President Trump: Sentenced Delayed Until After Election

President Trump alluded to a surprise on 6th September, and he delivered. Judge Merchan has delayed President Trump's court trial sentencing, due on 18th September, until after the election. BIG win, Light Warriors (9' 33" video).

The [D]eep [S]tate is getting very defensive about UFO sightings. Check out this MSM article. 'There is zero evidence that aliens even exist...' 

Come on, people. We Earthlings cannot possibly be the only/most intelligent life in the cosmos. Remember, we believed that an oversized rover vehicle with big fat squashy wheels fitted into a skinny rocket spaceship for the first 'moon landing'. Imagine how every REAL intelligent being in the universe laughed at our gullibility back then. We were well and truly duped. 

But - now we KNOW. And we will never go back to mind-controlled ignorance ever again. 

We The People HAVE SPOKEN.

And We The People want to see the full public release of the [E]pstein client list by President Trump - NOW. Comedian Jim Breuer is totally correct in this video - the full public release will be the domino that instantly crashes 3D life as we know it (2' 12" video).

Jim Breuer is not exaggerating when he states that the list release will break the back of the entire global entertainment industry. And I agree with him - when I read the list several years ago, some of the famous names on it broke my heart too. My DVD collection was decimated, reduced by almost half. So many famous actors and musicians. I was devastated.

Famous UK actor Sir Ian McKellen - who was knighted by the Queen - recently dropped scathing comments about the royals. Does he finally feel safe enough to tell the TRUTH...? There may be other former celeb royal fans waiting in the wings to drop their own scathing commentaries. Thank you, Alliance.

Great opportunity to share some words of wisdom from Coach Jerry...

"The Alliance continues to drop "Comms of Encouragement" throughout the [MSM]... if we look closely, we can see and "feel" their comforting vibrations."
By Coach Jerry

Kat is right about the mass exodus of people returning to their home countries (referring to illegal migrants). It has been forecast in channeled messages for many years.

🥳 As I understand it, in order to receive your
Universal High Income [→TRUMPSARA]
you have to reside in your country of origin to get it.
So the entire world will dramatically SHIFT
as people return to their home countries 🎉

Watch the markets, Light Warriors.

Gorgeous meme, thanks Maria.

Light Warriors, it is a beautiful Spring day here in New Zealand. My garden is full of color - the azaleas have all burst into bloom at the same time. My love of azaleas comes from time spent in Japan. They bring joy to my heart.

Finally, a gentle reminder - please keep all comments positive. I won't hesitate to remove any comments that I consider negative and not in the spirit of this blog. Thank you for your consideration. You are a great bunch of kindreds souls. I appreciate you.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Have you heard of a movie called Fly Me to the Moon? It came out in July this year, and oh my god, the audacity, the boldfaced mockery..! The movie is about people faking the moon landing! When I saw the trailer for the movie, my jaw dropped. I thought, “they’re really not hiding anything anymore, they really don’t care!”

    1. Anael, I have not heard of that movie - I will look out for it. Either theDS doesn't care or the Alliance is forcing them to make TRUTH movies. Either way, it is good news. Thanks for sharing...!

    2. I wonder the threat to the astronauts the electric Rover was the icing on the fakery .. don't recall a cargo bay on the Saturn 5. Of course we had anti gravity craft so we did go using them and there is a base up there I am sure. ET bases on the backside
      So I watched Apollo 13 documentary and I wonder now #13 was it deliberately meant to have a problem or was all that theatre? And if it really happened and they supposedly used the moon to along shot back to earth . I know alot of footage was faked what or why more fake Apollo missions is my ? $$ for dumbs?

  2. Glad to read what Ian McKellen had to say about the royals. Definitely a benefit to him that the queen waved him off suggesting he go away. I am sure he knows more than what the article printed and he is not on "the list."
    Thanks again Sierra! 💗

    1. There is a lot of activity now with famous people, Possum. TRUTH will prevail....!

  3. Zero evidence is comical as we have pyramids like the great pyramid we can't replicate today.
    So many monoliths as well. I love the new monoliths that are appearing out of nowhere perfectly in the undisturbed ground. I can't wait for the day the mother ships or at least their larger ships cruise Al owly over each nation! Sierra with the sentencing being delayed do you still think no election?
    I keep hoping near death event EBS and all that goes with it.❤️🕯️🍿📽️

    1. Doug, I will be first in line when the mother ships land...!
      I don't anticipate an election. A lot can happen in the next few weeks. Love and Light to you.

