Portal Entrance Discovered In Antarctica

Disclosure is underway in the MSM. Finally.

Check out this news article about a doorway/portal entrance that has been found in Antarctica via Google Maps - there is an accompanying video (17" video). Of course 'scientists' debunk it as 'conspiracy theories'.


Timely to include footage of images from a 1910 expedition behind the Antartica ice wall (six minute video). Please use your discernment, as always. However there are many videos like this online.


In other news...

Well, well, 17th October (love that date) is the Hunter's Full Moon. Remember this is the month of Red October, when the hunters become the hunted.


Wow, one brave pastor. We need more pastors like him speaking the TRUTH (1' 24" video).


James Rickards outlines how the Democrats will attempt to overturn the election when President Trump wins (10 minute video).


Speaking of our Commander-in-Chief, here is a peek into his military stronghold base deep inside Cheyenne Mountain. Fascinating footage (2' 41" video).


Interesting video about how scientists brain-washed monkeys in the 1960s as a precursor to MSM brainwashing of people today (1' 24" video).


I agree with this message. Listen to your heart/intuition in every situation.

I am ending with this quote from President Trump, our fearless tireless Commander. If it's good enough for him to sprint to the finish line without taking a break, then it's good enough for us too. Thanks for the re-post, Kat.


🦅🇺🇸🪖 10-14-24 President/CiC Trump w/@ BussinWithTheBoys
“I don’t want to really even think about it.
I work hard. I’m a hard worker. Always have been.
I’ve gone 36-days in a row with no rest.
We have 23-24 days left.
I don’t intend to take a day off.
You’re running for the President.. It’s an all-out sprint.
We’re sprinting to the finish line & we’re almost there.” 💪❤️

Hang in there, Light Warriors. Hang in there. No matter what you are currently going through - and many of us are experiencing very challenging situations - always remember you are not alone.

You are part of a magnificent grid of Light that encircles the planet. Tens of millions of us are holding the line right now on behalf of sleeping humanity.

We are the bravest of the brave. Our mission is spoken of in awed hushed tones among our friends Upstairs. We will always be known for our heroic mission to liberate Earth's humanity. 

Never forget it.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. The days keep melting away at breakneck speed. I'm just enjoying the simple things like the fall colors. The reds,yellows, greens, and oranges are showing up in fantastic combinations. Nature is always encouraging us. Saw a hawk close by circling today too. Like you say Sierra, we are VERY close now. Don't give up right before the miracle happens!♥️

    1. I love autumn/fall colors, CC. If you come to NZ in the future, make sure you visit in April. Queenstown/Wanaka area is stunning with the autumn colors, the mountains etc. A must see...!
      Yes, stick around for the miracle, friends. We are nearly there.

  2. Watermarked ballots .. I would like to see 2020 overturned to shock the world and the Brunson case brought to bear. I don't trust the DS to hand over power when Trump wins for the 3rd time they will claim it's been rigged or something. I was shocked they allowed him to be POTUS in 2016. No way they don now. Military will have to step in. This could be that moment

    1. The military is poised and ready to go worldwide, Doug. They just need our signal. LFG...!!!

    2. I give them my ok to act now 😉

  3. 👍🍁🍁🍁
    Our beautiful 400 mile Blue Ridge Parkway through the Appalachians where tourist come from all over to leaf peep every fall has been closed since Helene. Several spots have washed away and parts of the road is gone and down the side of the mountains. Several small businesses that depend on the parkway are hurting, having to close and letting their employees go. I wonder if part of it has to do with us hunkering down and staying put while we weather through the last part of the movie? There are warnings to stay away from crowded events because team dark might activate some more sleepers. Peace be with you all. 💗

    1. Interesting theory, Possum. Quite possible.
      Is that the Blue Ridge mountains as in John Denver's Country Roads song...? I adored that song as a teenager. It was my anthem for leaving home and hitting the road to travel the world...!

