US Catholics Urged To Re-elect President Trump

Hugely impressive move from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. He is urging American Catholics to re-elect President Trump as a 'moral imperative'. There are 71 million Catholics in America. It is the largest Christian denomination.

The MSM is now hollering the TRUTH about [B]iden in big bold headlines. It is obvious that the Alliance is forcing them to report the truth, in order to wake up people at the last minute. Will it work...? Time will tell.

This is quite a revelation. There has been meddling in the US election by representatives of the UK Labour Party - they have been campaigning for [K]amala.

Further information about the arrest of Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries on sex trafficking charges. The DS House of Cards is collapsing rapidly.

Eduardo Verastegui, producer of child-trafficking movie Sound Of Freedom, endorsed President Trump in this stirring speech. A must watch (1' 37" video).

I will leave it to this Anon make the announcement...

Let the liberal heads explode and the left-wing media meltdown begin! Joe Rogan is set to interview Donald Trump on October 25th, and it’s guaranteed to break the internet. This is the moment everyone’s been waiting for, and you can already hear the panic from the other side. Buckle up, because this is going to be huge!

Thanks to Maria for these three cool memes. Keep laughing, Light Warriors. It is our secret weapon against the [D]eep [S]tate.

That's it for me today, friends. Today's post is later than usual. I had a busy day.

There is a lot of buzz about the imminence of the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System). It certainly pays to be prepared anyway during this tumultuous time. We know that coming days/weeks have the potential to be very volatile indeed.

We are READY.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. As of a few days ago 180,000 Amish are voting for Trump and most likely more than that. Two young Amish woman were being interviewed and asked why they were voting for Trump and they knew quite a bit and said Biden is the DS. Incase people are not familiar with the Amish and the Mennonites they live off grid, farm, sell their organic farm products and never involved themselves in politics and that included not voting. The DS has been harassing their businesses pretty bad and put some out of business.
    Thanks again Sierra! 💗

    1. The Amish are awesome - and they have been big fans of President Trump for a long time. They would be among the healthiest people in USA.
      You are very welcome, Possum...!

    2. Woohoo Mennonites! Although not one, my mother's (persecuted)lineage is from them. They truly do stand for freedom, peace and in a pure form is a pretty interesting concept. The persecuted part is likely why they are engaging in the vote, they know a lot about that. Modern Mennonites are the more liberal version of the Amish, live in cities & towns just like everyone else and the Amish are the off grid folks, just stricter adherence to the word.
      Nice to see them getting some press.

    3. NineOH, I hope the Mennonites get their chance to shine in the new 5D Earth. They are a wonderful role model for how humanity can live in peace and plenty.

  2. Meanwhile; changes of biblical proportions have taken place in the desert. - ("Tea in the Sahara" anyone?) :
    (click on the image for photo series). --- I'm not a religious person; but a quick google search finds that Isaiah 41:18 tells us that "I will turn the desert into a pool of water"...... - Biblical indeed......

    1. Finn, many channeled messages from decades ago foretold the greening of the deserts. It is part of the new 5D Earth.
      Matthew Ward's book with Suzy 'Revelations For a New Era', page 304...'The vast deserts will become arable...'
      It is happening...! So exciting.

  3. Sure alot of chatter now on operation disclosure , Mr Pool .. Shadow of Ezra . D Wilcock and QStormRider ...near death event and EBS before Nov 5. Makes sense dominion machines changing votes as predicted. Same dirty system. We used to use punch cars system the cards were loaded into a machine and counted ..we went to humans counting totally backwards least here in Idaho

    1. The EBS chatter is getting very loud, Doug. I always say, 'Where there is smoke there is fire...' If we Light Warriors are prepared, we can just sit back now.

  4. BREAKING NEWS! Caution ~ Niburian Council EXPOSES Shocking US Presidential Election Prediction & Civil War.
    My take is this is to help people be patient and stay calm in the last piece of this struggle. We can do it! 💗

    1. Thanks for sharing, Possum, I will check it out later. Much appreciated...!

  5. 💜💜💜💜💜

    1. Thank you Caroline, I so appreciate your cheery purple hearts.


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