Q Drop Connection To Hunter's Guilty Plea

Opening this post with a great Q drop connection to Hunter's guilty plea. I love it.

Here is the official document.

The TRUTH bombs are raining down upon humanity from all directions.

I nearly did not include this post because the content is utterly horrifying. A mass genocide of children is currently underway in Gaza. The World Hell Organization is force jabbing tens of thousands of children with a totally unnecessary polio 'vax'. Be warned: the news is heartbreaking.

On a much lighter note, President Putin totally trolled [K]amala [H]arris in a recent interview. The reporter could barely contain her mirth and delight (one minute video).

Here is an excerpt from a recent TRUTH bomb dropped by Russell Brand.

'...If they require you to eat food that's bad for you and take medicine that's bad for you then you find that this great, you have a kind of conveyor belt where we're sort of turned into larvae with parasitic tubes attached to us. One end being pumped full of sugar and seed oil, the other end being pumped full of needless pharmaceuticals...."

I hope Kurt Cobain is in the witness protection program along with countless other 'celeb' Light Warriors.

'...In the end I believe my generation will surprise everyone. We already know that both political parties are playing both sides from the middle and we'll elect a true outsider when we fully mature. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not a business tycoon who can't be bought and who does what's right for the people. Someone like Donald Trump as crazy as that sounds...'
~Kurt Cobain, 1993

I resonate with this excerpt from Starship Earth's latest newsletter. Thanks BP. I am sure you will all be nodding your heads in agreement.

'...At this point, a ghostly new reality is congealing before our eyes as it emerges from the mist and we, the intrepid ones, have the strength of character and spirit to venture toward it when we have very little to go on. We can't see what's ahead, and just go on select guidelines given by those in the know. Our souls know this is where we are meant to be, and what we are meant to do. And so... we do---and we do it both en masse and individually and we are never alone...' (BP Starship Earth)

This article features refreshingly clever satire. Thanks to my friend Coach Jerry for forwarding it. As he and I joked in emails, soon you will be getting these dead institutions on the cheap, 'two for the price of one...'

Speaking of 'Mr X'...

This post is right on the mark for ascending Light Warriors. Remember, it is never personal - it is always vibrational.

Finally, there are a LOT of F bombs in this one minute video. I am posting it because I could not see the screen for laughing - and I was only 20 seconds into it...! I totally agree with you, mate - how DID they (supposedly) fit the car in the rocket ship. Enjoy. Oh, and pass it on (1' 11" video).

What a mixed bag today, friends. 

This post is a reflection of the craaaaaaazy world we are currently attempting to 'live in' - although I don't think we Light Warriors spend much time here anymore. That's why we can't handle the madness. We keep 'popping back' into 5D for life support, like taking gulps of air when you are swimming or diving. Good analogy, actually.

Hang in there. Keep laughing...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I hope the Alliance will act now to save the children and all in Gaza actually Judea I am told. If Israel existed long ago what happened to it? Wasn't it Jewish priests who wanted yeshua crucified ?

    1. Doug, we can only pray that everything is under control through the Alliance. Maybe every single one of those jabs is saline, or Vit C.

    2. I "feel in my bones" and in my gut that the rescue of children all over the Earth IS in progress and has been in progress for some time. I hope my bones and gut are correct.

    3. Shar, according to my extensive research your bones and gut are totally correct. The rescue of the children has been going on for a long time and is close to conclusion, if not already ended.

  2. 🤗Q drop
    😭 Giza
    😂Moon Landing

    1. Possum, that is so clever....! Go you. I love it...! Thank you...

  3. As for me, when the world around me gets crazy I just enjoy watching the cloud patterns, sitting in the sun, feeling the wind (we have a lot of wind in the Texas Hill Country) all the while, looking for space craft above me. I was shown examples of what the craft look like (they mimic cloud patterns) and have been gratified to have seen at least one or two in the last six months. Much has happened to me over the last year--most depressing is the fact I lost my husband. Mostly, I find my peace doing simple things, even cleaning my apartment and washing clothes is a joy not to be missed. The Hummingbirds, where I live, are preparing to leave. They won't be back until late March to mid-April. I will miss them. What I don't miss is MSM, which I have not watched in almost 7 years. Blessings on all.

    1. Shar, I am so sorry you lost your husband. My prayers and hugs for you. It sounds as if you are doing a great job of staying positive, focusing on the simple pleasures in life. I love local birds too. Here we have kingfishers which are so cute...!
      Cloud ships are such a joy. We have been blessed with many visits lately. A friend took a photo a few days ago - I will share it in today's post.
      I check in with MSM briefly every day, only headlines, for post research. As a former MSM journalist I have not read papers or watched TV for over 12 years. The brief forays into the headlines every morning are enough to remind me how much of it is sensationalized BS, as it was back when I worked in it decades ago.
      Blessings to you.


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