    2. Love and Light to you as well my NZ friend! Last hot wkend of summer here 100 but then temps fall fast down to 69 next week. Clearly earth is a sphere you are starting spring we are starting Autumn soon

  4. Does country of origin mean the country where one is born or does it mean where one lives most of their life? I read somewhere that after the Shift people would return to their homeland. But I often ponder over the definition of homeland as I also don't feel a sense of belonging in my own country even though I'm born and live here my whole life. Throughout history our ancestors have also been forced to migrate out of their homelands to avoid wars, disasters or for better prospects. Would love to hear others' perspective on this...Many thanks in advance. :)

    1. I always believed it to be where you have legal status.

    2. When people went from Europe to America in the old days, it was because they wanted to be americans and so they became citizens of America. Then their homelands where they were born was not their homeland anymore. If somebody moves here to Denmark and wants to become danish citizens, then Denmark is their homeland. It's the immigrants who don't want to be danish and just want to go home as soon as possible when there is peace again in their own country, who will go home again, as soon as they can IMO. But, of course, there has to real peace in that country before they can return. There are many people from other countries and cultures here in DK, I think, who would be happy to go home to, f ex, Africa, if they had the chance, if they could return to a good and peaceful society.🕊

    3. There is an african family living here in my neghborhood. They are nice and friendly people, but they don't socialize more with danish people than necessarily Their friends are from Africa too. They moved from Borundi because there was poverty and political unrest. I think they would love to live in Borundi again if it was a good and well functioning society, living among africans, speaking their own language, instead of living among those 'strange' northern Europeans🌝

    4. ...Burundi...that's how it's spelled...

    5. live in Denmark what is the real immigrant situation there ? Has crime jumped or is that fake news? What is the truth on this subject. Thanks !

    6. JN, Indigo, Torsten and Doug...I am not sure how the mass migration will work after GESARA/NESARA arrives. All I know is that around 2012 - when we were first meant to ascend - there was a lot of channeled messages and chatter among Light Warriors that much of humanity will be on the move when the funds come through. They will be criss-crossing the planet, returning to where they want to be. I believe it will be quite organic. I hope this helps...!

    7. Indigo, Torsten & Sierra, appreciate your heartfelt comments. Yes, I believe if peace is restored to the entire world, people would settle down in places where they are most drawn to vibrationally, and it would transcend all kinds of geographical boundaries. Imagine the time when we can travel freely & our passports would be useless! I also resonate with what Torsten & Sierra wrote in comments below, that we could possibly originate from other realms or even Inner Earth.

  5. A neighbour of mine spent a lot of time in Japan too and she used to reminisce about the lovely cherry blossoms.

    1. Indigo, I was fortunate to live in Tokyo for four months in 1987. I taught conversational English at a language school. It was an amazing experience living in Tokyo. I arrived in mid April right in the middle of cherry blossom season. It was like stepping into a beautiful dream. All the cherry trees were in full bloom and families were picnicking underneath them.

  6. Look what the Italian President has to say...

    1. Thanks Possum, I look forward to checking it out...!


  7. I feel that my real home country may be on another planet that I left for hundreds or thousands years ago, leaving family and friends that I still miss to this day🛸
    But, as long I am here on Earth, I guess that I prefer to stay in the culture that I have been living in all my life and not have to spend years on learning a new language and new customs. It's hard enough to write in english, when one's native language is danish😇
    Love and light from still sunny DK🌻🛸🕊💙🌞

    1. Torsten, you do very well writing in English when it is your second language.
      Like you I know that my real Home is in another dimension/planet that I left long ago. I feel 'home sick' when I look up at the sky, or read NDE experiences about life on the other side. We Light Warriors came to this planet to liberate humanity. We did not originate from here - that is why we feel quite strongly that we don't fit in. We are working undercover on a mission.
      Love and Light from sunny spring time NZ...!

  8. Hello Doug
    We have so many immigrants from muslim countries and many of them don't feel they belong here and are not interested in being a part of danish culture. There are immigrants from Asia who also feel they don't belong here. When you hear someone speaking loud, almost shouting, when they talk to someone on the phone in public places, it's usually someone from one of those cultures. In Denmark we have a custom of speaking silently in public places, but these people don't care and just go on speaking loudly in the street, in the bus or train. And if there has been violent crimes like rape, stealing or attempt of murder, it's usually done by non europeans, mostly from muslim countries. Our Burundi neighbors can be very loud too, but they are africans which normally are nice people, so I just sleep with ear plugs when they are having guests and talk loud in the night time. But yes, crime has jumped (way too much), especially in the last 20 years or so, because of all the immigrants and the EU plan with open borders politics. It has been a big problem for many years. I am lucky to live in a place with relatively few immigrants from non european countries, but not all are that lucky🙄🤔🛸🕊


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