    2. Yup, that's where I live. 🏞🌄💗
      Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah River

    3. Yay....!! I will definitely have to come and visit, Possum. Awesome.

    4. I have many friends in that area. One owns/owned a coffeehouse in Weaverville just north of Asheville. All gone. It really is sad and unbelievable that such a beautiful area was destroyed like this. I'm in Georgia, at the very border of South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. Sierra you can visit me, too!!! Love and Light, Betsie

    5. MIRACLE!!! Just after I wrote the message above, I went to Facebook!! My friends in Weaverville posted that they are BACK IN BUSINESS. All Good Coffeehouse if anyone is in that area please visit them. They are the dearest and best people! I am overjoyed!!!!

    6. That is wonderful news Betsie. There are videos from good people that are showing the businesses that are open and the road work arounds to get there. The Army Corp of Engineers did not show up until the locals and skilled civilians started repairing the roads and some bridges. The private citizens are who have saved the survivors. The government thugs have been blocking and hindering everywhere. Now it appears that the feds are posing as fake militias causing trouble and the lame-stream news is saying the NG and military left because of the fake militias. The river is a toxic mess of fuel, nuclear waste, septic systems and dead beings. Several recovery dogs and other animals have died.
      I know there is hidden biological tech that can clean toxic waste up.
      I am looking forward for this to be over with and we can all have a good visit and not need planes to arrive.

    7. I hadn't thought about the leaves being ripped off the trees and swaths of trees down along the Blue Ridge Parkway in addition to the impassable roads. North of me is open where the parkway connects to Skyline Drive.

    8. I will definitely visit you too, Betsie...! Maybe you, me and Possum can meet up somewhere. What fun that would be...
      I am thrilled to hear the news of your friends coffee shop being open and back in business. There are amazing miracles happening right now all around us. Maybe we could meet at their coffeehouse...! Love, Light and hugs to you.

  4. Great news about the businesses opening...yes the rivers I bet are a mess. So we have feds posing as militia? Oh my.. are there actual gun battles as being reported by operation disclosure? I think sometimes OD gets a little too dramatic in their updates IMHO I rem years ago they reported trump would impose martial law back in 2018 nothing happened and a lot of their dates come and go so sadly not very credible but Judy Byington means well I think so I check it out. Nesara is always coming in a week that sort of thing ..my wife keeps telling me to stop following and this may take many more years..I see her or as I thought all this wld happen long before now...all the qhht videos ..cobra blog...all of it had pole shift in 2025 and the 3 ascension waves wld happen before 2025.
    Even Law of One had 2012 1st wave ..so it's a bit frustrating when David Wilcocks is now stating election will happen when all I heard from him for years was EBS and 10 days of darkness ...rambling here a bit but the hurricanes just killed a lot of people and I don't see how they raise our consciousness they do shine more light on the corrupt govt but we already know this and the sleepers and the like don't even talk about these events. Take care all...stay positive

    1. RRN has articles on the gun battles in Appalachia. The president and creator of Grind Stone Ministries quit FEMA after what he witnessed with Katrina. GSM is rocking the recovery efforts and giving up dates on logistics and some shenanigans. The latest news going around on different channels is that the goberment passed a new bill that allows our military to kill us. I wonder if that info is from team dark so civilians will be leary of the white hat military going after the team dark players???

    2. Yes, thanks Possum from me too. We appreciate you...!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Torsten, you are welcome to leave positive comments which support and uplift me and this community. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Sierra
      I wish you a beautiful day in spring time NZ. And an apologize to you🛸
      Love and light from DK🌞

    2. Torsten, Love and Light to you in Denmark....have a lovely evening.

  7. We have early voting starting today in Tennessee. Got to find time to get to the polls. Would prefer to do it now and not when things may get more chaotic.

    1. Here are some important pointers for voting...

    2. We are with you, Deb. Let's get this party started....!

    3. Someone from Tennessee in the comments on RRN said there have been no reports of foul play with voting so far in Tennessee.

    4. That's great news re the voting, Possum.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you.

  9. DOD in the US it appears has authorized deadly force against citizens. If the alliance is going to act I would suggest sooner than later. 🔨🔨🔨

    1. Doug, I am sure it is all under control. We need to consider the optics at this late stage in the game. Also, all souls who exit now - and many will - do so according to their soul contract. They fulfilled their role on Earth with honor.


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