September: Buckle Up, Buttercups

Opening this post with an intriguing message from Dan Scavino. Thanks to BP at Starship Earth for the repost. We know dates are highly contentious. However September is starting at a cracking pace already.

💧2187 💣💣💣💣
TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm 'free flow' of direct comms.
POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think 'the football'].
NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access.
Test Thursday 👀
Trump said- It all starts September 6th—>the day after Thursday 👀

Here is the video about the National Guard being positioned in NYC hotels. I may have posted it before but it is VERY important direct testimony (52" video).

Thanks to blog reader Possum for forwarding this interesting post about the US Debt Clock.

There are moves in France to impeach [M]acron. You would only hear about that from Russian media - or maybe Aussie Sky News.

There is talk in UK of Charlie abdicating 'much sooner' than expected because of his health. I hope William is a White Hat. Who would know...?? Also, how will that affect '[K]ate the disappearing Princess in line to be a Queen.'..?? So many plot twists and turns, Light Warriors.

The [D]eep [S]tate players are dropping like flies. Here are two posts about singer Adele's sudden announcement of her 'retirement'...

Post 1
BREAKING: Singer Adele, 36, made headlines over the weekend by announcing that she'll be taking an extended break from music after her Las Vegas residency concludes, saying, "You won't see me for an incredibly long time."
Post 2
From @W.H. Grandpa
 Adele stated we won’t see her for an incredibly long time ...
She is right...
Many more to come ..
One by one they'll all be gone...

Stephen found this cool post (ignore the grammatical error of Whom instead of Who).

No hints about this video. Enjoy (45" video).

Finally, late last night I was blessed to receive a visit from our Galactic friends after a very long absence. For some reason they don't visit me over the winter, maybe in deference to the fact that it is freezing cold outside in NZ mid-winter. Anyway, to my great joy, they are back...! A star ship cruised by and flashed a signal in response to my super enthusiastic greeting from the ground. I have missed you guys.

Light Warriors, we are barely into the first week in September and the atmosphere feels electric. BP refers to it in her latest newsletter (link above in first item). 

Yesterday I did an inventory of my daily life in order to grab more quiet moments where I can re-group amid the chaos. There is now the right balance of activity and rest. This balance is not easy to achieve but it can be done if you do a regular inventory.

Buckle up, Buttercups. Methinks the action will come from multiple angles.

We are READY.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I am still laughing at King Charles and all so called royalty being reported to the police for living a lavish lifestyle without having a job. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. I think it is awesome that people in UK are finally brave enough to call out the royal family for what they truly are - a gigantic waste of tax payers money. Go them...!!

  2. I have tried watching the newer Star Treks and Discovery really blows. I had to stop watching because their "woke" agenda is off the charts. Here are just 2 examples. Trans crew members in a relationship that wastes air time and I read that in season 5 they bring in Stacy Abrams as the president of the earth. If you do not know her, she was a corrupt candidate for governor of Georgia. She lost and refused to acknowledge she lost and pretended she won for 2 years. She wasn't allowed to live in the governors mansion. LOL
    The comments under youtube videos discussing how bad Discovery is are funny and sad. A comment that stood out to me was, "Discovery goes farther than they/them has ever gone before." LOL
    Discovery is suppose to have time jumped 900 years into the future from the future they were already in and the woke agenda keeps following where ever they go. Our friends upstairs must be having a laugh.

    1. Possum, that is why I stick to Star Trek: Next Generation. It was THE best of Star Trek, back before the woke craziness invaded this planet. Patrick Stewart was classically trained as an actor and it shows in his performances. He is a joy to watch.

