Shining The Light Of Hope

I am opening this post with positive stories about two beacons of Light in the Alliance operation. 

Light Warriors, right now we need to take every opportunity to shine the Light of hope for humanity. Currently life is extremely tough for millions of people. They may have lost hope. We Light Warriors are the Light that shines in the darkness and uplifts them.

A huge beacon of Light is Robert Kennedy Junior. He was interviewed by Roseanne Barr. If you ever feel doubtful about the Alliance operation, watch this video over and over. RFK Jr is one heck of a secret weapon against the [D]eep [S]tate. He has infiltrated it to the highest level. Q: 'We have it all...' (13 minute video).

Another beacon of Light...

James O'Keefe, fearless TRUTH journalist, has produced a movie about child sex trafficking - 'Line In The Sand'. It premieres on 10th October. 

As Alex Jones says in this video about the movie, he is full of admiration for brave Light Warriors like Tucker Carlson and James O'Keefe (and of course, yourself, Alex). We Light Warriors must stand tall and strong beside these heroes. We Are In This Together (23 minute video).

And, of course, there is one of the biggest beacons of Light on the planet right now - President Trump. This article outlines the formidable weight of military and security backing him.

Eric Trump dropped massive TRUTH bombs on the Hannity Show about the devastation in North Carolina. This is a must watch. There is extensive footage of the incomprehensible damage. Where is the money to fix it...? (Watch Eric from 16 minutes on video).

Colonel Douglas MacGregor (retired) made a scathing statement aimed at 'the President' (Harris) about the lack of federal support for the North Carolina flood victims. He doesn't pull any punches. He shared the heart-rending information that people in North Carolina are so desperate, they are contemplating suicide. No hope. Please help this video to go viral (5' 50" video).


I needed more background information to the heart-breaking Hurricane Helene aftermath. So I went to Dolores Cannon's work. This is an excerpt from her book 'The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth' (published 2011)...

D: Then you do see more turbulence happening...'

S:  Those in power are not near done with their strategies. They will cause many more events. And there will be other events, natural causes. So the chaos is much larger than we envisage in isolated cases...'

(Regarding Ascension, which might help to explain the large scale loss of life at present...)

D: I have heard that not everyone will make the transition...

S: Everyone will be given the opportunity. Whether they can hold that vibration or not is up to them individually. There will be no judgment made on them. They will simply be able to hold the energy, or not. But none will be destroyed...they will be placed in an appropriate place for the vibration they are emitting...'

Finally, I left this response to a blog comment regarding the suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene...

'...I too find it hard to accept that so many have to suffer. I can only conclude that these disasters are the vehicle for many souls to depart the Earth plane before Ascension. There are no random pointless acts in the Universe. We can only pray for those brave souls and honor their sacrifice...' (Sierra)

Ironically, as I wrote this post, heavy rain has been falling here. There is currently extensive flooding in the southern area of NZ. It seems that few countries are escaping the final (fruitless) attempts of the DS to maintain control.

Keep up the prayers, my friends. 

Sending our Love and Light to the suffering people on this planet is an act of service we can all do, at anytime.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Thanks for all the inspiration Sierra. It's taking a lot out of us holding space/Light while the dark collapses. I hope they don't have any ammo left and just go out with a whimper and a wet fart. A bike ride didn't help like it usually does so I went to the beach. A cold dip in the lake and laying in the sun helped. Felt good to surrender and just breathe. I looked up and saw my 2 eagle friends again! They were way up there soaring/circling on the thermal updrafts. I could barely make out their white tail feathers glinting off the sun. How I wish I could join them ...πŸ¦…πŸ¦…♥️

    1. CC, how wonderful that your eagle friends came back. It feels as if they are watching over you. Yes, it would be amazing to fly free like them right now.
      The beach is always healing for me too. Thank goodness it is just five minutes walk away from my house.
      Love the 'whimper and wet fart'. Some of your expressions are SO funny...! I am sure you have a book in you.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Possum...! Hugs to you - I have been very grateful for all your contributions in the comment section.

