletePossum and CC, I am with you - let's get this mission over and done with so we can go back Home. Enough of the horror show. We want peace, prosperity and happiness for humanity. So Be It.
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline. I always love your cheery purple hearts...!