MSM TRUTH Piece: Refreshing

Sky News Australia is producing some hard-hitting TRUTH opinion pieces. It is refreshing after all these years of MSM brainwashing (26 minute video).

Here is Pam Gregory's new video about the Solar Eclipse on 2nd October.

There is no new intel so this post will be short.

And unfortunately I am having problems with Outlook - suddenly it is not allowing me to crop or re-size images so I can't share any posts or memes. I will need to visit a computer geek on Monday who can hopefully sort it out.

Meanwhile, one word summarizes daily life in my neck of the woods: Change. 

There is a lot of change happening in people around me, including rapid onsets in serious health issues among the jabbed population. It is hard to watch the sudden health decline, knowing exactly what caused it. However, I know two things....a) they would not listen if I tried to explain what caused their ill health, therefore they would not be interested in remedies....b) it's probably too late for the remedies in most cases anyway. Very sad.

I have been contemplating NPCs (Non Playing Characters). I don't profess to understand this complex subject but I do find it interesting. I will re-read Dolores Cannon's work on NPCs and see if I can add anything to the discussion in tomorrow's post.

Finally, Ascension 'symptoms'...VERY loud ear-ringing, sometimes more pronounced in the left ear (downloads)...even more loss of interest in food, if that is possible, but I am still managing to find food I enjoy...sudden bouts of overwhelming tiredness, literally falling asleep in my office chair...fascinating synchronicities which is rather fun, they are happening almost on a daily basis.

Mostly I just feel peaceful and accepting of this void space. I am wandering around in it, quietly observing from a detached perspective. I won't ever find the void comfy but I am learning to make peace with it.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. We're definitely getting closer to Ascension... my ears have been ringing more often and I'm eating less, but each day we get one step closer to going home.

    1. That is such a lovely thought Anon00 - each day another step closer to going home. Love it.

  2. I think detached sums it up nothing I used to do that brought satisfaction and joy work in the same manner now...all seems quite dull now but I carry on. I get outside sit in the sun say my mantras read your blog listen to a few utubers I follow and read some telegramers I follow and then think about life in 5D.
    Yes many won't accept the jab is making them ill, it didn't help my brother already dealing with cancer that's for sure. Cognitive dissonance is strong in those still unable at this stage of the process it will take the solar flash or death if we still have another year.. I fear they let Kamala wins and we have civil war ..if not we need the scare event asap right ?
    Surely Red October means military takes over in full view of the public right?
    Send me a portal plz! πŸ˜‰♥️πŸ•―️

    1. Doug, your days sound similar to mine - except instead of reading my blog, I am writing it...!!
      I am very hopeful for Red October.
      One portal teleporting its way to Idaho...!

  3. I watched a video today where Rosann Bar was speaking about the prop people (NPCs). There are many Utube vids with people talking about how off everything has been for the last few years and lots of people speak about their voluntary isolation. Several vids on how dating sucks and many have given up on that front. Some wish they never divorced. It is crazy out there in 3D land. Just more signs of the dissolution of the hallucination.
    Thanks Sierra and may your computer glitches be fixed easily and effortlessly. Hugs πŸ’—

    1. Possum, if you still have the link to Rosanne's video, I would love to watch it.
      Yes, people are tired of the old 3D paradigm. It isn't working anymore for many people.
      Thanks for your hugs, right back at ya...!

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    1. Torsten, I think dragonflys are quite a spiritual symbol. How lovely that they come to visit you...! Love and Light from night time NZ.

    2. The dragonfly is the messenger. Thanks for the share Torsten. πŸ„

    3. A dragonfly landed on my blouse the other day....(my son crossed over years ago and his "sign" is the dragonfly, he visits often that way - he wrote a song about the dragonfly if you are interested in hearing on
      YouTube - And lots of ringing in my ears, too Sorry you are having computer problems, I hope you have an easy fix on Monday. Yesterday it felt like 5D outside colors were glowing. Also, thanks so much for the picture the other day of the ships in the sky! Love and Light, Betsie

    4. Wow Betsi! Your Utube channel is all about dragonflies. Very cool and thanks for sharing your son's song. πŸ’—

    5. Thank you for listening to his song.

    6. Betsie, thank you for sharing the song your son wrote - I look forward to listening to it soon. How lovely that your son visits often in the form of dragonflys. You must draw a lot of comfort from his visits.
      You are very welcome re the cloud ship pic. My friend Judith is doing a great job lately photographing them. I always mean to but don't quite get there...!

