Enough Doom 'n Gloom

Enough of the doom 'n gloom. Let's open this post with a bit of fun.


I haven't watched this intel video yet, but it is on my To Do List for today. Many Light Warriors are buzzing about it (17' 50" video).


The North Carolina Governor has confirmed that a land grab is currently taking place in the devastated areas. Heinous (1' 47" video).


An aside...

I subscribe to the theory that many of the deaths in catastrophes like Hurricane Helene are actually the exit point for Non Playing Characters (NPCs) and clones and reptilians. Remember, the Light is increasing exponentially on the Earth plane. Any being who is not ascending will be taking their planned exit point now - some willingly (NPCs) and some fighting tool and nail to the bitter end (reptilians).

Once the dust settles, there will be a lot less people on the planet. Many regression clients have reported this scenario to regressionists like Allison Coe and Dolores Cannon.

I agree with this excerpt from Starship Earth's latest newsletter. Thanks BP, you do amazing work. Look for the post titled: Good News Travels Fast.


'...There is a tremendous amount of stuff going on and it's impossible to stay sane if you try to assimilate too much, too fast. That is why I like the 60,000 foot view. You can zoom in if you want to at any point, but it keeps some space freed up in the old noggin for new and enlightening information and peace of mind....' (BP Starship Earth)

Alexander Quinn's latest message...

'...The energy present this week is highly specific. The incoming Ascension codes are associated with purification, which may explain why some individuals are experiencing mild flu-like symptoms. This process is also impacting emotional and mental templates, leading to increased agitation as unresolved issues, both conscious and subconscious, come to the surface. These unresolved issues act as blocking filters, similar to lingering effects from duality. The resulting impact can range from mild to more intense reactions. Wishing you the best throughout this week...' (Alexander Quinn).

Time for a repeat of this brilliant meme.

I resonate with this meme.

Yesterday I spent time in two places I rarely go - an airport terminal and an emergency care centre. The atmosphere in the airport terminal was so suffocating, I sat outside while waiting for the flight to land. At the emergency care centre (I had taken someone there), I looked at the people in the waiting room. A mother and her young son, both heads down intent on their cell phones. Everyone in the waiting room was on their cell phones. No connection, no talking, no interaction.

Later one of my favorite dancing songs came over the speaker. The waiting room had emptied by then so I got up and started dancing around the room, causing one woman to smile and chat to me. Suddenly humanity was in the room...!

Finally, my good friend Ged popped in this morning to share a pot of green tea with me. Ged has been following intel for many years - he is one of my original blog readers. He said that his teenage son and his friends are waking up to the TRUTH. These boys get their information from Tik Tok. They are the 5D future of planet Earth. It is so good to hear.

Hang in there, Light Warriors. We are so close to SHTF now.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Replies
    1. Possum, you are a bright light in this blog community. Thank you...!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, I really appreciate your support. Purple hearts rock....!

  3. There are no words for the weirdness transpiring on Gaia currently. Every conversation I've had lately keeps flickering between timelines. People say something then immediately forget and change course. I've learned that my quiet "higher view" can even be detrimental sometimes. Because part of me is still attached to something (being right)... I guess just breathe and be in total detachment.🤷‍♂️. Thank you for your dedication to posting Sierra. There is no way I'd be coherent enough to keep something like this safe haven afloat!♥️

    1. CC, you are so right about people flicking between timelines. You can see it on their faces - they suddenly go blank, they have 'checked out' briefly. It is like walking around in the Truman Show movie crossed with a zombie type movie.
      CC, I keep intact by getting outside as much as possible - I am heading out very shortly for my second walk of the day. And laughing as much as possible. My friend Ged and I had some really good belly laughs during his visit this morning. Amid the horror and chaos we still have to find the lighter side.

  4. I can’t believe that I got a sore throat last night and then this morning I read that the current energies are giving people flu symptoms, definitely not a coincidence. I definitely relate to the suffocating sensation of being in a crowded indoor space. I went to the mall recently to shop for some much needed essential clothes, and I had to ask Saint Germain to add his power to my energy shield. I hated all the overpowering smells coming from every store; they pump so much perfume into the air, it was gonna give me a headache if I stayed any longer. Also, I really admire your comfortability with talking to strangers, Sierra. I would be one of those people not talking in a waiting room, I’m too shy, and I am really bad at small talk. I don’t always look at my phone though; sometimes I just breathe and connect with the divine when I’m waiting in a public space.

    1. Anael, my daughter and I both have cold symptoms at present and we are very well usually. You are one of the observers in life when out and about - you are recording your experiences for our friends Upstairs. Your role is valuable. Lovely to hear from you.

  5. Yes, I can hardly think.....between timelines for sure! And I loved reading of your experiences Sierra. So cool you danced in the waiting room. I needed to read Alexander Quinn's latest, thanks for that, too. Love and Light, Betsie PS I read in the headline yesterday that over 180 million people have voted early in the US!!!!! I hope they all were for Trump. LOL

    1. Betsie, that is awesome news about the early votes in US. Wow....!! And yes, they would have been for President Trump - because they were legal. Love and Light to you.

  6. TT is full on disclosure now isn't it ! Whispering Willow check her out! Yes my wife showed her older asleep after how to get on to TT..hoping now she stumbles across some red pilling 😉

    1. Doug, it's great that Tik Tok is awakening humanity to all sorts of things, including North Carolina. It would be hard to avoid the Red Pills on there....!


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