Fond Farewell To The Trump Rallies

I am opening with a post from Dan Scavino about the amazing Trump rallies of the last nine years. 

President Trump, your great love for the American people was demonstrated in those countless rallies. You were indefatigable - and so funny! Those rallies will always be remembered. Thank you, Sir.

Check out the rapturous applause that greeted President Trump on his entrance into the Turning Point conference. Goose-bumps (3' 47" video).

Actor Mel Gibson gave his opinion of the election result. Make sure you watch to the end...(50" video).

Confession: I cannot muster up any enthusiasm for intel about the US election. I know the election result is vitally important but I reached over-load on the details a few months ago. Instead I want to remain at my 60,000 foot perspective, well away from the 'He said, She said...' aspect of the election lead-up.

Change of subject. Regarding Ascension and my personal relationships...

I can see how people around me are rapidly shuffling into position on the darkened chess board - or hopping off it altogether. I have become very decisive about the people in my life. It might sound brutal but I can clearly see who is ascending alongside me - and who is not. 

This decisiveness is the culmination of my people-pleasing healing. Back in the bad old people-pleasing days I wanted to be EVERYONE'S friend. If I thought someone didn't like me, I was mortified. I imagined that I had done something wrong and it was all my fault.

Today, seven words summarize the status of connections in my life: 'It is not personal - it is vibrational'.

Those seven words take all the angst out of the final shuffling on the chess board. When the Light comes on, I know I will be at peace with my connections. They will be authentic, loyal caring people who have stood by me through the last five years of 'hell on Earth' (literally).

Sending you lots of Love and Light, lovely Light Warriors. You are the BEST. Keep up the great comments.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Myrtle...! I hope the weather is better in your part of NZ tonight than it is here....

  2. From

    "I believe the “ten days of darkness” refers to the shutdown of the news media. We are at war. The media is a controlled arm of the enemy. The military has the legal right during war to remove enemy propaganda. I believe the military has waited for this moment. Mass arrests are planned and the “ten days of darkness” will be the ten days needed to control the media."

    1. Excellent share, thanks Wayne. I resonate with her theory. Channeled messages over the years stated that the media would be the last to go. We are there...

    2. The 10 days of darkness took place with the transition from Julian to Gregorian calendar

  3. Replies
    1. Caroline, we are currently experiencing a storm NZ wide - relentless wind and rain. I can't leave the house. Your cheery purple hearts are perfectly timed. Thank you...!

  4. I know my family is going to need me when SHTF, but I don’t feel a vibrational match with them. Maybe that will change when their eyes are opened. I hope so at least. Right now the people I feel a deep and authentic connection to are just my husband and my best friend. I certainly get along with the readers here, but if I’m just talking about my personal life, I have exactly two soul tribe members to talk to, which works for me since I don’t have a lot of social energy lol.

    1. Anael, I think most of us Light Warriors can count on one hand the soul tribe members who are currently in our life in the physical. That will change dramatically after the Event. Love, Light and hugs to you.

    2. Anael, not sure if it is of any consolation to you but in my personal life I have only myself for that kind of connection and to contend with. :) I still "get along" with others in my life but not really on the same page in terms of desires and perspective.

    3. JN, your story is a common theme for Light Warriors. It is one of the main reasons I started this blog. I wanted it to be a hub of like-minded souls for those of us who have few - or no - fellow soul tribies to connect with regularly.

    4. And thank Sierra for creating your blog for us loners. 💗

  5. I've noticed people act/say things that trigger old wounds within me lately. Particularly relating to darkness with my father that led to unworthiness /perfectionism/low self esteem when I was a kid. Such a deep cleansing on all levels right now. Much ♥️ and healing everyone!

    1. CC, I totally resonate with your share. I am also experiencing old wound triggers related to my birth family. Pluto is having its last hurrah in Capricorn so everything is being dredged up from the depths to be faced. I am excited for Pluto going into Aquarius mid Nov. I am a double Aquarian so I will feel a lot more comfortabel...! Love and Light to you.

  6. Love your personal share Sierra. Thank you! 💗
    Since posting about the bells my mind has wondered over to how fun it would be for as many people as possible to play the old world bells on their speakers and churches ringing their's around election day. What a day that would be? 🛎🛎🛎😇😇😇

    1. Wow, Possum, that would be amazing...! That's what happened at the end of WW2. And how appropriate it would be now. Great idea...!

  7. I am still "standing with you," my friend.

    1. Thanks Deb, I appreciate your support. It has been a long journey....!

  8. My vote is No Election. Reports of votes being changed already.. another S show...but perhaps military intelligence will step in?
    It's not about the president of the corporation its about the truth finally being revealed about it all
    We have endured 4 years of the movie and actor Biden ..Trump needs a huge win to prove what we all have been saying it was rigged in 2020. I prefer the S show to end now. A 2 hour movie turned into a mini series 😂😂😂.
    Qstormrider was adamant over and over no election we shall see.
    Shadow of Ezra keeps saying was is coming ..dominos are falling let's go!!

    1. You should look up the codesearcher on YouTube. He found the codes for the last steal and looks like same again. A warning was given to repent with the Nineveh eclipse x and doesn't seem like it's been heeded. Also looking like the William bramham prophecy is being fulfilled


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