    7. Torsten & Betsie, thanks for sharing your dragonfly visits which I feel are so sacred. I was told that dragonflies rely on clean water to lay their eggs so if you see them around means that the ecosystem where you live is quite healthy.

  5. Yes, the ringing in the left ear is very loud and happening more often. I also am trying to understand NPC’s and wondered if that is why all hospitals around the world have shortages. Did many leave? The other day as I was observing while being a passenger in a car and I felt an interesting energy. I saw some tiny yellow/green leaves falling from a tree as if they were dancing with joy as they were making their way down. I got a nudge to enjoy this 3D beauty as if it were coming to an end. The experience seemed to happen in slow motion and I was grateful to experience the 3D world.

    1. You are probably right about one reason there are not enough hospital staff. About a year or more ago I was reading some crazy things about what people were witnessing with people vanishing. A fast food worker posted about people coming up to the counter paying for their order and heading straight for the bathroom never to return to pick up their order. The bathroom was checked and no one was there. She said this happened several times. Then there were videos of people popping out of existence on security cameras in an airport, a hospital, a school bus, a restaurant and a street bench. Their purses, suitcases, backpacks and cell phones just dropped to the floor and they were gone. Yellow Rose for Texas on her community page shows the top search on google is missing persons.

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    3. I hadn't heard about the bikes. Can you give us more details?

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    7. How interesting Possum, I had no idea this was happening. Thank you, I’m going to look into it further, so interesting.

    8. Just found an article talking about all the missing kids from school since the pandemic and they can’t be found. NPC’s perhaps. πŸ€”

    9. I believe that the ground crew WH's and our Galactic family and friends used the plandemic for hidden ops for an advantage. That way people vanishing would be some what obscured for less panic among other ongoing ops.

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    11. Oh yeah, that's right. In our faces back then too.

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    13. Indigo, Possum and Torsten....I really enjoyed your chat about NPCs and bikes...! Fascinating. So much to think about.
      What about the 2000 missing children from the Lahaina fire in Maui..?? No mention ever made about their whereabouts. I am hoping that the Alliance rescued them and they are safe in another dimension.
      We have a lot to learn in the future about the TRUE reality of planet Earth.

  6. Just wanna share this catchy & hilarious song using words of Donald Trump in his presidential debate with Kamala Harris -

    1. I love "The Kiffness" channel. 🐢😺

    2. Great to hear from you JN. Thanks for sharing the song, we can all do with a good laugh....!

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    2. Great sleuthing, Torsten..! And when you think about it, it is a good definition of NPCs.

  8. Here are a couple of hopeful posts from VT...
    Galactic Commander Valiant Thor Shows Us Moon Base Clarion (Photos)
    Galactic Commander Valiant Thor Shows Us Mars Base Solar Warden (Photo)

    1. Thanks Possum...! I look forward to checking it out. I love Valiant Thor posts.

    2. I agree with Indigo, Possum. Thank you...! As you will see I posted it today. I found it on Rumor Mills too. It's my go to site multiple times a day.

  9. Having a rare lunch with my NPC/Karen siblings today, some days I wish they'd leave their bikes behind! ;)

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    2. That is so funny, nineOH....! If I am ever in a situation like your lunch I say to myself, 'I am taking my body along but my mind will be elsewhere...' It helps...!

  10. No election per storm rider on telegram 11.3 will commence soon. Military is the only way!
    Red October it seems will happen soon. Love and Light to all! ♥️πŸ•―️

    1. Doug, I agree - no election and military soon. We are ready...!!


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