Visit From A Starship

There is no new intel today and no QTSR so this will be a personal update.

Last night I went outside late and made an impassioned plea to my Galactic friends to visit me. It has been weeks since I saw a flash of light. Yesterday I read a channeled message that said, 'We are in your skies, if you ask to see us we will show ourselves to you...'

...And that is exactly what they did. Suddenly there was a brilliant flash of white light in the sky right above me. Pure joy! The ship continued to flash every few seconds for several minutes.

There was a difference with this sighting compared to the hundreds I have had over the last twelve years - the ship was not travelling across the sky while it flashed. It was stationary. It felt like a 'date' as opposed to just signalling to me as they passed by. I love that change.

Honestly, there is nothing like a visit from our Galactic friends to relieve the monotony of mission work on this planet. It reminds me why I am here. 

I am not a 3D person living in a 3D neighborhood surrounded by 3D people doing 3D activities, eg mowing lawns, washing cars and watching television.

I am a multi-dimensional Galactic being. I am working undercover on Earth to liberate humanity from millennia of enslavement by the dark forces. 

My work here MATTERS. And so does yours, Light Warrior.

Hold your Sword of TRUTH high. It will be needed in weeks to come.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Here here Sierra! Hugs πŸ’—
    Strange phenomenon in the skies all over the world

    1. Thanks for sharing, Possum, I look forward to it. And hugs back to you....!

  2. I will try that .used tonight as I haven't seen any ships either lately normally I see them zig zagging in the sky ..stopping etc. It's clear they are not satellites.
    "And the stars in the sky will all fall down to the earth." Something to that effect. πŸ˜‰
    A lot of expectations are being talked about now Q deltas being met election just a couple weeks away now..NCSWIC πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨

    1. Yes, you can tell starships from satellites when you get used to star gazing. It takes practice...! And of course if we are not out there looking up, they can't come and visit...

  3. From the book, "Letters From Home Volume One" by Tuieta

    Monka: "Greetings and blessings to you dear sister. We have felt of your energies as you gaze upon the stars. We have come as emissaries of distant galaxies. We have come as neighbors from the planets within your galaxy. We come to offer assistance that those of you of Earth might close of this cycle, to rise into the next dimension, that the closing might be one of beauty, and the beginning of the next shall be one of joy and harmony. This is our purpose in being with you. This is our joy in service. We of the fleet stand ever ready to assist you."

    1. Thank you so much, Wayne. I love these quotes from Tuieta. They always uplift me.

  4. ThankyoumuchSierra🌟

    1. You are very welcome Caroline, lovely to hear from you.

  5. Sierra, your positive approach in helping Terra ascend to 5D is inspiring and appreciated. Sometimes part of that approach includes recognizing evil behavior.

    The following was discovered a little late for yesterdays post, so I am sharing it in today's post. It appears that the weather engineered Hurricane Helene may be just a cover for the deliberate opening of the floodgates on three different dams in Western NC and eastern Tennessee. If so, that would be malice aforethought by our foreign owned, for-profit, governmental services corporations, and their hired subcontractors like DHS and FEMA.

    Love and Blessings to the families of tens of thousands of victims who may have been sacrificed in the name of lithium profits.

    1. Thank you for sharing this link Ephew. I had read this information too. What an incomprehensible act of evil. TRUTH will prevail. It will be known and their lives were not lost in vain. Love and Light to you.

  6. Here is a better quality video/audio:

  7. Oh, Sierra....last night I saw the same kind of white light pulsating up in the sky, thank you for telling us of your sighting. I talked to them and thanked them for appearing! I had a magical day yesterday.....a client gave me a check for $4,000 saying how much our sessions meant to her. I was so thankful it means I can get some things done that I have put off for a long time. It takes the pressure off me. Every day I read all your posts and comments.....even if I don't respond I'm grateful to all of you for wonderful insights. Love and Light, Betsie

    1. Wow, Betsie, that gift of abundance is so beautiful....! You deserve it, enjoy. Having financial pressure removed is a God-send. I am very happy for you. Love and Light to you. And happy star-gazing....!

  8. Thanks for sharing your experience Sierra. I've seen ships slow/speed up lately but not flash or "power up" like you saw! Our Star family misses us. I hope we get to reunite soon!πŸ₯°πŸ›Έ

    1. CC, what a lovely way to put it - our Star family misses US, as well as us missing them. Thank you for that reminder. Yes, reunion soon please...!

  9. Replies
    1. You are very welcome, Maximino. Love and Light to you.


    1. Thanks for sharing Ignas, I will check it out...


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