The Horrifying Truth About North Carolina

This is one of the most important videos I have posted for a long time. 

A young woman is leading a big rescue operation in North Carolina. She takes seven minutes out of her tight schedule to alert the world to the TRUTH about the horrifying death toll in NC. TEN THOUSAND body bags are not enough. There are HUNDREDS of bodies in each little town.

This beautiful soul must be traumatized by what she has seen yet she plows on. The least we can do is take seven minutes of our day - yes, watch the whole video - then help it to go viral. There is a massive MSM cover-up operation taking place over this genocide. The TRUTH must get out (7 minute video).

Speaking of cover-up operations, here is another brave soul working to get the TRUTH out to the world about the Pfizer genocide. Take the time to read Naomi Wolf's article about the new book: The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity. This powerful book has the potential to awaken millions of people. Please help the link to go viral.

Starship Earth re-posted this post from Santa Surfing about the US election. Great theory. Why not...?

Why? Something just hit me...
Because dead people and illegals don't get mail in ballots and if a HUGE majority of early voting ballots are in...can an election get called on or before Nov 5?

Let's say 90% of registered voters, Voted Early for Trump! Then there is no room for last minute dirty plays by the Dems! Nor will election fraudsters, re-do their Registered Voter rolls. Could the election could get called with 90% of Early Votes in? And it's mailed in, so it's a manual count!

It only takes ten seconds to summarize the TRUTH about [K]amala Harris's chance of being elected. (10" video).

This video presents compelling evidence of weather manipulation over Texas (2' 37" video).

Some humor from our Commander-in-Chief to brighten your day. Enjoy (22" video).

Yep, that's what I do.

That's it for today, friends. I will leave you with a crystal ball reading from one of my favorite readers, Izabela. Her predictions for the immediate future are fascinating. If you don't want to learn about the crystal balls, fast forward to where she starts the reading at ten minutes (33 minute video).

Many intel providers are talking about 'war coming...' Izabela refers to it in her crystal ball reading. It will not be a real war - it will have the appearance of war.

Q drops stated that humanity would need to be taken to the brink of extinction before people would find the willingness to change. We are there.

Stay calm and positive. Support each other, whether a phone call or by leaving a comment on this blog. We are in this together to the end, Light Warriors. Victory parties await...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. That cannot be the original Chuck Schumer at the press corp dinner because that guy was cracking up most of the time while Trump was roasting them. The old Chucky blocked Trump in every way he could and probably behind early assassination attempts when Trump was in office.
    These guys are rockin it in East Tennessee and Western NC. Bear quit FEMA after Katrina and Billy has helped a great deal with logistics and the farmers and food prep, etc. Billy explains in this video about the organic biological clean up methods he is working on with others in that field. There is a tremendous amount of toxins that has killed recovery dogs, other animals and people and horses are very sick.
    Uncovering the Real Truth: What REALLY Happened in Western North Carolina | Bear Independent & Billy...
    I think many have decided to vote early because the cabal is acting so crazy and dangerous and people are unsure what they might try to keep the polls hard to get to on Nov 5th.
    Thank you Sierra. Hugs 💗

    1. Thanks for your share about Bear and Billy, Possum. Much appreciated. I will check out the link. Love and Light.

  2. MTG reporting early voting is being messed with .. still dominion voting machines ..let's hope there is no election as they will steal it or not certify of course it all a movie so whatever I just want the ebs and disclosure

    1. Doug, what happens leading up to 5th November is anyone's guess. Always fun to speculate, my friend...!

  3. Two quick things. First, when I clicked on the crystal reader video, the first thing I heard her say was she saw a vortex... and the video next to that video was saying "This Hurricane Just Took a Shocking Turn" (looking like it's aimed in the same direction as Helene and Milton). Freaky.

    And secondly, just yesterday my friend was saying that she wondered if voting early would thwart the bad guys' plans for cheating somehow. So the 3 of us voted!

    1. Deb, there are lots of interesting synchronicities like that happening lately. It's fun...!
      Early voting is going to be a game changer, I believe. Well done for voting early, Deb.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ezra Cohen who D Wilcock looks to posted on telegram "war is coming" could be the long awaited near death experience ..listen to me...I am expecting and wanting a NDE?

    1. I saw that post, Doug. He posted 'War is coming...' 17 times. That's an interesting number....

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline...! Hugs to you - your loyal support for this blog is much appreciated.


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