QTSR Telegram Post...And More...

Here is the QTSR Telegram post for 17th October. Thanks, Stephen.

As the EXPOSURE of Diddy and EPSTEIN moves RAPIDLY closer keep your eyes on celebrities leaving the United States. ..

BEHIND THE SCENES>]; In the UK private investigations are happening connected to the music industry
( This means... In DUE TIME the U S. Music industry corruption and human trafficking sex Networks is going to cross with UK entertainment industry... And EU entertainment industry....I have told you these events were going to happen and sealed indictments are happening abroad... Timing is everything)

It's very unfortunate lots of deaths. Accidents and suicides ( staged) will happen in this time as deep state will start trying to silence witnesses and celebrities.
Try this word Scrabble


A media poll among early voters could not unearth a single vote for [K]amala. Hilarious (1' 25" video).


Another humorous interlude - enjoy (24" video).


I borrowed this meme from Starship Earth's latest newsletter. Thanks, BP.


Some words of wisdom from my friend Walt.

'Right now we are at the skinny end of things. We need to focus on authenticity and positivity. We need to be running on our FEELINGS, not the visuals...'

Walt is right. People will show their true colors now. You will clearly see who is the real deal - authentic - and who is faking it. Even Light Warriors can come in 'attractive packaging' (that phrase from my friend Emma). In other words, they look and act the part. But if you listen carefully to your intuition you will sense that something is not authentic about them. Trust your gut every time.

I have had a busy day so I will keep this post short. I want to go for a walk to shake off the busyness.

Humor is one of our greatest allies in this final stage of the battle, Light Warriors. Keep smiling, and if you get a good belly laugh every day, even better.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. πŸ›ΈπŸŒžπŸ•ŠπŸ–
    Love and light

  2. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    1. Thanks 'Myrtle'...lovely to hear from a fellow Kiwi....!

  3. UK singer Liam Payne dead at 31 after falling from hotel balcony.


    1. I saw that Aidan. Very sad. It has a DS signature about it, unfortunately.

  4. Even Light Warriors can come in 'attractive packaging' I know exactly what this means from hearing individuals, even professionals in Earth systems use the right jargon yet something is amiss. My attention is grabbed, yet the individual shows their true colours by their actions or they add some mind programming in to influence you. Love that we have truth “radar”. πŸ˜‡

    1. For example, individuals/groups that describe themselves as 'financial wayshowers' then continue to beg for 'donations & subscriptions' month after month, year after year. Nudge nudge wink wink.

    2. Indigo and Aidan, I was alerted to the wolf in sheep's clothing aspect of the 'spiritual community' decades ago. There were famous gurus traveling around gathering fans everywhere they went - some of them were sexual predators, preying on vulnerable people. I have never followed/worshipped a guru during my entire 40 year spiritual awakening. I am so pleased I learned that lesson early on.

  5. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Lovely to see your happy purple hearts on this grey rainy day. Thanks Caroline...!

  6. Masks off πŸŽ­πŸ‘Ί
    Cheers to our intuitive knowing. πŸ’—

    1. I agree, Possum. Our intuitive knowing is our armor as we hold our swords of TRUTH high.

  7. There must be many musicians in the UK that are working for the cabal. In the 1960's many british artists went to perform in America and the music business called it 'the british invasion'. People were to think that this motto was just a smart thing to say and were to buy the records from UK, but the cabal was behind it so they could do a lot of manipulation to the young generation in America to disturb people's thoughts, and of course to make money. Always the same pattern. It happened in Europe too. There are many good musicians that couldn't make a career because of all this cabal-show and have to play their music in the shadow of the cabal's music industry with their stadium concerts and celebrity 'culture'. I hope to see a positive change thereπŸ€”
    Love and light..πŸ–

    1. Yes, Torsten I concur and the cabal changed the frequency to disrupt. Although some good lyrics and songs made it through back then. 20 years ago "MegaUpLoad" was a website that bypassed the cabal so musicians could promote and own their music. The cabal couldn't have that and made sure MegaUpLoad was permanently squashed. Lately I have been thinking that the classical masters were Tartarian. Hmmmm...

    2. I have read about JS Bach that he used to leave this comment on his compositions: 'Not me, but God', by which he meant, that he didn't compose the music, he just wrote it down, as if it was already there 'upstairs'. That's a fine way of making music...

    3. Torsten, many of the great composers came in with their gifts from a young age. They were resuming their brilliant music careers from past lives. Music is a huge aspect of life Upstairs. It will be wonderful when REAL music returns to Earth in 5D.

  8. Simon Cowell

    Yes to secure game and fortune ie the silver, one could choose this path. Justin Bieber is singing Christian songs now and songs about his loneliness I wonder where were his parents during all this he was a kid in the music industry easy prey.
    Well QStormRider likes to repeat how he told us all about coming events we shall see if election happens as this source is very adamant about how they were in the know and have been telling us .
    Should be interesting as we have only what 19 days till Nov 5th.

    1. Yes, Doug, Simon Cowell. I didn't want to give it away in the post...!
      Justin Bieber is one of countless young innocent people whose lives were destroyed by the [s]atanic entertainment industry. The truth will pour out in a tsunami and humanity will be sickened to their core. It needs to happen. Love and Light to you in Idaho. I hope the weather is better there than it is here...


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