QTSR: 'All DS Advanced Weapons Deployed...'

There is just one QTSR post for today, thanks Stephen.


I had warned you long ago these flares would hit in the moment.
Solar Flare: Radio Blackouts Hit US - Newsweek


We Light Warriors know exactly what is going on with the devastating hurricanes and flooding. Weather weaponry and the MSM are the only tools left in the [D]eep [S]tate tool kit. They are lashing out like dying cornered animals. They know there is no hope whatsoever of redemption for them - that ship has sailed.

Taiwan is the next target on the [D]eep [S]tate list. They are battoning down the hatches for incoming typhoon Krathon. It is painful to watch these events unfold, knowing the background. I am sure all of us Light Warriors are feeling helpless right now. We can only pray and get the TRUTH out there.


Video footage of the flooding devastation in North Carolina. Please pass this link on. I am speaking to people who still have no idea of the scale of the disaster (13 minute video).


This short video was filmed the moment a catastrophic flood of water hit Chimney Rock area in North Carolina, destroying everything in its wake (1' 13" video).


This blog will ensure that the TRUTH about the weather weaponry aftermath continues to be known.

Change of subject...

Q followers are familiar with these words. We have been waiting very patiently for the manifestation...'Saving Israel For Last.'

This post explains what Q meant by that potent phrase. We have finally arrived at the end point, Light Warriors. Q also said, 'The end won't be for everyone...' We need to brace ourselves for impact.


More on the Diddy story. It seems that JayZ is next to be outed. It cannot come soon enough. These evil creatures destroyed innocent young lives. Their legacy is heinous and vomitus.


Alexander Quinn's latest message resonates with me. I am sure you will relate too.

'Today, we experience the annular solar eclipse. While its visual effects may be limited to a few regions, its energetic influence will ripple across the globe. In our fast-paced modern lives, filled with distractions, we often lose the ability to truly sense the energies that reach our planet. Yet, if you can slow down, take a moment to breathe deeply, and clear your mind of illusions driven by ego, you might attune to the extraordinary, almost otherworldly energy this eclipse is generating. This is a time to anticipate endings—some abrupt, perhaps reflected in the news or within your personal circles. Imagine the symbolism of the World and Death cards in the Tarot, working in harmony but with energies beyond earthly vibrations. As an aside, the sun just unleashed another medium CME hours ago, turbocharging and exacerbating anything the mirroring is bringing you in this reality. And so, for many reasons, the next 48 hours, but particularly today, could feel quite extraordinary for many. I, for one, awoke this morning to the energies and did not feel I was on earth as I knew it...' (Alexander Quinn)

Finally, this quote is from the Apollo channeling in Valerie Donner's latest newsletter.


'...The Ascension Process is about paying attention, listening to your inner guidance, making conscious choices, clearing away fear, and knowing that this is the time that you are stepping into your mastery. You will be discovering new aspects of yourself and your abilities. You will be listening to your heart and following it...' (Apollo)

I agree. Ascension is a deeply personal experience and we need to stay closely connected to our Higher Self moment to moment. The intuitive messages are always there if we pay attention and listen to our inner guidance. 

I am constantly adjusting my routine and expectations throughout the day because everything is changing so rapidly. People are leaving my life...new people are coming in...plans are made...plans are changed..etc etc. All of this is occurring at a dizzying rate. 

Speaking of dizzy...my current Ascension symptoms include dizziness, sudden bouts of nausea, random stomach upsets, broken sleep, forgetfulness, increasing sense of surrealness. It's nutty!

My go-to for sanity restoration is walking by the sea. It always calms me, and for that I am very grateful.

On that note...my oracle card for today...Gratitude. Thanks to my daughter Liv for the lovely deck. I am grateful for her loving support.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Hi Sierra I'm not sure if you follow skye prince but she was doing a video today. She explained to us that according to higher dimensional beings events like this hurricane among others not to mention the jab are all part of major depopulation efforts because 3d is too heavy and the 5d can't come in yet. Not to say it won't happen but it kinda makes sense because both 3d and 5d would clash big time with each other.

    1. Scott, that is an interesting theory. It aligns with the regressions facilitated by Allison Coe and Dolores Cannon, where there are a LOT less people on Earth after the Event. It could be that those not ascending into 5D are leaving in these events according to their soul contracts. It makes sense. Thanks for sharing.

  2. "Buckle Up" never truer words spoken than now right! All weapons deployed but the Alliance has Space Force and other assets of needed we will take them all down foot on the head of the snake! NC and the devastation is heart wrenching for sure and I hear another storm is coming. I hope hope space force etc will stop this one! Iran launching missiles at Israel seems to be setting the stage for the near death event as all nations I am sure are in high alert! Era of Light KejRaj posted today..."We are in the storm" love and Light and Safety to all! You have all meant the world to me helping me as a place I could always come for like minded people and the ability to post and yes vent when needed! Not knowing how long we have the net up thank you all for the compadre and a safe place to post and yes vent at times as we moved thru this process over the last so many years. It's meant the world to me! πŸ•°️πŸ”¨πŸ•°️πŸ”¨πŸ•°️πŸ”¨

    1. Doug, I really appreciate your heart-felt gratitude for the blog community. Your steady contributions have enriched us all. Onwards and upward, my friend...!

