Light Warrior Prayers Were Answered

Light Warrior prayers were answered. Hurricane Milton was downgraded to Category 3 when it hit landfall in Florida. It still managed to cause a swathe of destruction, some fatalities, and millions of people are without power - but it could have been so much worse.

Note the extensive coverage of Hurricane Milton in the NZ MSM. It is in sharp contrast to the North Caroline coverage which was minimal.

Change of subject...

Here is a clip from James O'Keefe's new movie about child sex trafficking, 'Line In The Sand'. James is a hero and a legend. He is putting child sex trafficking out in the public eye where it cannot be ignored anymore. Live footage of children being trafficked at the US border. Please pass this video on (2' 15" video).

Excellent post. I can't wait to know more...

Great meme. Now that is trust in the Divine Plan.

Your laugh for today...

Blog reader Anael has described in vivid terms our sense of discombobulation.

'...Life feels so surreal right now, and I cannot believe how fast time is accelerating, today is thursday and it feels like sunday was just yesterday. I keep feeling this pervasive sense of anxiety, which I have come to the conclusion can’t be entirely mine. This must be the collective’s anxiety because most people don’t know wtf is going on. I keep feeling this sense of being dissolved from the inside out. I feel like a melon and my insides are being scooped out with a spoon. The reality around me feels shifty like sand, and my inner reality looks like I’m floating in a void or deep space; there’s just darkness. Truly there is nothing left to hold onto...' (Anael)

Finally, I am learning to let go of the old 3D illusion bit by bit, replacing it with 5D activities and people. It is a work in progress and it can feel quite uncomfortable at times. However, I know that letting go of the old life I have outgrown is necessary. I learned the lessons, I thank the participants, and now it is time to move on.

Dolores Cannon said not to look back when you transition from 3D into 5D. There is nothing to gain by looking back. I agree. We have so much to look forward to....!

The Best Is Yet To Come.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Hallo Sierra ,
    Procede essa informação ?
    Pax Tibi !

    1. Hi there...Yes, I have seen this intel, thank you for sharing. Good to see it in Zero Hedge, though....! The more people who know about it, the better. Thanks again.

  2. Anael nailed the description. I feel so spacey and everything seems fake. I've found fantasies are more detrimental than fears. They pull me out of the breath/moment even moreso. Soooo tough to not get stuck in future thoughts. Lately I've been addicted to Lady H (Lake Huron, not heroin). The increasingly cold waters clear my mind/field despite the ice cream headaches that transpire. I'm leaving for my Uncle's tomorrow. I happened to be there before when the scamdemic hit. I think we are rapidly shifting into where we need to be when SHTF. I'm so beyond ready! 😎

    1. CC, I am beyond ready too. When I am walking around in 3D land I wish I couldn't see what the 'sleepers' are doing/not doing as clearly as I do. It feels as if all filters are gone. I am learning to find joy in simple moments throughout the day - I look for them. To me, that is my incoming 5D life which gives me hope. Bring it on....!!

  3. I watched a video a woman took while she was in a FEMA meeting. With a slip of the tongue the man speaking was addressing the so called rescue efforts and he said, "we plan on executing 80,000, huh rescue." The videos coming out by the real helpers are very interesting. One of the homesteader's I have been following raised money and handed out big checks to the volunteers and farmers that spent their own time and money to feed people. GrindStondMinistries is very organized and is getting equipment and supplies to hard to reach groups of people. They will mention fed road blocks here and there but are unfazed. One of the weird things is non-doctors attempting to vaccinate people. I saw a map of the USA and the entire western half is on fire and now hurricane Nadine heading for Florida and the path shown Nadine goes back over Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee again. Looks like wishful thinking retaliation. Retired military, white hat active duty military and NG and skilled civilians are getting the jobs done and showing that we do not need government. It's a huge wake up call to the normies.
    Thanks again Sierra and all the commenters. Love to All. πŸ’—

    1. Possum, I saw that video, I nearly included it in a post. Chilling stuff, huh...?? Thanks for the summary. And you are very welcome, Possum. I always enjoy your input...!

  4. Just FYI northern lights are awesome right now! 10:20 pm Eastern time US

    1. Oh, at your uncle's. I am in south western Virginia and being in town I could see a slight purplish hue looking north but very very faint. That is the most I have ever seen here though. Thanks for the reminder and have a great visit.

    2. CC and Possum, I just read that the lights could be visible tonight here in New Zealand so I will keep a look out. Thanks for the heads up, CC...!

  5. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thank you Caroline. I love your purple hearts, they always brighten my day (and it's grey here today!).

  6. Today when we were at Wal-Mart, my son said he felt like he was moving around in a bubble, and that nothing seemed quite real. I have been personally experiencing fleeting feelings of general anxiety and heat in the back of my neck (my own sign that this is from the Collective). I'm finding that I can spend more and more time completely alone, in SILENCE and be very happy, even if meditating seems to be getting harder instead of easier. It's just me craving to BE and nothing else - no past or future. I also know that my family (father, aunts/uncles, siblings) won't be going with me into this New Earth, and I've made my peace with that. The past seems to be fading further and further away. No regrets - just looking forward to all the amazing things to come. Just a few more hurdles to go through first. WE'VE GOT THIS!!!

    1. Thank you Debi! πŸ’—
      I am listened to this recent interview and it is awesome...
      Return of the US Navy SSP’s Jedi Admirals and the Universal Space Council


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