  3. Elon Musk has went viral on X speaking to how FEMA is stopping people from helping people in NC that are in need. Listened to a local pilot he was told to stop rescuing. People describing loud sounds before hillsides collapsed so clearly tech was being used. People reporting babies floating down the rivers along with adults, dogs and other animals. I ascribe to the bief now bad things just happen to good people in a 3D matrix. It's duality and the dark are killing people to create chaos and despair. If this is allowed to continue further then yes few will ascend.
    Anything is possible they have earthquake weapons ...DEWs name it. Not sure how a near death scenario will play out as it appears it could be quite real for many. The left are still fast asleep even with this most recent FF nothing seems to work for those we know. Hoping others are waking up. ❤️πŸ•―️

    1. Doug, I believe these shocking events WILL awaken a significant number of people on the planet. I think it was Q who said that people are only willing to change when they are standing on the precipice, about to fall. We are there now. Love and Light to you in Idaho.

    2. I would agree judging by my own siblings radio silent on NC head in the sand totally. My only concern is the impact on the collective vibration dropping hard. We shall see.

    3. Listen to this thread of Alexa telling the real truth about Helene...

  4. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks Caroline, always a joy to see your lovely purple hearts...!

  5. Julian Assange: "Concrete barricades have been erected around the White House so that the detonation explosion (when the White House is blown up) will not be transmitted to the street and the surrounding area. Soon 34 well-known satanic buildings around the world will be blown up as a symbol of freedom and the end of the war against the evil globalists of the Deep State."

    1. Captain Kyle: "There is going to be a big biblical scenario where they make out it’s WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luciferian landmarks; the White House, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like."

    2. This video shows the fence around the White House.
      "Fences and construction outside of the White House for the next six months." penguinsix

    3. Thanks Wayne. The destruction of the 34 [s]atanic buildings around the world will be a huge victory for the Light. And a massive wake-up call for humanity.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Yes indeed terrible things have happened in and below those 34 locations raze.them! πŸ”¨

  6. It was such a beautiful sunshiine outside and almost no wind, so I went on my bike over to my veggie garden. There are two hokkaidos lying on the ground not much bigger than tennis balls. I still hope they will get their full orange color so I can pick them before the frosty nights come. I layed on the grass in the warm sun and was in the moment, just being present in nature and listened to the small birds that enjoyed the sunshine too. Later I mowed the grass and when I sat on the chair I felt the little dragonfly landing on my hand and it flew away again, so I didn't get a chance to see it. It was a very soft sensation when it touched my hand, as if it said, 'hello, I'm still here, just relax and enjoy your life'
    Love and lightπŸŒ€πŸŒžπŸ–

    1. Beautiful share, thanks Torsten. It's about the simple pleasures in life, in nature. Love and Light from night time NZ.

  7. Awesome!!!
    Local Sheriffs have threatened to arrest FEMA workers if they hinder rescue and aid work...

    1. Ariel:

    2. I saw that post, Possum. It is excellent news...! The tide is finally turning. Bring it on...!!

  8. Change of subject...
    I came across an old, probably ancient irish song. With celtic lyrics, so you won't understand a word of it, but the melody is...beautiful:
    Kathleen Macinnes
    'Jimmy Mo Mhile Stor'

    1. Real music played by real people on real instruments

    2. The song can give a glimpse of how music was like in ancient times. The celtic language is very old. The english cabal has worked hard on surpressing it in Ireland for many centuries forcing the irish people to only speak english. Perhaps this language was spoken in the days of Lemuria, and the melody could be from those days too.
      Love and lightπŸ•ŠπŸŒž

    3. Torsten, I love Celtic music. I have Scottish heritage. My favorite group for many years was 'Celtic Women'. Gorgeous women with beautiful voices. Totally 5D.

  9. Thank you Sierra, it's always good to hear from you. Sending ALL Love n Light: The Light is Winning!

    1. Thank you Sunny, I really appreciate your kind feedback. And yes, definitely, The Light IS Winning..!

  10. Do you think we could ask everyone who reads this blog to post 1-3 things that they envision the New Earth to look like? That way, we can help inspire and spread those visions far and wide.

    1. Hi's a lovely idea. However if everyone posted it would be over 5000 comments...! Maybe just a handful. I agree - we need to be inspirational and positive and spread the message.


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