  3. Thanks Sierra and I can't remember shit either. Hugs πŸ’—
    A lot of grid down spots today. People could not access their accounts at Bank of America and when they finally could view them, their accounts were zeroed out except for their debts. Hmmm...

    1. Hugs right back to you, Possum...! I look forward to giving you a hug in the physical.
      Yes, extremely interesting re the bank accounts. It sounds like the beginnings of the financial change-over being made public. At last...!!

    2. Lovely to hear from you, Betsie...!

  4. Thread:
    Something Evil Is Happening in North Carolina . . .

  5. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks so much, Caroline - Love and Light to you...!

  6. We need to remain calm and use our power. Remember after the New Orleans hurricane there was a worse one aimed at Houston, and the city was evacuated?
    Light Workers steered it away on a relatively benign course. So get to work, this is what we're here for..

    1. Down Under Druid...What great advice...! The combined power of Light Warriors around the world can achieve miracles. Thank you, from a fellow Down Under.

    2. Let's imagine that the thyfoon Krathon heading for Taiwan will be transformed to a mild breeze with summer rain. No more crazy wheather events. Enough is enough!πŸ•ŠπŸŒ¦

  7. The danish msm reported that early last morning at 3.20 am, two explosions were heard in Hellerup, not far from the embassy of Israel. Fortunately no one was hurt, but many woke up from their sleep and dogs started barking. The police said it was two handganates that exploded in the street. Later they captured three young men from Sweden, they believe were the ones who did it, at the central station. They say that the young men are part of a gang and had gotten the handgranates from from Iran. It was a violent episode when they dragged the three men out of a train heading to Germany, and many passengers were shocked when they witnessed it. The people at the israely embassy were shocked too, because of the situation in Israel.
    Crazy days...
    Love and light from 'over here'πŸŒ¦πŸŒ€πŸ¦§πŸ–

    1. Crazy days indeed, Torsten. We have to maintain situational awareness while also remaining calm and positive. Love and Light to you from night time NZ...!

  8. I have been asking my favorite tree friend to signal the other trees across the US to send light and healing to the areas affected by the hurricane, and to help wake people up to what’s going on there so they’ll send prayers and supplies. I know in my heart that all the trees around the world can talk to each other through the core of Mother Gaia, so I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask if my tree friend would be willing to help out.

    1. Thank you! πŸŒ³πŸŒ²πŸŒ΄πŸ’—

    2. This is such an amazing story. When things get tough, Patriots show up!!!

    3. Anael, what a beautiful idea. I love it...! Also, we could add the birds because I am sure they all talk to each other too. It is a chain of Love and Light around the world.
      And thanks for the link, Possum, I will check it out...

    4. Anael, tree hugging done, Thank You. A little owl came for a visit today, the birds seem to watch me out of curiosity and I, them. Solace in a crazy world.

    5. Possum, I used your Patriots video in today's post. It is awesome, thanks...!

  9. In the last 48 hours we've had an X class solar flare of 7.1 and 9.0 about 3 hrs ago. The 25th and 15th biggest in the last 30 years! If you're feeling super dizzy/spacey and electronics malfunctioning that may be why. Keep them coming Source! Fry all the nasty out of us and Gaia!🌞πŸ”₯🐦‍πŸ”₯πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸ˜

    1. Kerry K ~ Timeline Hijacking Attempt (A DAY OUT OF TIME)

    2. I was out in the sunshine during the 9.0 solar flare. Clear blue sky with white lamb clouds and some of them looked like cloudships. Don't know if there are cloudships around here, but it would be nice. I even saw a dragonfly againπŸŒ€πŸŒžπŸ•ŠπŸ›ΈπŸ–

    3. Torsten, the best way to spot cloud ships....If you see a big long or oval cloud that is dark in the middle, look around the sky. If there are no other clouds that are of a similar shape and size, then it is most likely a cloud ship. Good luck spotting them...!

    4. CC, that explains my sudden unpleasant dizzy turn last night. NOT fun. You are right - bring it on and sizzle the nasties on this planet...!
      Possum, thanks for the link to Kerry K's video, she is on my list to watch today.

    5. Thanks Sierra for the advice on cloudships. I think that many of the clouds I saw today could have been cloudships. Love and light from night time DK☁️πŸ›Έ

  10. Replies
    1. You are very welcome, Maximino. Thank you...!


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