    2. I agree Sierra. Voyager is pretty good as well. When NG was still on the air I use to have dreams that Captain Picard was my boyfriend. LOL
      I forgot to mention that the current writers and producers of the stupid ST's have admitted in interviews that they never liked ST. Time for us to move up and out I say. 🛸

    3. Stacey Abrams as president!??🤣. Wow, Hollywood has ruined all the classic sci-fi franchises. (Looking at you too Star Wars) I LOVED TNG and used to dream of flying around in space on fantastic adventures. Voyager kinda grew on me. The stories and writing were superb, but the actors not as good as TNG. Deep space 9 was kinda boring. Lost interest in Enterprise. Didn't watch anymore ST series after that, but wondered if Picard was any good. *Nerd rant over🤓*

    4. A pretty good interview I watched about all the ST hub-bub explained who the writers and producers are and their thinking. This is what was said about ST Picard. The first 2 seasons weren't that great but season 3 was much better because another producer/writer that worked with Gene Roddenberry and strictly stuck to Gene's principles took season 3 on. I watched all 3 seasons and I cannot remember them. LOL

    5. CC, thanks for your 'nerd rant'. I appreciate it...! I treated myself to the entire Deep Space 9 series and I agree with you - it is kind of boring. I missed the excitement of starship adventures all over the galaxy. Basing an entire series in one space station was a limiting concept. And I was never a fan of Miles. He took up too much space in Deep Space...!
      Possum you have inspired me to check out season 3 of ST Picard.
      The problem is after TNG, all the acting seems lame.

    6. Oh, having said all that, I really like Star Trek: Strange New World Seasons 1 and 2. Great acting, fast, funny. That is a refreshing watch if you enjoy whizzing around the galaxy...!

    7. Yes ST Strange New World is descent and I enjoyed it. In order to watch Picard you might need to watch season 1 & 2 to understand season 3, I think. Any who, try season 3 and let us know. Thank goodness Discovery has been cancelled after season 5. ENGAGE 🛸

  3. There's nationwide protests in Israel too - What a September to remember...LFG!

  4. What a thrill to see your Galactic friends last night. I call on them every night, hoping and watching to see them, sometimes I get a peek at what I think is a "star" pulsing on and off high in the sky, but it doesn't move very much. I live in Georgia and still shudder to think how awful it would have been to have Stacy Abrams in office. Love and Light, Betsie

    1. Hi Betsie...that 'star' pulsing on and off high in the sky is definitely a starship. They can be stationary and send you signals. Keep persevering...! They can see that you are there and they really appreciate your diligence. Love and Light to you.

  5. Sadly, I fear from other sources I have read that Prince William is NOT a White Hat, but time will reveal all.

    1. Shar, I feel the same way. We will just have to wait and see....

  6. Meanwhile in Norway; in the aftermath of too many royal scandals over a too long period; the Norwegian king is now cutting the number of royal family members down to the bone -
    --- This is just another example of what Barbara Hand Clow was telling us in her Astrology Update for December 2023 : "Power mongers will crawl into holes. You'll be amazed" -

    1. Very interesting Finn. Thank you!

    2. Great share, thanks Finn. We know that royalty (and governments) worldwide will be phased out. The days of humanity worshipping other humans is over. No more royalty, celebs, powerful politicians. We are ALL sovereign beings.

  7. I had heard a story years ago about some Adele super fans getting to go backstage during a concert, and they saw her turn into a reptilian. Don’t know if it’s true but I have no doubt she’s possessed.

    1. Anael, as we know, anything is possible. Princess Diana said openly in interview that she had seen members of the royal family shape shift into reptilians in front of her. No wonder she had to be removed for her safety by the Alliance.

  8. Great comments all! Star Trek was created to prepare us all for a Star Trek world .. most didn't expect it to take this long but we've been delayed due to the cabal and all their false flags etc..we will get there better late than never 😂😂 Dr Salla has Gene Decode on his latest video talks about the dumbs and their original plans to nuke the surface and escape down there.

    1. Thanks Doug...! Oh, I must look up that Dr Salla interview. He has been doing some great interviews lately. Thank you.

  9. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thank you Caroline. Love, Light and hugs to you...!


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