Over 3000 Victims Connected To Diddy

The sordid disgusting TRUTH about the [s]atanic entertainment industry is coming out.

This video is a must-watch. The man speaking is the lawyer who is pursuing justice for the victims of Diddy and other celebrities. He said 3285 people have come forward so far to seek justice. Of those individuals, 120 cases are going forward just for Diddy alone (3' 21" video).


The 'Diddy List' has just been released. Please use your discernment with this intel. Mute the loud music and pause each page to read the names. Until we have solid proof, it is up to you to decide the credibility of this kind of intel (23" video).


The MSM is reporting on the Diddy story. Note the use of the phrase 'and others' in this article. Humanity is being prepped for the appalling TRUTH - that most celebrities were involved in these depraved acts against women and children.


In other important news...

Julian Assange testified at a Council of Europe human rights hearing in Strasbourg. He starts speaking at 5' 20" in the video which is one hour 40 mins.


Another must-watch video. Please do not skip past this one, Light Warriors. A woman patriot in North Carolina tells the TRUTH about what has happened in the devastated areas. It is heartbreaking to hear about the scale of destruction. Food, water and essentials are desperately needed. Please pass this video on (4' 44"  video).


Laura Ingraham at Fox News presented a damning special on the hurricane aftermath. The show is titled: 'Time for a REAL President' - and features an image of President Trump. Nice one, Laura. Your title is similar to mine for yesterday's post. Remember, the [B]iden/Harris vanishing act is part of the movie. Q: You cannot tell the people, you have to show them...' (40 minute video).


Please use your discernment regarding this post. We Light Warriors are being greatly challenged at present to make sense of what is unfolding in USA. We knew this time would come - and it is here.

Joe M put up this post. I agree with him. The alternative is too shocking to contemplate.

For those saying flooding in TN & NC is to clear out tunnels.
NO. Delta Force would NOT create this kind of collateral damage to surrounding homes/business' and families!
Seriously folks, they'd go in & rescue victims then collapse the tunnels

— Joe.M (@GeneralJoeM17) September 28, 2024

Finally, here is some welcome news amid the chaos and grief. 

I am a trained journalist, old school trained. And I smell a rat over the MSM coverage of the hurricane devastation. Common sense tells you that the death toll must be significantly higher than reported when you watch videos of the devastation.

Light Warriors, prepare yourselves for the TRUTH about the hurricane. It will emerge. The Light is shining into every dark corner of this planet. The process that is unfolding is why we came here - the bravest of the brave. Stand strong.

Finally, the advice to have several weeks of water, food, cash and gas in your vehicles relates to terrible tragedies such as Hurricane Helene. Preparation is key. 

Our heart-felt prayers to the people in the states worst affected by the devastation. Prayer doesn't seem enough, but many of us live far away. We are with you in our hearts, which - if you are like me at present - are heavy with sadness right now.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Yes weather weapons for sure not a white hat o toperation. I don't know we need to all raising our vibration and leveling up but the dark counter with these events. Seems a bit endless unless we have ebs and military actually steps in. I know trust the plan but what if the plan means you die.first? I am sure many in those states were awake. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Doug, I am struggling to understand what happened there too. It sounds trite to say that the deaths happened according to their soul contracts. Sometimes there are no words, and this is one of those times...

    2. Agreed. I know it shows people once again the ineptness of the fake administration here and also should make them question how there are hurricanes and tornadoes in the same storm in the Fall when Spring is when natural hurricanes if they exist normally occur.
      I don't know if any of these things were ever natural now u know?
      Dark ETs could've been creating them for 1000s of years before the dark military got the tech.
      We sure need RED OKTOBER 🙏🙏🙏

    3. Reading stuff about the hurricane affected area yesterday, I ran across a few posts talking about how badly it was infiltrated with satan worshippers, and how one reporter feared for his life because he tried to report on it. Seely's satanic castle in Ashville is on the satanic site destruction list. Also the Biltmore mansion was flooded out, owned by the Vanderbilts. That was where the pool art originated with all the little kids hanging with the red shoes. It also had layers of tunnels underneath.

    4. Yes Lisa, I posted that on my TS. Here it is: https://x.com/DrC_IET17/status/1840880261745070246

    5. Yes, Possum. That's the post.

    6. Come to think of it a lot of hikers go missing around there and the ones that get away tell about being hunted by dark figures in robes.

    7. Lisa and Possum, thank you for this intel share. I will check out the link. This information is very important. We need to understand what may be behind some of these shocking events.

