QTSR Telegram Post...And More...

There is just one QTSR Telegram post today. It's a biggie though. Thanks, Stephen.

CABLES>]; The Pentagon, agencies and military intelligence are having a Major briefing on an attack on U S. soil to happen<

(we all know this EVENT is coming and many many many many many many BLACK SWAN EVENTS)////

Immediately after the emergency briefing the Stock market took a 1.05 trillion wipe out

Just last week Elites dumped their stock and sold their shares , including Warren Buffett who sold of 6.2 billion of bank of American stock and sold 389,368,450 shares of Apple stock


Wow re the stock market wipe-out. There is no coming back from that kind of catastrophic global financial crash. Buckle up, Buttercups.

Major event incoming... 

President Trump has vowed to release the [E]pstein client list when he is (officially) President. Q forecast a 'suicide weekend' for [D]eep [S]tate players. This could be what tips them over the edge (44" video).

This intel is a big deal - and the hearing is on the day before 9/11 anniversary.

from @WeTheMedia
 Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will testify publicly before Congress for the FIRST TIME regarding his COVID-19 nursing home policies at a @COVIDSelect hearing on September 10, 2024.

This is also great news. Be ready, Light Warriors.

BREAKING: Kash Patel suggests that Blackouts could happen before the November Election.

The US military has seized Venezuela President Maduro's plane in the Dominican Republic. His wings have been clipped. It's a powerful message from the Alliance to the [D]eep [S]tate holdouts.

This MSM article proves something that we Light Warriors have known all along: Taylor Swift's 'relationship' with Travis Kelce was a fabricated sham. Wake up, people...!

I love this story about Elle MacPherson refusing chemotherapy seven years ago after a breast cancer diagnosis. She was dating 'anti-vaxxer' Andrew Wakefield at the time. She appears to be doing well.

From @MJTruth:
Candace Owens Goes Deeper and Speaks to the Journalist who Exposed Brigitte Macron as a 47 Year Old Man who Preyed on a 14 Year old Emmanuel Macron — Macron is 46 years old now, so that would make Brigitte 79 years old.
Full Interview

Q drop proofs are always such a buzz.

Thanks to Kat for the transcript of this inspiring message from David Wilcock.

🇺🇸 David Wilcock
We’re not going to WAIT FOREVER..
I want you to be prepared.. ready.
To psychologically & emotionally prepare yourself
It’s not going to stay like this
where people can still be skeptical
& they can still be annoying & say,
“I don’t really believe any of this stuff.."
You will not have the luxury of being ignorant.
It’s become SO OBVIOUS for those possessing MINIMAL insight
that there is something very very crazy going on here.
The world is being run
not the way we were told in school
not the way you’re told on television
but there’s something else going on.
It’s dark, it’s weird, it’s scary.
There IS a monster under the bed.
We’re really being held back by the people
& the reason they don’t see it is
political ideology & FEAR 😧 (David Wilcock)

This is an excellent Ascension update, particularly about releasing karma forever before ascending into 5D. It is a long article but well worth the read. Recommended.

Finally, here is the card I drew today from my Star Seed oracle deck: 'Inner World'. 'Your external world is a reflection of your inner world'. Indeed.

I am having a profound shift in my approach to people around me. No more rescuing, no more people-pleasing, no more co-dependency in any shape or form. I feel genuinely free for the FIRST time in this life time. The word that is going around in my head is...clean. I feel clean. My external world finally matches my inner world.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Great stuff! Thank you Sierra! 💗
    The article on Elle MacPherson by the Guardian is so dismissive of natural cures. The cancer cabal industry is the main culprit for health issues to begin with.

    1. You are very welcome, Possum. I think a former 'super model' - who has always been the picture of health - rejecting chemo will wake a few people up. Good on her for going public.

  2. Great post ...I listened to almost of of David's recent live podcast
    He went into detail about photons and fractals of photons and creator it was indepth for sure. I can't really explain it but I do understand all of us are fractals of the 1 and this all of us are the 1. Once I understood this I realized there really is no me and them there is only the illusion of separation of individualism. A bit trippy because we as souls in these bodies have unique timelines or so I think 🤔❤️🕯️

    1. I love David Wilcock's brilliant mind, but like you Doug - sometimes he is right out there and I struggle to keep up...! As Dolores Cannon often used to say, ' There are some high levels of esoteric information that our little pea brains are not capable of understanding...'

  3. Another US Debt Clock post...

  4. I sure hope that I can achieve that feeling of freedom and being “clean” like you are, Sierra. Also, I love that you mentioned using an oracle deck. I just recently bought an oracle deck called Star Dragons. Each dragon in the deck is a manifestation of a constellation in our sky, and there is a humanoid companion with each dragon called a Herald, and they represent one of the stars in the corresponding constellation. I feel so much love coming from these dragons, especially the one that is on the box art. His name is Andromeda, and he represents being unapologetically sovereign and confident. He and his herald both look into my eyes as if they are seeing the real me, regal and powerful, and want nothing more than for me to see it too.

    1. Anael, your deck sounds beautiful. That feeling of being truly 'seen' is the most amazing feeling there is in the cosmos. Yes, regal and powerful - those are perfect words to describe it. Thank you for sharing. Love it...!

  5. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thanks Caroline, so lovely to see your purple hearts. Love and Light.


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