Bill [C]linton Bizarre Video

This is one of the more bizarre videos you will watch. It is supposed to be Bill [C]linton (long dead) but clearly it is an actor wearing a mask. The classic mask giveaway is the rigid forehead wrinkles. Wrinkles on a real forehead come and go with facial movement. This video appears to me to be another [D]eep [S]tate capitulation move from the Alliance. You decide (1' 20" video).

Meanwhile one of President Trump's actors made an appearance in a MacDonalds restaurant where he donned an apron and went behind the scenes to help with food prep. Brilliant (30 minute video).

Starship Earth's latest newsletter has an excellent summary of the current situation, so I won't re-create the wheel. The title of the post: The Coaster Is Climbing.

I agree with her...

'...Due to the fog of war, we can't see around the next turn or even when we might be nearing the summit of the track ready to take the plunge but something---possibly election-related has to occur between now and November 6th---because the dark cabal cannot allow President Trump to be re-elected in a fair and honest election.

If that happens, there will be serious repercussions as they attempt to prevent him taking a wrecking ball to the last shards of their glass house. We expect violence, more lies and coverups, major distractions, possibly more man-made weather events, even earthquakes and possibly a world war scenario and even a "fake alien invasion"...

We are aware multiple major events are to take place---some simultaneously---as the Alliance ultimately wrests power from the satanic regime and places the reins back in the hands of the People of Earth/Terra....' (BP Starship Earth)

This post was published in the newsletter. Interesting development at the White House.

I like this post from the newsletter.

You are not Battle weary
You are Battle hardened


— Joe.M (@GeneralJoeM17) October 20, 2024

...And this beautiful image. Light Warriors holding hands to create a global grid of Love and Light.

When the SHTF, it will be multiple scenarios all at once. I have believed this for many years. 

That is why it is so important for Light Warriors to remain calm and postive. We need to be prepared. And we need to get plenty of rest and down time at present. The real pointy end of our mission is just around the corner...


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. The Clinton actor.. he says something to the effect that he used to think Reagan and Clinton were 2 great presidents but not anymore and that he could have Clinton killed based on a scotus ruling or put in gitmo...the crowd gets quiet! πŸ˜‚
    Ok Starship I totally agree no way they allow real fair election amd Trump winning and they hand over power nice and easy and politely ...right
    Brunson case ...2020 needs revealed ..near death experience needs played out ..time for the finale. Hero's Journey time πŸ•°️πŸΏπŸŽ¬πŸ“½️

    1. Doug, this entire Alliance operation has been a heroes journey for all Light Warriors. It will never be forgotten in the history of the cosmos. We will have the T shirt: 'We were working on Earth during Ascension'. Go us....!

  2. The Sec. Of State of Oregon, LaVonne Griffin-Valade has REMOVED President Trump and JD Vance from the official State website 19 days before the election!
    RRN's article today is, "The Cheat is Real."
    It seems safer at this point to vote early incase the cornered animals become more dangerous. Trump has asked us to vote early and the voters are reporting that they receive receipt proof of their vote and can take it home for their records. Not sure if that happens on vote day because I never received one on vote day and I specifically request one every time. There is a report in Georgia that a vet's receipt came out the opposite and he tried a few more times and decided to cancel his vote for now and that he would be back on vote day instead.
    Thanks Sierra, NZ and all the countries that are rooting for us. Namaste πŸ’—

    1. Possum, it is great that many Americans are heeding the advice to vote early.
      And yes, we from other countries are here for you. What is happening in USA has a flow on effect to the rest of the world. We are in this together. Victory...!

  3. I voted last week here in Georgia! Thanks for the info, I wondered why we were encouraged to do so!

    1. Great and did you get a receipt?

    2. If you can, let other's know to request one. Thank you!

    3. Good point re the receipt, Possum. And don't worry, Betsie, I am sure it will be okay. We are onto them now....!!

    4. I did get a sticker that says: I secured my vote! Maybe that counts. But, I will let others know. I have several friends who are manning the poles, I'll ask them how to get a receipt.

    5. Looking forward to your report back from your poll friends. Thanks 😊

  4. Seems to me the dark are out of options.. if Trump wins they won't hand over the power military must act, ..if they steal it ...military must act. If Brunson case of actually still active then why if it isn't acted upon? Why have us sign petitions for the court to act and why even make it part of the movie if nothing comes of it? 2020 needs corrected and the people informed. Scotus needs to invalidate the Biden Presidency to make it official and properly done per our 3 branches of govt to show the people. Again if not what was that all about a distraction a hopium pill?
    7 trumpets all the Brunson brothers play the trumpet. That can't be a coincidence.🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺

    1. Doug, your description of the current status comes down to one word: CHECKMATE.
      It is just a matter of timing now. The Light has already won on the continuum. We knew the dark forces would fight viciously at the end. Their agenda was to never surrender and kill as many of us as possible before they leave. We battle-harded Light Warriors are up to the task. Thanks for the inspiration, Doug - I will use that quote in today's post...!

  5. I like the been there, got the T-shirt analogy. This mission feels more like a branding across our entire back. Only the most dedicated and crazy would ever consider such an endeavor. This scalding will stay with us forever, and NOBODY will ever be able to recind or doubt what we did here.

    1. Once permanently back with my star family I have thought for a long time, "how would I ever explain what I did here, where and when ever "here" is?"

    2. Possum, I think think the bizarre and subtle (often brutal) intricacies of our our specific missions can only be understood through the Akashic Records. Many of which will be read only, NOT available for imprinting...

    3. Very interesting take. Thanks πŸ“š

    4. Good one, CC. I agree about the 'Not Available For Imprinting' re our Earth Ascension mission lifetime. This harsh battleground experience was unique to us - excruciating at times. To have someone 'pop' in briefly then say they 'understand what we went through' would be highly insulting...if you are allowed to get insulted Upstairs...!


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