  2. Helene Help
    SGAnon ~ thread has lots of contact help info for supplies, missing people and areas to receive help or pitch in.

    To stay up to date on logistical help go to Pinball Preparedness' youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF-Ydcs_SHA&t=4s. PBP has a donation link as well as info on areas that need help and areas helping, etc. PBP is working with Patara a northern Tennessee homesteader I (Possum) am familiar with. What ticks me off is I have tried sharing this info on different themtube channels and it is deleted right away. Even if I don’t post a link and give enough info that people can find it.

    1. Samaritan's Purse is Franklin Graham's "charity," Billy Graham's son and Franklin is a pedo too. I don't trust it and I know a lot of people sending money to it. Franklin is the CEO and makes well over $300,000 a year salary from it.

    2. Thanks Possum - this information is very important and I appreciate you sharing it. The massive destruction is beyond comprehension and so tragic.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Sierra. It made me really sad that you removed my comment...

    3. Hi Torsten. If I removed one of your comments, it was an accident, honestly. Late last night I found a lot of comments that I needed to remove. I may have accidently removed one of yours during the purging. If so, I apologize. Your comments are always welcomed...!

  4. From a spiritual person who lives in NC, she suggested this org for donations, as they do good work for their communities in NC: https://dogwooddisasterrelief.org/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFqLG9leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHfAaBAxV2l6TvxgYRmlp06fHZiSHjP_h_DVzN-qdyGmq6i4n_P4PJi7b4g_aem_Z3CrNrPQ2v3w_KZaSKkn_g

    1. Posted on my TS and SGAnon's TS.

    2. Thanks Paula, blog readers can use this information to help out...

  5. On a totally different topic, yet so appropriate for right now too - listen to Jon Kahn's song: https://x.com/mrjondavid/status/1836456015996555634?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1836456015996555634%7Ctwgr%5E7240d0fbfc8f9a1cdca29dba8d5dd991c3cfd3ae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2024%2F10%2Fbreaking-singer-jon-kahns-tribute-president-trump-fighter%2F

    1. Thanks Paula, this song has become an anthem for we Light Warriors.

  6. I'm excited! Time seemed to keep looping for so many years. But now there are tons of endings in my dreams and in the physical. The road outside has been tore up and is getting repaved today. (A new path opening up!). A long beautiful summer has transitioned to fall and the last few veggies harvested. I hope to swim a few more times before the cold nights make it unpleasant. Feels like time to say goodbye, it's bittersweet. I don't have children but I imagine this is what it's like when one leaves the nest. Sorry to see them go, but knowing in your heart that it's time. The anticipation is thick. Really tough being present and patient right now!

    1. CC, I completely resonate with your comment. I feel exactly the same way. A lot of endings in my life too which can be hard to absorb when there are so many at once. Yet, I can see with each ending that the Universe has brought in a NEW person/situation to replace them. But yes, like you, I am finding it really tough to be present and patient right now. I am using all my spiritual strength and resources to get through this phase. You are not alone.

  7. I have to chuckle the galactics are up in their amazing ships shaking their heads..."we just don't understand why the humans aren't always happy and positive?" It's a lot like watching any sporting event from your living room cold drink in hand asking why the QB didn't throw the ball to that wide open receiver!!?? Because having played QB years ago in high school you can't always see that wide open receiver when there are forces coming at you wanting to rip your head off it's not always easy to relax and see the entire field! 😉

    1. I kind of hope some Galactics are reading this; they might learn something...🙃

    2. I love the analogy Doug, I'm sure there are plenty of befuddled E.T. "Monday Morning Quarterbacks". 🤣

    3. CC, thanks for the translation...! This Kiwi girl had no clue what QB stands for. I was waiting for someone to enlighten me.
      Great analogy, Doug. I love it...! We must keep our sense of humor to the forefront. It is one of our greatest weapons against the dark forces. Keep sharing, guys.

  8. The shelves around here are already becoming empty as people start to panic. And you are right about them lying to us. I wish I could send you the videos I've been seeing posted via TikTok (I don't have that, but I can view the videos) of all the bodies... and the smell... and FEMA actually threating to ARREST those who try to help anyone!!

    1. Debi, where do you live?
      Look at this proof of land grab: https://x.com/DonnaPrissyrn1/status/1840941031568916888

    2. Deb, my prayers for you and your family. I know you are well prepared after all these years but it is still very confronting to be in the center of such a big emergency. Please keep us informed. We need the TRUTH to get out.


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